Rewrite the Stars

3 Rebuilding Bridges

"Adeline!" Emilie was shocked to hear her friend's voice, "What's up? I haven't heard from you in so long."

"Yeah sorry about that Emilie." Adeline fiddled with the ends of her hair. She wasn't sure how to speak to Emilie knowing all the wrongs that she'd committed against her friend. "I know I was probably too caught up chasing Leo to call you."

Emilie laughed, "We all go boy crazy sometimes, you're not the only one."

"Thanks but I knew I went over the line for someone that doesn't even like me back." Adeline took a deep breath, "So I want to divorce him."

"What are you sure?" Emilie was shocked. She had known Adeline for awhile now and she would never give up on Leo. "Why all of a sudden now?"

"Oh I'm sure the news will come out eventually." Adeline laughed. "But I was hoping that you could help me find a good lawyer. Money won't be an issue."

"Oh yeah I know just the person. When do you want me to contact him?" Emilie asked.

"As soon as possible. I don't want to be chained to him any longer." Adeline stared out the window at a pair of birds picking twigs for their nest. Even birds have better relationships than me. "Anyways, do you want to meet up and have a chat later?"

"Of course." Emilie brightened, "I heard about this new cafe that opened up and..."

Leo couldn't focus on his work at all. He stared at the contracts in front of him, not comprehending a word. Clicking a pen, he wheeled his chair around to stare at the sky outside his office window. It was a sunny day and fluffy clouds dotted the atmosphere.

"Ahem." a little cough came from behind Leo.

Startled, he wheeled around to see his assistant, Regulus, standing in the door.

"Did you even knock?" Leo asked, his heart still beating a little harder than normal.

"I did, sir. Multiple times." Regulus deadpanned.

Leo sighed, "Okay sorry. What is it?"

"Ms. Camille requested to see you."

Leo knew this was coming. And he was ready to dish out all the revenge he could think of. "Oh tell her that I'm extremely busy and she'll need to make an appointment."

"Busy with cloud-gazing." Regulus checked his notebook. "Unfortunately, your next available time is three months away." Regulus never liked Carina and he didn't understand why his boss liked her but he was gladto see this shift in attitude, although it was rather sudden.

"Perfect." Leo grinned. He was going to make her pay.

Adeline was browsing through apartments on her laptop when she noticed a blonde braid sway into her peripheral vision.

"Hey Emilie." Adeline said and kicked the chair out from across her.

"Well aren't you the perfect gentleman." Emilie brushed the imaginary dirt off her chair and sat down elegantly. "Glad to know you haven't changed."

"You too." Adeline smiled at her and put away her laptop. "I wouldn't expect anyone other than you to invite me to a cat cafe, knowing full well that I am Team Dog."

"But cats are so cute and fluffy!" Emilie picked up Maine Coon that was rubbing her ankles and held it up next to her.

Adeline wavered. The cat had the same emerald eyes as Emilie and both of them together was more than enough to make a staunch dog lover question their beliefs. "Cute. Let me just take a picture of this..." Adeline quickly took out her phone and snapped multiple pictures.

"Send them to me later." Emilie said and let the cat free. "Oh no this was my favorite jacket." she looked in dismay at the long cat hairs clinging to the fabric.

"Nothing a lint roller can't fix." Adeline reassured her. "Anyways what do you recommend from here?" she asked looking at the menu.

"Hmm their specialty is coffee but I know you don't drink that..." Emilie scrutinized the menu. "Oh! I heard this Berry Peach Smoothie was really good. How about that?"

Adeline nodded, "Sounds good. What do you want? I'm paying."

"Thanks!" Emilie smiled, "I'll have a Café au Lait."

When Adeline returned with the drinks, Emilie gratefully accepted her's and wrapped her cold fingersaround the cup.

"Ice cube." Adeline teased.

Emilie glared at Adeline when she heard that nickname, "No one has called me that since high school." She took a sip of her drink and looked expectantly at Adeline.

"What?" she asked, playing dumb.

"You know." Emilie said, "Don't play dumb. What happened between you and Leo?"

Adeline sighed, "You know that he doesn't like me but my dumb-ass still decided to chase after him and help him with his dream of running his own business."

Emilie nodded.She remembered watching her friend struggle through college while working multiple part time jobs to support Leo's goal. Her heart hurt thinking about how her friend looked at the time, worn out and always tired but Adeline persisted anyways. Emilie tried to talk her out of it and knock some sense in her but she refused so she could only help relieve the burden a little.

"And I guess he felt like he owed me so he got married to me and now he's found someone else he actually likes."

"You don't like him still, right?" Emilie asked cautiously. "Like you aren't divorcing him because he found someone else and you want him to be happy?"

"Hell no." Adeline snorted, "I just want to live my life now that I no longer have feelings tying me down."

"Oh alright then." Emilie relaxed. "That's good. As long as you're happy."

They chatted on about random topics and petted the cats until it was closing time and they were kicked out.

"I should probably be going home." Adeline said while looking at the darkening sky. "Want me to go with you to the train station?" she asked Emilie.

"No it's super close and there should be a lot of people around." Emilie waved of Adeline's concern. "Thanks though."

"Alright." Adeline said, "But be careful."

"Bye!" Emilie waved before walking away.

Adeline waved and looked at the retreating figure with a furrowed brow. She knew that Emilie started taking self-defense classes after what happened last time but she couldn't help worrying.

"Well I should trust her." Adeline said out loud and resolutely turned to head home.

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