Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 102 is resistant to a culture

Meng Qian gathered these people, except for the lighting machine research and development itself, one of his purposes also hopes that you can use a middleman to promote everyone's communication.

Asa is a leading team in various fields, but because he is looking for an international leader, they are too lazy to communicate with others.

However, there is no institution in Huaxia, which has such a virgin. Meng Qian is given to some opportunities to communicate. They will not reject. It is usually to find various opportunities to engage in academic exchanges.

Now more purposeful communication, there is nothing bad, after all, the most prone to appearance is the ideological collision.

Everyone gathered together in the afternoon, I started to get a similar conference. After all, Meng Qila's team has a lot of accessibility.

For example, in the field of materials, Tsinghua, Yanshang, Metal Institute is a domestic warp, such as in the optical field, Changguang, Jiang Da has a lot of topics, such ...

Meng Qian does not bother everyone, and when you go, you will listen to some discussions.

What far far-field diffraction ultimate multiples U, Steierby, M2 factor, what cryrage, AD collecting card, what sticky coefficient, Binham body, quality force ...

This is no longer Meng Qian's rebirth, it can be helped. Although many things he really heard, he told and understands a lot of things when industrial intelligence automation, and even some things are very familiar, such as some mathematics. Theorem, similar to Lagrangonian theorem.

After all, mathematics is all scientific dad.

But this doesn't change Meng Qian at this moment, it is like a mentally disabled.

The depth of others is no longer aware of someone who knows what you can do.

But in some case, Meng Qian does not understand the scalp, "that, the bottleneck problem of dry lithography technology, I want to consult a matter."

The researcher and Jiang University professor are being exchanged.

"As far as I know, in addition to dry lithography, there is also a wet photolithography method using a suitable liquid between the last lens and the photoresist?"

"Well, there is such a research direction." Jiang Da's Jikai responded, "but facing a lot of questions."

Like Meng Qian's memory and guess, the wet photolithography has many studies before being raised by Lin Benjian in 2002. This is like deep purple lights to study in the 1980s, but it is true after 30 years. It is used.

This involves the maturity and practicability of the technology.

"Can we increase research and development in this field?" Meng Qian asked directly.

"Why?" Ji Kai's consciousness expression has been confused.

"Because ..." I thought about it before the rotation of Meng Qian's brain, but I always feel that it is not good enough, and finally, "because I am a big boss."

Ji Kai looked at Meng Qian, a serious, "Oh, ok."

Meng Qian, "???"

This thing Meng Qian himself really wants to be complicated. For those here today, they all know that they are working with corporate, and now is a commercial research and development behavior.

Since it is a business behavior, the boss spending money is to invest in which field is more investment and developed. Then, unless it doesn't feel this input from your own professional perspective, it should persuade it for responsibility.

But dry Latitude This thing globally invested so much money and energy to study, until now, there is no study, Meng Qian is willing to spend money to study other directions, Jikai feels very good.

If you want to try a new direction, you have to apply for a new direction, you have to apply for a fund, and now the big boss is willing to pay money, why not.

But in the moment, I didn't expect this Meng Qian by Jikai, "Then ... then you will continue to talk, don't bother."

It's enough to be what I want, this is enough. Now let Jiang Dadi began to study the wet light moment. On the one hand, if you want to cooperate with Lin Benqi, you can make more reasons, on the other hand Meng Qian is also looking forward to saying that the river first will improve this technology, nor is it impossible ...

On June 17, 2001, Meng Qian, who sent everyone, returned to Hangzhou. The recent energy is spent on the side of the moment, and now it is, it is finally covered, the time, Meng Qian can put More energy is placed on the software.

In the hardware field, Meng Qian can continue to carry out, and he also asked Ni Guangnan and Shi Yuzhu before the problem.

Both people gave Meng Qian a common advice. "You want to do a computer now, you must recognize it, your biggest opponent is not IBM, not HP, not Toshiba, but Lenovo."

This sentence means that Meng Qian understands, so no matter how much wants to begin, the current Dawn Creation has not arrived with the Lenovo to grab the market, accurately, is the time to grab resources with Lenovo.

But the software is in the field, Meng Qian can lay out, but it is time to speed up the layout.

For more than a month, the company team is again growing. Now the three groups of the technical department have added more than 150 people. Here is Xiao Bao's credits. He uses his resources directly to Meng Qian digging two teams. .

After returning to the company, Meng Qian first reviewed the company's account.

As of now, the sales of the game reached 500 million in Gaoli, the company arrived at $ 56 million, sales of 10 billion in neon country, the company arrived at 52 million, the total turnover of domestic games reached 2 Billion 20 million.

Finally, this project of the commercial system, Meng Qian dominant commercial system has undoubtedly hit the current business system level, which has entered the outbreak period in these months, and now the turnover implemented for the company has exceeded 50 million.

The result of the previous acquisition of 100 million, the operation costs of the company, the company's basic cost budget, the company can now spend more flow funds almost 80 million.

"This money will take it out." Meng Qian looked at the company's accounts and self-speaking, a company is afraid that there is no money, and it is also afraid that there are too many flow funds. A company has to learn to let the money.

This is also why the famous entrepreneurs in the later generations say that spending money is difficult than making money.

"Do you want to see if there is a suitable acquisition, now the company is the lack of people ..."

"Meng Da." The thing that spending money, Li Fei suddenly knocked in.

"What's wrong?" Meng Qian noticed that Li Fei's expression was not very nice.

"Just get the news, Gorynell is beginning to resist us."

"Resist?" Meng Qian took a few documents in Li Fei's hand, "said our malicious monopoly?"

"Yeah, several game companies are jointly to resist us. They say that we played the free slogan is fake, say that we use fraud to engage in game monopoly, but also in the name of our Chinese business." Said the last sentence At the time, Li Fei's face had a disgusting expression.

Meng Qian horse who knows the situation is in contact with Netcom.

However, Net Zen is very calm. "Meng You don't care, in our Gaoryi, the resistance is a culture, you can see all kinds of resistance every day, you can rest assured, this thing we do."

Meng Qian wants to think, believe in the words of the Internet Zen, Meng Qian thinks that the 19-year Gaoli Director boycotted the ice and snow, the Weibo is hot, and Meng Qian then asked questions about the friends of the Goryo, the result The friend of the side said, this matter is not aware of the roots of the Gao Li country.

At that time, Meng Qian's friend also said something similar to himself, boycott in Gaoli is a culture ...

However, once the national relationship is involved, the gorgestance of the Gaotai is still terrible.

It is good to rise in a national level.

This thing is that there is such a past, and the network is so confident, Meng Qian is not going to intervene, but can be biased on June 22, Meng Qian saw a message.

All Korea online game agency companies have decided to take a free route. In addition, there will be three Korean online games to enter China, and they have a free slogan on the publicity ...

This makes Meng Qian feel very funny, "This is eating ... very good."

After seeing the news, Meng Qian found Wei Peng Tian, ​​"Before you let you prepare the treasure chest is still?"

Wei Peng Tianji, then the eyes are more and more excited, "I finally can solve the seal ?!"

Meng Qian smiled and nodded. "It is the first anniversary of" God Biography ", we play big."


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