Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 114 This will be retracted from the historical stage.

Overseas version of the wind letter now with the domestic version of the hybrid, in addition to the web version as the dominant, another big difference is that the function is not so perfect, after all, the product, it is perfect, it is a complicated, complex It is easy for people to use it.

When more people are registered, the second gradually starting to highlight the second gradually, it is concerned.

This is concerned about two aspects. On the one hand, the personal show itself. At this time, another major advantage in neon begins, and the domestic mobile phone function is still relatively simple in 2001, and the major mobile phone manufacturers of neon. A new trend, mobile phone camera function has begun.

The first mobile phone J-SH04 of the world's first built-in camera was born in October 2000, from the hand of Neon mobile phone manufacturers, since then, mobile phone camera function begins to grow rapidly in neon.

However, the boom of mobile phone camera is not a neon country, but in 2002, Nokia 7650, after all, Nokia is the mobile phone hegemony in that year, it naturally has a global influence.

But this does not affect the 31st mobile phone photography in 2001.

Plus the neon itself is the camera development big country, Nikon Canon Sony has always been a big, so in this regard in this regard, the neon equipment is better than Huaxia.

Huaxia Hardcip is on the line for so long, the album function has not been fired, but the neon is different, the wind letter is on the line for a few days, and the personal image has increased, and the female college students are particularly happy to put their own photos. Online to get your attention.

And similar things happened in the sea, the Gaoli and Neon in 2001 have another foundation, the cosmetic foundation, although the financial crisis is just experienced, but the economic foundation of the two countries has completed, neon The country has begun popular makeup since the 1980s, and the Goromiology has begun to intertwine from the 1990s.

Ai Mei Xiu Xiu is the nature of young women, combined with the foundation of the two countries, plus the letter to give everyone an open and simple display platform.

Although this year, the old and neon has a lot of forums, but in the forum, the personal show is convenient in the wind, a picture, and a boy will come over, and immediately harvest a bunch of attention. Instantly reply to instantly communication.

The key is that the forum is very deliberate, and it feels that it is to understand the blind eye, but the hymths have given everyone a great reason: share life.

Meng Qian plagiarized the advertisement of the later generation.

Hyacinth, record a good life ...

Of course, not everyone is so deliberate show, and it does have more purely people who want to share life, because the sharing itself is in essence, is a more open communication method.

Therefore, in the de show and share two major demand catalyst, stimulate the rapid development of the hymths.

On the other hand, it is concerned, the payment of the hymths account.

Whether it is the QQ or today's own hymen, I have abandoned two boom in Huaxia, which is the hi-hierarchical boom and space dressing boom.

Since the hymthal overseas version is to live in the website mode, then this time, it is a very familiar thing that everyone is very familiar with: Flowers.

Access, publish, praise, message, will increase a certain nutrient value, and also set the rational level privilege.

For example, album capacity, you know, the server space in 2001 is very worthless.

This is very hot in China. At this moment, the same fire in East Asia and Southeast Asia, users are almost crazy for some points, and Meng Qian has relatively reasonable to make the per day of the nutrient value per day, which will make users more There is a mood to make this thing as a task.

If there is no upper limit, everyone will have an endless feeling, but I don't want to do it.

And in order to promote the client, there is a task to log in to the client every day, slowly, many users download the client on the computer.

As for the Internet caf, most of them have the client, after all, using the Great Wind Based Internet Cafe Management System ...

Not only has clients, but also in front of ICQ and MSN.

On August 5th, the prices of the hymths have also started to work in five days.

Still a night, or a Internet cafe, or the brother.

"Fujihara, Xiaojia also like to see Conan?" Big and suddenly asked.

"Ah? I don't know, how do you know?"

"You see her new monk show." Great and pointed to the personal interface of the small warehouse on the computer, which is dressed as the style of the prototype.

In the heart of Fujiwei, because he is a faithful connone powder, "It turned out that Xiaozu also likes to see Conan, then I went to buy a new set of new Dressress!"

After a few minutes.

Fujihara: "Small Warehouse," God "No?"

Xiao Xiao: "Late later, I am looking at the new dress in the wind circle, I also like Conan?"

Fujihara: "Yes, there are many surroundings around Conan at home, do you like Copan?"

Xiaozang: "Well, but I prefer the beautiful girl warrior, I originally wanted to buy a beautiful girl soldier full series, but I still feel too expensive."

Listening to the little cabinet, Fujihai quickly went to the Hyin Xiu Shopping Mall.

3500 neon currency, almost more than 200 soft girls.

In fact, a normal set of dress is also one or two hundred neon currency, about ten dollar soft sister coins.

The full set of beautiful girls is the most expensive thing in the entire mission city. On the one hand, because it is a full set, you can switch between the beautiful girls, and this dress is binding with the wind circle, there will be special effects, plus The dress is designed by the beautiful girl warrior, and there is a brand worth inside.

However, 3500 neon currency, saying that it is particularly expensive, it is a virtual product, and the hand is not particularly loose.

But for Fuji, for the goddess, this money is a fart.

He decisively places, because Meng Qian is very intimately designed with a function to buy for others ...

However, a minute, the small warehouse has received a system message: your friend Fuji originally gives you a set of beautiful girl soldiers full range of dress, please pay attention to check.


Fengxin Xiu and Wind Circle Dressress began to make a quick profit, and in neon, Meng Qian also did another thing.

The neon is the least lack of painter, so Meng Qian is on the neon country to the original platform, let the neon painter to the hymths to design the customs and letter of the wind circle.

For a long time, the quality and quantity of Fengxia Xiu is a problem. After all, the company's situation is that, but now it is more than 20 people.

I also tried the original platform in China before, and the response was not very big.

But in the neon, the painter is bad street, give everyone a part-time job, and the platform is hot, Meng Qian got more dress, neon painter more than an income, reasonable resource integration, everyone Happy.

However, in just five days, AOL has been noted in just five days.

In the age of the Twitter and Facebook, ICQ is a brother, which has exceeded 70% in Asia's market share.

It can be seen at this time and influence at this time, so there is another instant messaging to take the head, it can respond quickly.

"Do you study this letter?" John asked seriously by John, Director of the AOL Operation.

"They have a better product design idea." ICQ three founders of Visg response.

"So, can you achieve this idea?"

"Of course, technical issues are not very big."

"Then make things out in half a month."

"Half a month?" Visg looks like a fool, "Are you joking?"

"If there is any difficulties, if you want money, don't tell me that it is impossible, I am now looking at the development speed and development potential of hymths. If we let go of a few months, the market is grabbed by him. understand?

Not that I am hard, but we have to be fast, this is market demand, isn't my personal needs, understand? "

Visg is somewhat helpless, but he knows that there is nothing to refute. From ancient times, dry technology can say a piece of dry operation, "I need people, the company is now impossible to do products for half a month. Come out, and even if you do it, you don't give the test time, it doesn't guarantee what will happen after the online. "

"Then I will give you 20 days." John hesitated for a while, "our current advantage is that the user foundation, the advantage of the hymth is that the product creativity, but our advantage is better than him, so you don't have to put all his The functions are made, like a hyacinth show, the wind ambulance is completely developed later, and go back to the next version.

We will first make his core, open social model, reduce the difficulty of design, and reduce subsequent BUG risks, we can keep people first, and then optimize will not be anxious.

Visg, I am not my first time to tell you this sentence, you lack your operational thinking. "

Wigs is on the chair, whispered, "said it seems like you have technical thinking ..."

Two days later, Great wind cociations and Mantang were listening to Xiao Bo.

"Mi State is required to make ICQ new version within 20 days? The message is reliable?" Meng Qian asked Xiao Bo.

"Don't worry, the news will not be wrong."

"You guys who engage in international competition are really ..." Meng Qian smiled and said, "I have to fight with my spy."

"We are at least just right to change the money." Xiao Bo shot shrugged, "You don't know how they live alive."

Meng Qiao smiles, I don't want to discuss in this topic. "I have a similar wind and a circle in this topic. I will definitely have a lot of problems, or the product is simple, or a bug."

"Indeed, when the Wei Peng is going to go to BUG, ​​is he not calling the prince of ?" Xiao Bo said with a smile.

Meng Qian also nodded, and then looked at the development schedule of the company. "No. 25, our new features can also go online, no matter what, the big company is still a bit strength and strength, Penguin said to imitate last year. We haven't seen their products yet.

However, this is even more excited, ICQ is so many years, almost here to retreat from the historical stage ... "

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