Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3516: Ice Dragon

The latest website: This cultivation method from Xiao Hua, although the name is still Hun Yuan Qi Xu Zhang, but the content in it has long gone beyond the Hun Yuan Qi Xu Zhang, and it can even be said to be a brand-new cultivation method. Wen Qu did not take a closer look. , Because the exercises inside are too mysterious, it is impossible for Wenqu to comprehend it without a certain amount of time.

But Wenqu knew in his heart that since Xiao Hua passed it to him, he must be able to practice, and Wenqu has also been to the Fragment of the Primordial God Realm, knowing that fluctuation is the foundation of upper realm cultivation, and he can control fluctuations in the Dragon Realm. The method of cultivation, not to mention the third rank and ninth stage of Taiqing Tianxian, even cutting three flowers can definitely be achieved!

"Daoyou Xiao is really a man of God~"

Wenqu sat down cross-legged and began to fully comprehend the exercises before he said with emotion, "Everyone thought he was in trouble, and when we were waiting for our help, he was actually in retreat, and he also comprehended such exercises. , In the future, who would dare to say that there is a secret realm that traps Xiao Daoyou in this world, Xiao Sheng must be the first to be anxious with him!"

Poor Xiao Hua, obviously trapped in the ancient dragon's body, was imprisoned by Lin Huan and had to start training from the lowest-level knotted dragon, and even encountered life and death risks repeatedly in various trials, waiting anxiously. Wenqu brought Zhuxianying and even the good luck disciples to rescue him. If he heard Wenqu's emotion, he would surely jump into thunder.

It's a pity, not to mention that Xiao Hua is thunderous. It is very rare for him to get out of the frozen pool.

"Why is it so cold~"

Xiao Hua looked at the ice in the pool, and the cyan texture on it was like a fairy talisman. He couldn't help but smack his lips secretly, "The poor dragon is not afraid, can the soul not resist freezing so much?"

Xiao Hua has desperately used Long Xuan's method, but the surface of the soul is still like pool water, covered with cyan texture. If there is not a strong white light in the soul, Xiao Hua believes that it will definitely be in his own soul. Frozen.

"It's really weird~"

Xiao Hua was really puzzled by this scene, "Even if the dragon soul of Pang Dao is not the body soul, but it has been tempered for a long time, why is it still vulnerable?"

Previously, Xiao Hua’s ancient dragon’s body was attacked. The soul that suffered the most damage was the soul, not the dragon body. Xiao Hua thought that the soul and the dragon body could not fit together, but Xiao Hua has now cultivated to the Golden Immortal Nine Lights Dragon, how could the soul be? Doesn't fit the dragon body?

Besides, the dragon body of the ancient dragon is so powerful, how can it not protect the dragon soul?


Xiao Hua looked at the pale halo within the dragon soul and the pitch black within the core, and said secretly, "How to refine them is the root!"

Ever since Xiao Hua got this thing in "Qidan", he has been doing sacrifices like the blood of Xiao Hua, but unfortunately, this thing is the same as the blood of Xiao Hua. At this time, Xiao Hua looked like awe The sea, no matter how the sacrifices are made, is not rare, and the dragon body of the ancient dragon is really abnormal, and there is no special change.


Xiao Hua checked his cultivation again. Seeing that everything was normal, she sighed, "I am afraid that the poor Dao is too impatient. How long? If the poor path continues this way, there will be hidden dangers that will be fueled by the seedlings."

After receiving his thoughts, Xiao Hua looked at the vast sky beyond Long Yuan, and smiled in his heart: "Long Yuan has been flying in the air for a long time, and he can't see the mainland at all. It seems that this dragon field is the same as the dragon field space of the poor road. It's a big difference again!"

"Pan Dao thinks that the seven realms should be centered on the earth. After all, the space of Pang Dao is developed with the center of the earth as the core. But from the situation in the Dragon Region, Pang Dao is still a bit short-sighted."

"My human race walks on the earth with two legs, lives on the earth, and can not live without the land, but the dragons are different. They can belong to the sky or the sea. But unfortunately, they don’t belong. The land, so the Dragon Region is not necessarily centered on the mainland."

"Len Zhenren previously gave the map of the Dragon Realm of Pandao. The structure of the Dragon Region is "Seven Seas, Nine Heavens and Five Continents, Qianshan, Eight Forbidden and Six Chi Yuans". Pandao thinks that the Dragon Region is based on the five continents. Forbidden Nine Days are all around the mainland. Now it seems that Nine Heavens and Seven Seas are the center, and the Five Continents and so on are the subordinates!"

"Now what kind of'Kuhu' Ao Sheng is going to, this'Kuhu' is also weird. Peng Dao previously tried to call out in dragon language, but what came out was not a silhouette of light and shadow, but a faint sound. This sound is like noise, and it is also like I really don’t understand the sound of the sea!"

"It seems extremely far away from'Gdan' to'Kuhu'. In order to hide the eyes and ears of the dragon, Ao Sheng did not rely on the'cable', but only relied on the dragon to fly. I don't know how long this flight will take. Fortunately, with this time, Pang Dao finished the revision of Wenqu's Hunyuanqi Void Chapter, but it is a pity that Pang Dao can't perceive the space now, and can't give this brand new Hunyuanqi Void Chapter to Wenqu."


Thinking of Wenqu, Xiao Hua smiled bitterly at the pale blue dragons around him hanging in the sky like ice, sighing in his heart, "Pan Dao was kind to coax fellow Wenqu Dao friends to come to Dragon Realm, but Pang Dao I never thought that the Dragon Region could be so dangerous. If the Wenqu Daoist came to the Dragon Region, his strength would be a big loss!"

When Xiao Hua thought to himself, Long Nian had already rushed across the dragons diagonally.

The dragon here is indeed different from the usual. It is thick and cold. Every time the dragon flies for 100,000 miles, Qinglong has to urge the dragon to drive away the cold, and his sense of dragon can't be released too far, not to mention the space is covered. Frozen, this ice dragon alone can block the sense of Long.

But even so, Qinglong still urged the dragon to move forward with all his heart, because he knew that this was the closest way to "Liuhu", and the dragon tracking Ao Sheng was absolutely unexpected.


I don’t know how long it took, UU reading suddenly there was a wind in the sky, although the wind was small, but when he heard Qinglong’s ears, he looked happy and said in a low voice: "Young Master Ao, it’s almost'biao biao'. !"


Ao Sheng's voice was a little trembling, and he urged, "Hurry up and fly out of this ice cloud, your dragons are too bad, you don't even have a defensive dragon formation, and those little dragons are going to be frozen to death!"


Qinglong was also a little embarrassed, and said with a smile, "Master Ao don't worry, right now..."

Qinglong never finished speaking, "Om~" In the ice pool where Ao Sheng was located, a red flame flashed, and the flame was so powerful that it actually shattered the ice pool.

Qinglong was shocked and hurriedly looked at Ao Sheng.

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