Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3711: Star Liquid, Star Dew and Star Fruit


Watching Ao Sheng disappear, Ying Deng hurriedly flew over and asked Xiao Hua, "What should we do?"

"Listen to the son~"

Xiao Hua originally wanted to take the movie with him, but when he thought he was going to find Li Moyi's bad luck, and even killed Li Moyi, he said to the movie, "You also look for opportunities everywhere, first experience, and other things. in spite of."


Ying promised, and led the other dragons toward the Bamianqiu not far away.

Xiao Hua looked at the eight-faced mound next to him. Although the Star Moon Tree was still shining at this time, the Xing Hua Yao Sun Fruit did not appear anymore, and Xiao Hua Long's feeling swept across, and he suddenly found that the entire Star Moon Tree was shining brightly. Starry sky!

"I'm going~"

Xiao Hua suddenly said, "It turns out that the star-moon tree is not a phantom, but a sky leading to the starry sky. That is to say, the sky that has just flown from the poor road has now turned into a starry sky of'stars', and there is a starry sky in it. ."

Thinking of Xiao Hua hurriedly inspecting the dragon scale carvings, he looked up for a while, squinted at the vast starry sky, and said in his heart: "Pan Dao understands, there seem to be eight star-moon trees on an eight-faced mound. The star-moon tree has nine stars, Huayao, and sun fruits, but in fact, those are the different scenes when Hong Kong appeared."

"A real star-moon tree, or every piece of the starry sky, may not have a star-shaped sun fruit, but more of a star dew that never gave birth to a star-shaped sun fruit."

"The so-called star dew is the Wutai true liquid mentioned by Taoxian, also known as the seven-color five-color pill. This is the pill of Tiancheng, so it is called the heaven pill. Its shape is like a star pill, with colorful and five colors. Profound meaning, because it failed to nurture the Xinghua Yao Sun Fruit, and was hovering in the stars of the sky, this is what the dead dragon of the real man needs."

"As for the star liquid, it is the five true liquids of condensed star dew, which are the real liquid of Taiyin, whose color is colorful and white; the color of Taiqing jade liquid is colorful and still green; and the color of Taisu Qiongye is colorful and yellow; Taixuan Yuanye, its color is colorful and still black; Taihe Miaoye, its color is colorful and red."

"If the five true liquids gather together, then the colorful and five-color pill will be formed; if the pill is condensed in the Xingyue Tree, it may give birth to the Xinghua Yao Sun Fruit."

"Whether it is the Xinghua Yao Sun Fruit or the Colorful Five-color Pill, there are very few. There are many in the Xingmeng Sea or the Wutai True Liquid. Among the five true liquids, the Taiyin True Liquid can quench the blood of the dragon, and the Taiqing Jade Liquid can cleanse the dragon. Xiang, Taisu Qiongye can quench the dragon's body, Taixuan Yuanye can cast the dragon soul, and Taihe Miaoye can open the dragon base. This is where the Emperor Suijing Dragon can be promoted to Yuanguang Weilong!"




While Xiao Hua was thinking about it, dragon roars began to appear all around him, shouting to kill and even screaming.

"Of course~"

Xiao Hua sighed in her heart, "Even if the Wutai real liquid is not a weapon, there are more dragons and less liquid. How can you get it if you don't fight?"

Xiao Hua received the Dragon Scale Carving, and was not here to wait for Ao Sheng, because Dragon Scale Carve made it clear that once the Dragon Clan fell into a dream, he would fall into the Dreamlane, and the Dreamlane would be like a wave hitting the shore. Who knows where it will take the Dragon Clan. Ah?

Looking around, Chi Longyu, Qinglong, and Huang Longyuan each hold their dragon bodies and guard next to the three eight-faced mounds, seeming to be reserved for Ao Sheng. Xiao Hua thought a little, nodded at Huanglongyuan, and spread his wings. Fly into the sea of ​​stars.

Xiao Hua flew back while waiting to dream, after all, not dreaming is always a hidden danger, come over this necessary link, so that you can find Li Moyi's trouble!

Unexpectedly, Xiao Hua flew a stick of incense, and there was no sign of dreaming.

Xiao Hua released Long Gan to explore the surroundings. When he had a fairy body, he was proficient in the way of dreams. He even used the method of dream escape to enter the purple jade fairyland, but now his fairy body is imprisoned by Lin Huan. , There is no way to explore the power of dreams.


Xiao Hua watched for a long while, but found nothing. He didn't realize it secretly said, "Could it be that you can't dream at this time because you are proficient in the power of dreams before the poor Dao?"

"No, it won't. After all, Pan Dao is now the body of the ancient dragon, and has nothing to do with the Dao of Dreams."

"Oh oh~"

However, after thinking for a moment, Xiao Hua suddenly had enlightenment and whispered in his heart, "Isn't it okay to find trouble with poor Dao? Let’s not say that there is an inexplicable profound light in the core of the poor Dao soul, and there is blood in the profound light. Demon, just say that the soul of the poor road is filled with white light, which is enough to stop Menglan! Think about the day, the dragon behind Ao Sheng uses magical powers to imprison the entire dragon, even the time dragon is still Poor Dao’s thinking can’t be imprisoned because of the signs of, the power of this dream certainly can’t make Poor Dao dream!”

"It's a pity~"

Xiao Hua looked at the colorful and ubiquitous surrounding star power entangled with Xingli, he was quite a bit regretful, "If the poor Dao can use the Dreamy Dao, wouldn't this Xing Menghai become the poor Dao's wanton and reckless place?"

Just when Xiao Hua was about to give up, his heart moved, and he couldn't give up thinking: "Pan Dao is now a dragon body of the ancient dragon, but doesn't Pang Dao know how to practice the Tao of Dream? Can't try a little bit??"

There is no way of dreams in the nine days of the Golden Chamber, but this can’t stop Xiao Hua’s dreamlike heart. He spread his wings and fell into the colorful, simple way of dreaming in his mind, as well as dreams. The method of escape is to slowly release a sense of longness, a trace of understanding.

At this time Xiao Hua did not ask for how diligently the dream art could be. He only had to use the power of dreams and the method of dream escape, because Xiao Hua knew in his heart that the so-called Xingmenghai should be the power and dreams of the stars. Where the balance of power lies, dragons usually use the power of stars, and the power of dreams cannot be controlled by dragons. Moreover, from the perspective of Ao Sheng and other dragons hiding in Menglan, Menglan is essentially a dream space, which Xiao Hua encountered in this life When I was the ancestor of dreams, I also experienced it.

If Xiao Hua can use the power of dreams to stimulate the dream escape method, he can naturally enter Menglan easily, and within Menglan, who would be Xiao Hua's opponent?

It's so easy to kill Li Moyi!

Although Xiao Hua is now the ancient dragon of Taixuan, he is proficient in the way of dreams and is also good at modifying the exercises. The fluctuations generated by the double helix are beyond the existence of dragon power, so it is about a few hours. After that, Xiao Hua can simply use the power of dreams, and even where his sense of longness swept through, he can sense the dream space that is superimposed on the starry sky.

In a few more hours, Xiao Hua can already urge the power of dreams to escape into space!


Xiao Hua saw that he was full of colorful colors, falling into the dream space, and he heard a long roar in his mouth, spreading his wings and starting to fly.

I don't know, it's okay for the two wings to stay still. Just when they moved, Xiao Hua escaped from the dream space in an extremely embarrassing manner.

Xiao Hua looked around, it was okay, there were no other dragons, so I didn't lose the dragon...

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