Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3710: Hong***

"My son, look at it~"

Xiao Hua quickly pointed to the Star-Moon Tree again, and said, "This tree is already..."

Xiao Hua originally wanted to say, "This tree has been mapped over", but before his words fell to the ground, the starlight flashed on the star-moon tree, and wisps of glow poured into the room. The star-moon tree was already solidified.


Xiao Hua couldn't help but exclaimed like a tubaozi, "My son, this... has this tree become real?"

"Don't worry, don't worry~"

Ao Sheng still smiled and said, "This has just begun, and the splendor is still to come."

"There's more~"

Xiao Hua was "surprised" to no avail.

Sure enough, with Xiao Hua’s amazement, a little starlight emerged on the bare star-moon tree. The starlight overflowed like a pearl. At the same time, the eight half-volumes that had previously revolved around the eight-sided mound were gorgeous at this time. It began to accelerate, and as the streamer gleamed near the star-moon tree, the starlight turned into a crescent moon that was visible to the naked eye and dotted the star-moon tree.


Xiao Hua "opened her mouth and tongue", and didn't know what to say.

Xiao Hua just blinked, and the new moon turned into a full moon, and then another round of crescent moons of different colors dotted the tree of stars and moons, and then the full moon...

Nine times like this, there are already nine bright moons hanging on the tree of stars and moons.

Looking at the entire starry sky at this time, the overlapping octahedral mounds are like stars shining, the countless stars and moon trees are surrounded by colorful colors in September, and Xiao Hua is all around, head and feet, front and back, left and right, all over them like fireflies. Generally, the shining stars are really like the sea of ​​stars, and in this sea of ​​stars, the nine colors are dazzling, magnificent like a dream.

"Too...too beautiful~"

Xiao Hua's words at this time were not false, but a real compliment, "It's so spectacular."

"No hurry~"

Ao Sheng continued to pretend to be mysterious, and said with a smile, "There is better behind."

"Hong Kong?"

Suddenly, Xiao Hua asked, "Where is it?"


After that, a touch of dreamland was born in the distance, and a touch of golden light rushed out again. The golden light was like a big hand, instantly erasing the stars around the sky, and suddenly there was a tangy vision between the sky and the earth. The golden light was as colorful as water waves, so In the volatility, a golden moon slowly rises from the darkness!

When the golden moon appeared, bursts of inexplicable ripples passed by like the wind, countless heaven and earth's secrets followed the Zhoutian stars like meteor showers and fell on the trees of stars and moons, and fell on the corners of Menghai.

On the tree of stars and moons, those nine bright moons turned into nine suns in the white light like the shining sun!

"Star Hua Yao Sun Fruit?"

In the distance, He Qiong suddenly heard a pleasantly surprised voice, "Is this the Xinghua Yao Riguo? How can it be so gorgeous, so wonderful!"

"Not bad~"

Li Moyi's voice sounded calm, but with a hint of excitement, "This is the nine-star Huayao Sun Fruit. The dragon fruit that Dragon Realm can make me take is more useful than the one of the Demon League..."

"So don't you hurry up?"

He Qiong was a little anxious and urged in a low voice.

"No, no~"

Li Moyi smiled, "It's not time yet, what I see now is just an illusion."


Xiao Hua was stunned, and when he looked closely, he could not see any illusions.

When Xiao Hua took a closer look, "Swipe~" just rose in the middle of the month, and slowly slipped out of the second golden moon. The two golden moons clung to each other tightly, and slowly formed an arc-shaped golden bottle, "Boom~ "The golden bottle was born, and immediately reflected in the eyes of all the dragons and humans. Even Xiao Hua, the moment he saw it, the soul was shocked.

"I'm going~"

Xiao Hua almost screamed, because just after his divine soul was trembling, the outline of the golden bottle flashed within his divine soul, the profound light that had been condensing in the divine soul was reduced by 10%, within that profound light. The trapped Gorefiend is also 10% less, all kinds of memory light and shadow, all kinds of white light quickly nourish Xiao Hua's soul, just like Xiao Hua has cultivated within the outline of a golden bottle for millions of years!

" there time for dragons in this golden bottle?"

Even Xiao Hua, who was so knowledgeable, was dumbfounded, which was incredible.

Unfortunately, no dragon answered Xiao Hua's question, even Ao Sheng.

Because the two moons were already separated at this time, the lower golden moon slid into the darkness again, and the upper golden moon also rose to pitch black. For a while, the whole world lost the golden moon again.

The two golden moons disappeared at the same time, and those that followed the golden moon disappeared, and there were nine stars above the star-moon tree. The star-moon tree without the star-moon tree now has the entire crown shining with stars. Xinghai is even more beautiful than before.

Seeing the splendor suddenly fade away, Xiao Hua actually felt a sense of melancholy and disappointment in his heart. He was in the fascinating dragon realm. He was in the form of an ancient dragon, and he had not seen an immortal body for a long time. He was really confused. He didn't know who he was and when, Where is it?

A trace of confusion flashed in Ao Sheng's eyes, but it quickly became clear, and then tilted its head to look at Xiao Hua and asked, "How?"


Xiao Hua opened her mouth, not knowing what to say, and finally said, "I can't express it in words, maybe as you said, I'm afraid that only the human race can tell the mood and feelings of this matter?"


Ao Sheng nodded slightly, looked at the dark surroundings, and said in a low voice, "Only the human race can explain it in words. Our dragon family can’t. The two dragon girls of the'Anzhen' family are not talking to the two human immortals because of this. Eloped?"

When it comes to the real person Lei Ting, or elopement, Xiao Hua feels ashamed, what kind of literary talent is there!


Ao Sheng didn't know what Xiao Hua was thinking. He watched Li Moyi and others quietly fly away, and whispered, "The immortals have already flown, they should be looking for Xing Guo, which is the Xing Hua Yao Sun Guo in their mouth. The star fruit is certainly useful to our dragons, but I feel that it is that way. Instead of this, we don’t go into the star-seeking liquid and the star dew~"

"The son~"

Xiao Hua said shyly, "I know Star Dew, what is Star Liquid?"

"I just asked, didn't I say?"

Ao Sheng was stunned and asked.

"If you said it, I know it~"

Xiao Hua laughed with him.

"Oh oh~"

Ao Sheng nodded, and UU reading said, "Actually, Star Liquid..."

However, as soon as I said hurriedly, the dragon scales of Ao Sheng's body were full of colorful colors. Ao Sheng looked down and smiled: "It looks like I'm going to dream first, Ye, pay attention to yourself, go to the trial first. Bar."

Speaking of saying that Ao Sheng threw a dragon scale carving to Xiao Hua, he was quickly lost in the colorfulness.

Xiao Hua picked up the dragon scale carving and looked up around. Many dragons were also splendid, but more dragons began to rush towards the Bamian Hill...

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