Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3854: Xiao Hua meets Xiao Hua (Chinese New Year 7 Days of Music No. 22)

"I...I'll try again~"

Qingfeng was unwilling to push the Karma Immortal Artifact again, "Boom~" This time, the Karma Immortal Artifact rushed out of the eighty-one hexagrams again, but to everyone's surprise again, dozens of hexagrams rushed to other places, still the same. Only a few hexagrams rushed towards Xiao Hua's body!

As for where the dozens of hexagrams rushed in, the other eagle dragon stepped out with a dazed expression with a complicated expression on his face. Isn't it Xiao Hua himself? ?

In any case, Xiao Hua never imagined that his physical body, who had been separated from him for more than ten thousand years, would meet him in this scene, and he could not have imagined that his physical body was so fierce now, and of course, he could not have imagined that his physical body was so "shameless"!

Xiao Hua's physical body was really lost, but the existence he found did not have the noble morality of picking up gold, so he directly took this physical body as his own, and the most helpless thing for Xiao Hua is that this existence without morals is far more powerful. For himself, Xiao Hua immediately sensed the moment he saw the physical body. He could not control the physical body at all. Except for the appearance of the physical body, it had nothing to do with him at all.

"Dragon Domain, Dragon Domain~"

Xiao Hua was about to cry, "It's really not a place for people!"

When Xiao Hua was depressed, he saw another gossip flying, and Qingfeng's voice also sounded arrogantly: "Who are you?"

Xiao Hua looked at the gossip impatiently, waved his dragon claw, "Kapapa~" Xiao Hua grabbed and shattered dozens of gossip, and then shouted at Qingfeng: "Go away!"


Qingfeng's face changed drastically. He never thought that Sanqingtian's gossip would be killed. This is the cause and effect of Mo Banshan!


Seeing this, Yuan Chen dared to be negligent. He hurriedly stood in front of the breeze and shouted, "You are not his opponent..."

However, before Yuan Chen's voice landed, "Woo~" a gust of wind suddenly appeared in the vicinity, and a scorching consciousness swept out of thin air and fell directly on Xiao Hua.

This will is incomparable, falling into the space around Xiao Hua, and immediately gave birth to wisps of crazy flames.


Xiao Hua was shocked, gave Qing Feng a vicious look, and scolded, "Bad me!"

With that said, Xiao Hua spread his wings and immediately used the Dragon Escape Technique to flee in panic, and before leaving, Xiao Hua even threw the dragon's tail with a sound of "Boom~", sending Qingfeng, Yuan Chen and Zhong Mei away. Hit the dust directly.


After Yuan Chen flew out of the ground in dismay, an arrogant voice swept across the air, "There is such a good body here, do you still want to run?"

Yuan Chen saw a blaze covering the sky, and a silhouette with four ears and nine tails, two eyes on the back and two dragon horns flashed away, chasing the eagle dragon that had just fled...

Chen Fei naturally ignored Xiao Hua, who had turned into an eagle dragon. Although he did not know why the hexagram of the Karma Immortal Artifact was so thin, he knew that this body must be Xiao Hua. After all, Xiao Hua's body could not be faked. So Chen Fei stopped drinking and flew out directly.


Seeing Chen Fei falling in front of him, Chen was very happy and said, "You are a human being? Do you know me??"


"Human Immortal??"

Chen Fei was stunned, he suddenly thought of a possibility, "Could it be that Xiao Hua was taken away?"


And then, Chen Fei immediately stifled his thought and cultivated to the level of Xiao Hua and himself, how could he be easily taken away?

"You are not Xiao Hua!"

Chen Fei rolled his eyes and said coldly, "You took his body, right?"

"Haha, haha~"

How could Chen admit it, it laughed and said, "How is it possible? This is my own body..."

"Reincarnation and rebuilding??"

A possibility flashed in Chen Fei's mind, and he couldn't help exclaiming, "You... actually reincarnated as an adult to cultivate??"

"Haha, not bad~"

Chen's eyes turned and thought of another thing, and he simply pushed the boat along the way, "This human body... it's just a body in this world that I used to cultivate with the help of reincarnation!"


Chen's voice was not small. Although Ao Sheng and Lu Zhenren fled desperately, they couldn't escape very far. They heard Chen's words clearly, and Ao Sheng exclaimed in his heart. Lightning flashed through its mind, and it was almost astonishing, "It turns out that, it is no wonder that Xiao Longshi is talented and the speed of cultivation is so exaggerated. It turns out that he is the reincarnation of the Dragon Domain Great Master!"


Xiao Hua's clone is about to cry but has no tears. He is now speechless, and he has no chance to speak. When did his deity become the reincarnation of this dragon fart?


Chen Fei also suddenly understood, his thoughts were the same as Ao Sheng, but he still looked at Chen like electricity, and said, "No wonder you can have such a great fortune, it turns out that you are reincarnated and repaired, everything is arranged by you in advance. of."

"That's right~"

Chen Yang said proudly, "It's just that I have just merged with the body of this world. Many things are still unclear. Tell me, what are you looking for from me?"

Seeing that Chen said that his memory had never recovered, Chen Fei simply stopped explaining, and said bluntly: "I want to fight with you~"


Chen immediately laughed, and looked at Chen Feidao disdainfully, "If I were in this world, you still have the qualifications to fight. Now that I have merged with this world, are you my opponent? Go away..."

After speaking, Chen's eyes swept around like electricity. In his eyes, "Lan" and Yinglong Shenglongzu were 10,000 times more important than Chenfei.


Contrary to everyone's expectations, Chen Fei let out a low roar, the whole body glowed with nine-colored rays of light, and the immortal body grew rapidly, and then he waved his hand, and the waves of the dragon near Wanli were set off by him. Staring closely at Chen's eyes, he said word by word, "This is fate, you can't escape!"


Speaking of Chen Fei stepping on the streamer and rushing towards Chen, the momentum of this blow was completely different from that of the day when he was in Liqing, and he really went all out.

" this guy's head getting water?"

Zhenzhen Lu looked at it from a distance, couldn't help but stop and muttered, "He's too far behind fellow Daoist Xiao, isn't this courting death?"

"You just got water in your head~"

Xiao Hua's avatar looked at Chen Fei's full power to push the God Tower, UU reading already understood what Chen Fei was thinking, and secretly slandered in his heart, "This is the cleverness of Chen Fei. In the first battle of the clan, he knew that he could not be his opponent, and the clan could not hurt him, so he just defended with all his strength; and facing this existence, although he knew that he was not his opponent, but in his heart It is clear that I am afraid that I only have such a chance, and he wants to find the flaws in his technique of stepping on the divine tower.

Thanks to the immortal friends represented by the following, for their strong support to Xiu Shen, I wish you all auspiciousness and good luck in the Year of the Tiger. They are: Vanilla Flavor, Lianshui Cultivator, Brick Handler, Loritin, Track Pursuit, Wang Chenglin, Jing Wei, A Smelly Mosquito, Return, Homecoming, Ruthless, Li Jian, Immortal Fist, Shield Yu, Bihai Advertising, Sesame Kai..., Wu Hen, Busy Old Man, Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, Singing Bird, Starry Night Lemon, Chen Fei, Feng, Ao Shenzhou, Empty, etc.

This is the end of the traditional Chinese New Year's seven-day joy. All friends, we will meet again next year~

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