Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3853: He is Xiao Hua

"Oh my god~"

Chi Longyu and Bai Longqiong exclaimed at the same time, "Hoho~", they roared like the Yellow Dragon Dragon Lord, and then the dragon scales stood upright, and the dragon body trembled like a convulsion, and they didn't wait to see where the terrifying breath came from. , immediately turn around and fly upside down!


Just as the dragons turned to flee for their lives, there was a burst of silver light in the sky, and an angry voice roared, "'Blue' is gone!"

"No way~"

At the same time, there was another spot of water gushing out, and a voice that made Ao Sheng's hair stand upright rang out, "Who has the ability to take away 'Blue' silently?"

"Xiao...Xiao Hua???"

Ao Sheng's heart shrank into a ball at once, he felt that his whole body was exhausted by this voice, and his own voice almost roared in his throat, "Master Xiao Long!"

Ao Sheng even turned his head desperately to look at the source of the sound, his eyes were fixed on Shuiguang, he couldn't believe his ears, he searched hard for nearly ten thousand years, but he couldn't think of anything, Xiao Hua actually appeared here.

However, the power in the water is overwhelming, not to mention Ao Sheng, even Chi Longyu dare not take a look, how could Ao Sheng see anything?

"what happened?"

Xiao Hua's clones, Lu Zhenren, etc. also saw Chi Longyu flying back upside down, and they were all stunned in mid-air. Xiao Hua hurriedly spread his wings and flew up, shouting, "Sir, why are you coming back..."

However, before Xiao Hua's avatar could finish speaking, he himself was stunned on the spot.

I saw behind Ao Sheng, the sky shrouded in the red sun, suddenly turned blue, this blue is extremely pure, like a sea, in this blue, Xiao Hua’s familiar figure slowly stepped out, isn’t it? Xiao Hua's lost body? ?

Not to mention the fierceness of the physical body at this time, not to mention that the physical body penetrates the sky, not to mention that the blue water pattern on the physical body carries an aura of destruction, just to say that the physical body does not have an inch of thread... It is enough to make Xiao Hua's clone look sideways. !


Xiao Hua's clone cursed in a low voice, "It's really a dog, why don't you wear any clothes? Lao Tzu's face was eaten by a dog!"

"Xiao... Fellow Daoist Xiao??"

Lu Zhenren next to Xiao Hua also shouted excitedly, "You...why are you..."

"These silly dragons~"

At this moment, there were countless sounds of fighting and screams in the ears. Chen stepped out of the water, his eyes swept across the space, and his eyes were full of the disdain that he looked at the ants. He muttered and waved his big hand gently, Ao Sheng and the other surrounding dragons were all grasped by Wu Zhu's strength, and then gently closed with Chen's five fingers.

"Puff puff~~"

Thousands of dragons were kneaded into flesh.

"I...I'm going~"

Lu Zhenren is dumbfounded, these dragons are all big Luo Yuanguang Weilong, and there are even some dragons that are comparable to Taiyi, just... Just being crushed to death by Xiao Hua?

However, what surprised Lu Zhenren even more was still behind.


But listening to the blue water in Chen's eyes swept across, directly over the blood mist and the thousands of dragons, and whispered, "There is also a high-level dragon master, could it be that you are behind the scenes?"

After finishing speaking, Chen even raised his hand and grabbed it, "Woo~" A gust of wind came out, just flew away, and the Dragon Lord of Huanglong, who had disappeared into the void, was caught by Chen.

The senior dragon master, who had just been watching the dragons, is now like a dying loach, desperately flying high in the water, but no matter how it flutters, it can't escape Chen's palm.

"It's not it~"

Another faint voice came out in purple.

"Oh oh~"

Chen responded, and his big hand grabbed again.

This time, it was even worse. The big hand didn't touch the Yellow Dragon Dragon Lord at all. The dragon body of the Yellow Dragon Dragon Lord had turned into flesh and was melted by water.

"Dragon...Dragon force~"

Lu Zhenren was dumbfounded, and groaned in his heart, "This... This is a high-level dragon master comparable to the high-level Primordial Primordial Order. Fellow Daoist Xiao himself is only so powerful!"


Lu Zhenren was stunned, and his voice was still indifferent just now. At this time, he was furious and shouted loudly, "Who took the 'blue'!!"

"Didn't you say an eagle dragon?"

In another place, another ray of fire flashed, and a third voice sounded. Valley

In the purple halo, the figure of Ziluo, which made countless dragons fear, disappeared in a flash. In just this moment, all the dragons felt that they were swept by a will.


Ziluo's voice sounded again, "But I can't find it."


Chen smiled coldly and said, "Kill everyone who is not Yinglong..."


Before Chen could finish speaking, there was a deafening sound of breaking the sky in the distant sky, and a human immortal with the same imposing manner rushed over like lightning, shouting: "Xiao Hua, I finally found you."

Isn't this immortal Chen Fei?

Besides, Chen Fei directly pulled up from the immortal boat and went straight to the sky, with surprise on his face. He was not surprised by the power of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, but he felt the breath of stepping on the divine tower.

"Xiao Hua?"

Chen Fei almost groaned in a low voice, "Why is he here?"

Qingfeng and others also flew over immediately, and Qingfeng asked excitedly, "What's going on?"

"Cause and effect fairy!"

Chen Fei's voice almost roared between his teeth, shouting, "Quickly urge the karma fairy!"

"Oh oh~"

Qingfeng didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly activated the fairy weapon, but he still asked, "Why?"

Chen Fei said word by word: "Xiao! Hua!"


Not to mention Qingfeng, even Yuan Chen and Zhong Mei were taken aback, none of them expected to meet Xiao Hua here!

When the breeze stimulated the immortal artifact of cause and effect, ninety-nine eighty-one gossips rushed out of the immortal artifact. These gossips rushed into the sky and rushed directly to the source of the divine tower's breath.


Chen Fei's eyes were bright and he shouted, "Xiao Hua is here, no wonder so many people come to Longyu to find him and can't find him..."

However, before Chen Fei's words were finished, "Shu Shu~", the eighty-one gossip suddenly separated, and some rushed to the earth, some rushed to the top of the sky, and rushed to the source of the breath, just chatting a few times. Piece.


Chen Fei whispered again, looking at the hexagram with some puzzlement.

"Could it be~"

Qingfeng also hesitated to look at the karma fairy, and whispered, "Xiao Hua has the strength to block karma??"

"I'll take a look~"

Chen Fei said, just about to move his body.


The halo of heaven and earth burst, the water light broke through the sky, and Xiao Huawei's body stepped out of the void.

"Xiao Hua~"

Yuan Chen glanced at him and immediately shouted, "He is Xiao Hua!"

"The problem is~"

Naturally, Qingfeng has also seen Xiao Hua's video, UU reading www.uukanshu. He frowned and said, "The reaction of the Karma Immortal Tool is not right!"

"That's right~"

Chen Fei watched Chen raise his hand to kill the Dragon Clan, and his gestures were full of traces of stepping on the divine tower, nodded and said, "He is Xiao Hua!"

Thanks to the immortal friends represented by the following, for their strong support to Xiu Shen, I wish you all auspiciousness and good luck in the Year of the Tiger. They are: Vanilla Flavor, Lianshui Cultivator, Brick Handler, Loritin, Track Pursuit, Wang Chenglin, Jing Wei, A Smelly Mosquito, Return, Homecoming, Ruthless, Li Jian, Immortal Fist, Shield Yu, Bihai Advertising, Sesame Kai..., Wuhen, Busy Old Man, Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, Singing Bird, Starry Night Lemon, Chen Fei, Feng, Ao Shenzhou, emptychen, etc.

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