Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 103 Tucheng Night

On June 29, 2001, the first anniversary of "God Biography" began.

In this first anniversary, Meng Qian did a very adventive thing and went on the full service PVP gameplay.

Because the player's opinion is concentrated in the first anniversary, the full-service PVP gameplay in the Goromik has been boarded in the first place, and the game players are looking forward to this game can be online.

But Meng Qian is not online, it is very real, that is, the network speed, so in order to let everyone have the opportunity to get in touch with this game, Meng Qianhua has a big cost on the server.

Because the game players turn off the line, one is the network speed, one on the server.

The line is so serious, why did you drop the line in 2008, this pot is not a network, this pot is a penguin, because the penguin has no money, his server is all rental.

Therefore, the main cause of the dropped line of the row city is on the server.

Meng Qian solved the foundation of the Chinese Internet, but he can at least control your server problem.

Moreover, Huaxia Network has recently been experiencing a comprehensive speed, Meng Qian lasts online game last summer, because ADSL began to replace dial-up Internet, 512K network speed started in Huaxia.

Now, Huaxia Network has begun to develop 1 trillion.

In fact, 1 megaby broadband play online game, basically it is already satisfied, but now there is no popularity, and now the 1 megabyte quality is a bit different from the 1 megaby quality of the later generation, especially on the network latency.

However, under normal circumstances, 1 trillion broadband play "God Biography" is not very simple because the network speed problem is dropped.

In addition, players said that they are rowing, do not let the company's back pot, consider the special time point in the first anniversary, "God Biography" on China online full service PVP.

On June 29, 2001, it was another Friday. At 8 o'clock in the evening, the full service PVP game was first launched.

The so-called full service PVP game is the string of the Yanhuang Alliance with the Tribe.

Eight o'clock, Meng Qian also got an account, as a member of the Yellow tribe entered the game.

While starting the melee in "God Biography".

Great wind game, "Legend" Forum.

"Go brush money! Casino, Shacheng, and white door can be brushed!"

"Equipment BUG sharing, speed watch! You can copy the equipment!"

"Brushing BUG is also coming out, you can card unlimited experience!"

"This game is also too TM garbage, bug so much, still playing a ghost!"


"Red Moon" game sector.

"Today, many people are full, what is going on?"

"I just saw someone full of fullness? What is the situation?"

"What is joke? That's still playing a hammer? I just saw the personal second activity BOSS."

"BOOS a knife second? What is it?"

"Some people discover the" Red Moon "bug, and published BUG on the Internet."

"I just tried it, I really can be full!"

"Such a big bug? How long is the game online for a long time?"

"Nima everyone is full, I'm still playing? How can I change to a free game?"


"Millennium" Forum sector.

"There is bug, close medicine, go to the underground cemetery, stone giant to the bliss temple, let the monk help you kill the stone, no matter who is dead, there is money."

"You don't take it out on the upstairs, you can copy unlimited copies! Hurry, I have copied a warehouse!"

"Brothers, cards, reverse scales, hunting claws + gold, anti-scales will not disappear, hunter to hand, comfortable!"

"Don't worry, everyone is engaged, I am sure tomorrow."

"Backup? Don't give compensation, you will not play."


"Dark Light" Forum section.

"Nima, artifacts are fake, online test map."

"I rely on, then I have a bitterness. Is it playing players as a fool?"

"Don't say, the card data tutorial has come to see it, this game is basically abolished."

"I have been in playing yourself, I am playing myself, developing a true cattle, worshiping you."


"Heaven" Forum sector.

"Dragon BUG, ​​everyone quickly went to brush."

"Brothers, card unlimited skills tutorials."

"The biggest bug is coming, the gold coin doubles, the speed brush, everyone brushes the money to see how tomorrow's game is said."

"Their own bug can't pay us to pay?"


"God Biography" forum sector.

"God Biography" also bugs. "


"The tribe can be snimmed, put a few weird."

"and then?"

"You can then cut together."

"Big brother, you put it on the stood, and you will come up."


"PVP play is bug."


"I will die again after I die, and I can't resurrect."

"Brothers, that is called the body."


After 8:30 pm, major game forums were immersed.

"Tonight is too strange, all games are burst, very obvious, people are engaged in things."

"Every game has big bugs, only" God Biography "only has a few small bugs that have no harmful and elegant. It is a big fan to do."

"I also think that this is too deliberate, definitely it is a big wind to create a black competitor."

"The logic upstairs is very magical, black opponents? If there is no bug, how is it? Even

"The game is not good, what is wrong, look at all the games to the external attitude, Gaoli game never, now you have been able to fly, only" God Biography "has been optimizing the anti-plug-in system, how the Golden Game Don't you have a little bit? "

"There is BUG, ​​it is not a day two days, but today, it is concentrated. When does the Korean game face the Bug problem?"

"Hey, tonight's bug will naturally solve, the game still doesn't let there be? I would rather play Bug's Korea game will not touch" God Biography "," God Biography "is not The free strategy is a market. It is said that it is a group of poor B. The result is that the poor B is still insects, and the country tour is light. The light of the national tour is really not afraid of being laughing. "

"God Biography" is a poor B game? "God biography" is a great understanding. "

"Friends, your Gao Li Dad's game is now free?"

"That is not forced, you can figure it out with Laozi, a bunch of stupid, Huaxia people only play free games, people can accept the game, I will do it in China, it is funny."

"The upstairs estimated home Gang, if" God "is only in the domestic fire, you can still take it out, give you a recent news, this month" God Biography "is in the Gao Li country Marketing The country is the first, you are willing to pay the game, now because of "God".

Take a look at a news, the "God Biography" of the Gaoli's largest game forum vote, the first thing for the game, because the game can play ******* Good is not good, this kind of person said, is The market has been counted, who is stupid, and look at the news again later. "

"You have spent more than a thousand people in" God Biography ", who cares about you? Bug is a big pile, no business, the game setting is not new, it is supported by a game production experience The quality of the game wants to come to Huaxia money? In the end, the Chinese people can't match the Korean game, or the NMB Korea game is not worthy of our Chinese people? Make a clear! Our Chinese players are not broken! "

"Just seen, very interesting, Gao Li domestic game manufacturers boycotted" God Biography ", saying that it is a fraud, the result is the free of our own, this wave of double label is fun."

"Resist? If the game is not good, do you engage in? I really laughed, goodbye, I'm playing, I will play Gaoli game, Laozi is a dog."

"Originally, the game is rubbish, and this is coming, roll."

"Then I will come to the arm, the Korean game has multiple bugs to handle the attitude, the external problem does not deal with, seriously infringed the player's rights, I ask the Korean game party to pay for me!"


At 9 o'clock in the evening, the topics of all major forums on the Internet are hot, the Korean game self-reputation and the gorgeous game company word of mouth are sharp decline. Just ready to turn over a free game, I have killed a piece of Bug plug-in and double-standard behavior this night, almost lost competitiveness ...

At the same time, Meng Qiao with a group of Yanhuang Alliance players stepped into the Turkish city of Yu You tribe, unplug the Totem of the Tribe.

There are four big words in the game:

Tucheng Night ...

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