After one night, the Huaxia game market gradually calmed down, and the large-scale BUG of Korea game was basically handled by a back-down, but this kind of no new way of handling is obviously unable to save the player's heart.

As for the end, it is intentionally in the style. The similar commentary online has always been there, but everyone can't take evidence. Anyway, the mainstream said is that you don't have so many problems, and the wind can not drill.

On this day, the first one to the company is Wei Pengtian, because he is very beautiful, the treasure chest of many bugs is his dominant project, most of the BUG is also what he found.

In fact, in fact, the company does not care about this time, because in everyone's opinion, if Meng Qian has been pressed, I have long been gorunte.

Meng Qian has also come to the company this day. He is waiting for Xiao Bo in the abroad to report.

At 8:20, Xiao Bo, who took the middle of the night, was dragged with the suitcase and came to Meng Qian's office.

"Hard work."

"There is a business trip to travel," Xiao Bo is ridiculed with the corner of the suitcase, "I saw the company in the company last night, this Gaoli game is in China."

"I have heard that several companies have developed games in China. It is estimated that Korea game is not awkward."

"Yes, then we have to usher in new opponents."

"I can't have a few game companies in China." Meng Qian got up to the sofa, "Such everyone can heat up the market together. Let me talk about the situation here, I will report it back to rest early."

"It is you." Xiao Bo kids, after Mensus, he basically knew that Meng Qian joked, and the big wind creative has a boss and employees to ridicule each other. The atmosphere, Xiao Bo is quickly integrated into this atmosphere, "In fact, the event of this game is a good side reaction.

Any product wants to enter the other people's market, you will have to encounter all kinds of trouble, especially in our China, China is still in the overall backwardness, now only our worship, there is no other person to worship our next time. "

Xiao Bo learned from the package to handle Meng Qian, "The most difficult goal should be the Goryrance, they have a relatively mature heritage, whether it is on the Internet or in hardware, then Plus Gaoli does have a very heavy thoughts.

You can look at some of my main products in this survey, and you will quickly replace and squeeze out the market after you have entered the Gari State.

Instead, it is the neon country, and there is no such thing as so much. It is more inclusive, and this time I go to the neon inspection, I found a very interesting phenomenon, and neon's Internet overall development is not weak. After that, they even be the world's first national country, but they put the core of the Internet development in industrial.

This country has really a unacceptable stubborn, so the layout of online games is just the opposite of the online game, and the development opportunities in neon countries are even greater.

In addition, I found a place where you can explore, Southeast Asia, Southeast Asia because of the overall economic backwardness, there is no attention to the Western payment, and there is no attention to the attention of Goryo.

However, the development of the Internet is a trend. There is no development and non-development. Only development is fast, this is not valued, I personally be very interested, because the number of people in Southeast Asia is huge, there is another important Point is in Singapore.

I went to Singapore to visit again, Singapore is a special existence in Southeast Asia, although the development of Singapore is a good development, because its own area is too small, the market is limited, so Southeast Asia has now a trend. "

"What trend?" Meng Qian has had his own guess.

"In the hub of Singapore, establish a Southeast Asian development circle, and the current foreign policy of Singapore is very open, they care about self-development, they will not have a strong exclusion with a strong exclusion, this for us, perhaps a Huge opportunity. "

Meng Qian habitually touched the Pakistan, "I returned to the Gaotaiism, if I want to let the hymths enter the Goryo, have there any way to break?"

"Yes." Xiao Bao is the person who is the favorite of Meng Qian's favorite person, "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""

Xiao Bo knows, turn the document to a page, "Directly rush into the Gao Li country, nine dead life, but if you can find a suitable company in Gaoli, give the other side enough meat, use the interest bundle to tie it, things Not the same.

Because Goromiors have now produced several companies that have made instant messaging, it is basically moving ICQ, there is nothing character, and no one stands out. Nowadays, now in Gaoli wants to grab this boss, there are many companies.

So we can put the goal in those who have this will, lack of the ability to create a competitive instant messaging, but it has a strong company. "

Xiao Bo did referred to a group of companies he pre-selected on the document, Meng Qian glanced, saw a very familiar company, hangame.

Meng Qian has been awarded when he found a proxy, and the company was very famous. It became the largest online game community website. After the merger with NAVER, the largest local social software Kakaotalk, which has been built in 2010. He also took Kakaotalk to neon.

"Hangame I have been in contact with you for instant messaging? And you put him in the second recommended location, why?"

In 2001, he was a year with NAVER, but it is still 9 years from Kakaotalk.

"I know that Hangame's own big plan is to engage in member operation, so I have communicated with him, and I have a big interest in the opponent, and I recommend him is that his user base and development Speed, most of the Gaoli netizens are gamers, and I open our first user in Korea, I am very beneficial. "

"Do you have a cooperative mode?"

"Technical stocks will add capital, but hangame is currently, will not hand over the company's voice."

Meng Qian quickly thought, "This, this market in Southeast Asia does not have a deep value, you make a plan, then neon, in the second half of the year, I will go to the neon country to go online, Do you see if there is any way to bind a launch.

As for the Gaotai State, I am worried about now is plagiarized by them. You first look at there is no better solution. I am really ... "

"I understand." Xiao Bo smiled.

"I have not enough for you for three days."

Xiao Bo is very seriously estimated, "Yes."

"Well, we all accelerate the speed, open your hymths as soon as possible, this is the most important task you are now, in addition, this time about 3G investigation, what results?"

"The 3G popularity of neon countries is very fast, and the Gaotai is now 3G popularization has begun. Asia, it is expected to enter the next group of 3G players in recent years, it should be Singapore and Israel.

I haven't heard 3G messages in Oimi. "

"It's Singapore ... this place is a bit mean. How is the 3G popularity of neon and Gaoli?"

"Still, the network construction of neon is mainly for industrial services, so although the Goromiology is a year, it is very likely to develop more than neon countries overall."

"Gao Li Guo, Samsung ..." Meng Qian's self-speaking contemplate.

Xiao Bo saw Meng Qian, I couldn't help but ask. "Do you really plan your own system?"

"Is there any problem?" Meng Qian was seriously asking.

"Mi State will not allow other countries to challenge his status on the system." Xiao Buli frowned.

"So ... Mi State allows other countries to challenge his status?"

"Amount ..." Xiao Bo was stunned.

"In this case, that is, he." Meng Qian took the pen in several important markets on the world map, only to the rice country.

"The world is so big, the old stares at him."


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