Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3517: Absolutely secret

"Is there something urgent?"

Ao Sheng frowned and looked at Qinglong Dao, "Let go of Long Yin!"


Qinglong didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly gave up control of Long Nian.

"Boom boom boom~"

In an instant, the dragon screamed, and the red flames in the Ao Shengbing pool burst out like burning, and immediately dyed the shape of the dragon formed by the dragon pattern around the dragon.

Then, "Wow~" the dragon flew straight into the sky. The weird thing was that the red flame on it suddenly condensed after the dragon rushed out 100,000 miles, and the whole dragon immediately stood still, and all the dragons including Xiao Hua did not move. Sealed like a clay sculpture.

"How did you come?"

Ao Sheng flew out of the flames, looked at the condensed red flames, frowned and said, "Could it be that something important has happened?"


Within the red flames, a vague dragon shape slowly emerged, and said lightly, "What you said really happened."

"What am I talking about?"

Ao Sheng asked rhetorically.

"You wait a minute~"

The dragon shape did not answer, but said casually, "brush~" The scarlet flame rolled Ao Sheng. There was nothing unusual about Ao Sheng's dragon body. A dragon-shaped phantom came out of him and fell directly into the flame. He came out of the dragon's blade again, fell into the frost and disappeared.

"Isn't it?"

Ao Sheng fell in the flames, but he could see everything on Long Nian again, so he smiled and said, "I know exactly what these little dragons are."

"There is nothing wrong with being careful~"

The dragon shape said faintly, "If anyone can hear you or me, it will cause an uproar in the Dragon Region."


Ao Sheng raised his brows and asked, "Is there any extremely important news?"

"The dragon~"

Long Xing said, "Sure enough, I have come to the Dragon Realm."


Ao Sheng said anxiously, "Where is he?"

Long Xing replied: "He came to the Dragon Realm from the Bodan Sea..."


Without waiting for Long Xing to say yes, Ao Sheng interrupted him and said, "He...didn't he come to the Dragon Region from the Jiangdan Sea long ago? Why did he come from the Bodan Sea again?"

"The news that he came from Jindanhai is from Lian~"

Long Xing said coldly, "And when he came from Bodanhai, he saw it with his own eyes!"


Ao Sheng took a breath of air, and looked at the twisted dragon's light and shadow in the distance, like an ice sculpture and clay sculpture, and whispered, "Could it be that he is lying to me?"

"Of course he is lying to you!"

The dragon nodded, "Not only him, but also the dragon, they are all playing tricks!"


Ao Sheng laughed at himself, "When we all thought that the dragon came from Jiandanhai, he actually came from Bodanhai. If you didn't have the intention, how could I know his whereabouts?"

Speaking of this, Ao Sheng suddenly heard something, and asked: "By the way, Yong should be the dragon lord. Even if the strength is not comparable to the Dao Xianjie Tianzun, it must not be much worse. The dragon is not the Dao Xian Xian Yuan, too. Qingtian Immortal's third rank and ninth rank will definitely be sealed when he reaches the dragon domain. He can't be the opponent of the dragon master, Yong..."

Long Xing said: "When the dragon arrived in the Dragon Realm, Yong was not there~"


Ao Sheng snorted coldly, and interrupted Long Xing's words, "Yong didn't even see him, how did he know it was him?"

"Kunwu Sword~"

The dragon shape was not angry, and only uttered three words!

Ao Sheng's discoloration changed instantaneously, and he nodded after a long while: "Kunwu swords have all appeared, then... naturally it is him!"

"Because it is him, his unparalleled luck appeared~"

Long Xing said, "Yongcai happens to be not in Bodanhai!"

"He is the only dragon emperor in the Dragon Region since ancient times~"

Ao Sheng sneered, "Even if you are reincarnated, your luck is unmatched by dragons!"

"Once or twice, you can rely on luck~"

Long Xing smiled, "How about three or four times? We can plant more than one dragon master in the dragon realm. As long as he wants to find a reel, he will definitely be captured by us!"

Speaking of this, Long Xing also glanced at Lu and asked: "By now, Lu has no doubts, right?"


Ao Sheng said proudly, "You and I have a seamless layout, how can you suspect?"

"That's good~"

The dragon smiled and said, "I'm afraid he can't even think of it in a dream..."

"You don't have to say more about this~"

Ao Sheng interrupted Long Xing's words and said, "Even if the whole situation is under your control."

"Sure enough, you were too careful,"

The dragon nodded in praise, "Not bad!"

In the next sentence, Long Xing turned his words: "It's just that you are still stubborn, where are you going to try now? I think I have left'Lin' long ago!"

Ao Sheng thought for a while, and replied: "I'm going to'Kuhu!'"


Long Xing exclaimed, "Are you actually going to "Ku hu"? No, stop immediately and return to "Lin"!"

"It will be'Biao Biao' soon~"

Ao Sheng said proudly, "If you come here a while later, you won't see me at all. If you let me turn back now, do you think I will?"


The dragon shape hesitated for a moment, UU read and said, "You are too stubborn!"

"do you know?"

Ao Sheng showed a playful smile on his face, and said, "I've met Man with'Sheng'!"

"How can it be?"

The dragon shape was shocked, and said anxiously, "Could it be that you still have a reincarnation?"


Ao Sheng looked at the dragon shape and sneered, "When I saw him, I was also shocked. Why didn't I know that I had a reincarnation!"


The shape of the dragon immediately understood and whispered, "There are dragons just like us, and they have done it with one hand!"


Ao Sheng nodded and said, "Since I can fake the reincarnation of that dragon, why can't any dragon pretend to be my reincarnation?"

"Damn, damn~"

The dragon gritted his teeth and whispered, "Who is instructing this behind the scenes?"

"You don't even know~"

Ao Sheng asked back, "How could I know?"


The dragon-shaped cursed again, "We wanted to steal the glory of that dragon, but we didn't want to be cut off by another dragon. This time it was a little troublesome!"

"That's it~"

Ao Sheng smiled and said, "Then you will be wrong if you are wrong!"

"The problem is~"

The dragon-shaped said, "Even if you have prepared early in your previous life, you can calculate from the beginning to make all dragons believe that you are that dragon, but... but your blood..."


Hearing this, a halo appeared on the dragon's horn in the distance, Ao Shenglong's horn, and the transformed dragon flew out slowly.


Long Xing looked at Ao Sheng's Long Xiang and said in surprise, " did you do it?"

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