Rewrite the Stars

2 Meeting Again

Adeline was frantically writing down everything that happened in the future in worry that she would forget them. She was extremely startled when Leo slammed the door against the wall and burst into her room.

"Wha-?" Adeline didn't remember this happening in the past at all.

Leo looked as if he had seen a ghost.

Disguising her bewilderment, Adeline climbed out of bed and approached Leo. "Is everything okay darling?" she asked, her face a mask of concern.

Leo's mind was still in chaos. Adeline was supposed to be dead. He watched as the buried her body in the ground. Yet here she was alive and looking way younger than he remembered.

"How is this possible?" he whispered. Leo was a logical man and never believed in reincarnation. "Maybe this is all a bad dream?" he considered.

"Darling?" Adeline probed again. In the past, Leo would have been against her calling him with any form of endearment but now he didn't even react with disgust. In fact he was mumbling under his breath and Adeline couldn't catch what he was saying.

Leo snapped out of it and looked at Adeline. Her ink black hair flowed down her shoulder and her deep blue eyes stared at him in concern.

"Are you okay?" Adeline asked. Leo was acting really weird and she was becoming tired of acting concerned. 'Just wait until you can divorce him, Adeline.' she told herself.

Leo fixated on her pink lips that was asking him something. Shaking himself out of his stupor he registered her question and tried to act normal, "Yeah everything is fine." He brushed her hand off his shoulder, "And don't call me Darling."

'And there it is.' Adeline sneered in her mind.

Leo quickly left the room to process what happened. He was pushed in front of a car by Carina and before he lost consciousness, he heard Carina say, "Everything you own is mine."

Leo snarled. That bitch will pay in this new life. He seemed to have been reincarnated into his body from seven years ago, when he was still married to Adeline.

Speaking of Adeline, what was he supposed to do with her now? They were still married and while he never divorced her in the past, he didn't love her. And he was also too focused on chasing Carina that he neglected her completely. He didn't even know her birthday.

Leo sighed, it felt cruel to divorce her when he knew she was smitten with him but he had already spent seven years with her and felt his debt was repaid. "I'll think about this later." Leo said and dressed before going downstairs.

After Leo left to go be weird, Adeline's stomach grumbled for food. She hid all the notes she made earlier in a drawer before going downstairs to cook breakfast. She wondered if she should act like everything was like the way it was before or completely cut ties with Leo. It was hard to just let go of feelings you've held for someone for so long but whatever feelings existed before were pretty much dead from years of neglect.

She was sitting down with her food when Leo came down fully dressed. Adeline took in a sharp breath. She could still admire his body even when she no longer had any romantic attraction right?

The first thing Leo saw when he descended the stairs was Adeline in her over-sized pajamas eating an omelet. For a fleeting second, he thought that this picture of her was extremely cute before he refocused on the food. Suddenly he realized that he was hungry but Adeline had only made enough for one.

Adeline noticed his gaze on her food and smirked to herself. "Sorry." she said sympathetically, "I only made mine because you usually grab something on the way to your office."

Leo looked at her for a few seconds before turning away and walking out the front door. He felt that Adeline was treating him more sharply than before. Trying to recall what she normally did, Leo was disturbed to find that he had no recollection of her daily routine even though they had lived together for so long. "After all that and she still hung on?" Leo said to himself while starting up his car.

"Hmm. He usually would have said a biting comment." Adeline said to herself. "Oh well not my problem." She went to find her phone and called her best friend.

In the past, she had neglected her friendships and that caused her to lose almost all of her friends. This time, she was determined to treat her friends right. Especially Emilie who despite all the hardships that Adeline put her through, she still stubbornly tried to remain friends.

"Hello?" Emilie said when she picked up the call.

"Hey Emilie, it's me Adeline."

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