Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 115 Industrial Software Industry


Before the hyperin and ICQ are about to begin, Meng Qian has a thing (love qing) needs to deal with, or participate in it.

That is on August 12 (Ri Ri), Huaxia Industrial Software Development Conference held in Yanjing.

The meeting was hosted by the mechanical department of the development of the industrial software industry, and Meng Qian came to the venue. After 8:30, after Liang Zhi, I came with Liang Zhiguo.

This time 45 has only come to Liang Zhi, after all, 45 is not engaged in industrial software.

There should be thousands of people who are sitting in the venue.

"Sitting in front of a few rows, it is now in front." See Meng Qian's face ((forcing Bi) Bi), Liang Zhiguo took the initial introduction, "including Huadian, Huawang, China Airlines, there is this The leading university representative, Tsinghua, Dalian, and your river, of course, there is less than the Chinese Academy of Software.

In their back, it is some new enterprises, such as Huawei. "

"Huawei is also doing industrial software?" Meng Qian asked.

"Yeah, why, you seem to be very interested in Huawei." Liang Zhioguo looked at Meng Qian's meeting (love qing) (love Qing).

"Well ... they are not engaged in semiconductors, I will naturally pay attention." Meng Qian casually copened, quickly transferred the topic, "Teacher Liang, what is the main purpose of this meeting today."

Because Liang Zhiguo's book (body shēn) will take some graduate students and doctoral students, Meng Qian feels that the teacher is more intimate, and Liang Zhiguo is not disappointing, and it is slowly changed.

"The purpose, it is to shouting everyone together to share the results, let everyone know the current (love Qing) in this industry, then ..." Liang Zhiguo made a number of money.

"Teacher Liang is ...?" Meng Qian has his own guess, but it is still modest.

"Both, the state knows the industry development (love qing), it is good to decide the next step, and the needs of our use industrial software, call us, the purpose is to know their development (love qing After the situation, if you are right, you will support it.

To put it bluntly, we are listening, and it is also a customer. "

Meng Qian nodded himself, at this time, the leader began to enter the venue and the scene began to calm down.

After the leadership simple spokes, as Liang Zhi is said, it is a company and research institute to start to share their development (love Qing) and development results.

From the scene effect, it is still good, it also mentioned before, before and after 2001, a small ** of the development of Huaxia Industrial Software. Those more than 30 representatives in the morning came out of their latest industries. Software, from the use of the results, it seems that the international gap between the internationally similar product is not very big, and it has won the applause of the scene.

But in Meng Qian, there is a big problem in this, because everyone puts the energy in two-dimensional, and there is no three-dimensional, and even those who mention three dimensions are not, it seems that everyone completely ignores the future. Industrial software is three-dimensional world.

There are even several companies to develop the future development prospects, not right.

In everyone's applause, Meng Qian is like a heterogeneous, always browsing, but the problem is that he doesn't know what to do at this moment.

Directly pointed out the problem in this conference site?


((Forcing Bi) Bi) also has to split.

In this way, Meng Qian sat up for a morning sharing in the needle, and the next is the private relationship between everyone.

"Lao Liang, I haven't seen you for a long time." Meng Qian took a little while sitting on the seat, a middle-aged man suddenly greeted Liang Zhiguo.

"Hey, Mingyuan." Liang Zhioguo (body shēn) shaking hands with the other party, and gave Meng Qian's eyes.

Meng Qian immediately realized that (body shēn).

"This is Ding Mingyuan, the Academy of Sciences, is also your river."

"Ding teacher, hello." Meng Qian took the initiative to reach out.

Ding Ming is reaching out and Meng Qian, at the same time, Liang Zhiguo introduced the road, "This is Meng Qian, big ..."

"Meng Qian?" Ding Mingyuan interrupted Liang Zhi, "Are you Meng Qian?"

"Ding teacher knows me?" Meng Qianqian said.

"Haha, our magical student, our magical students, Meng Qian, I certainly know, your vice president is my classmate." Ding Mingyuan took a shot of Meng Qian's shoulder, turned to Liang Zhi, "Lao Liang, you How to turn Meng Qian to your (body shēn)? "

"You have less than a hat, I am going to help Meng Tong's line."

"Haha, since it is torched, then I will take me, this way, a few old brothers gathered in noon? Xiaomeng came together."

"This ... is not very suitable." Meng Qian didn't know how to talk about any special topic, first test (sex xing).

"I am embarrassed, we have a few bad old ages, I don't talk about it, I am so fixed."

Ding Ming fell to the end, wait for him to go, Meng Qian once again determined that he did not suit his luncheon from Liang Zhiguo, and he got the law of Liang Zhiguo.

At noon, the organizer is actually dining, but most people will not stay in that, but the small gatherings of three or two two, Meng Qian follows Liang Zhi's participation in this small rice bureau, the total of seven people, is the people of the Chinese Academy of Sciences .

Meng Qiao sat in Liang Zhiguo (body shēn), except for himself, the remaining five people were graduated from Jiang University, which helped Meng Qian quickly integrated this atmosphere.

After the meal, Meng Qian found that these people were gathered together, they did not talk about it, but they did not talk about it. But for Meng Qian, there are several industrial software in the industry, this is a chance. .

He is still not deep enough for industrial software. If you want to change a industry, you must first understand a industry, or you may have done a lot of effort, you didn't hit the industry.

So I found an opportunity, Meng Qian took the initiative to ask, "Several teachers, I want to ask everyone a thing (love Qing)?"

Everyone is good for Meng Qian, nodded to indicate that he asked.

"I saw that everyone is sharing the development of domestic two-dimensional industrial software (love Qing), but according to I understand that the current research core is on three-dimensional industrial software, and has achieved some achievements, and from the actual effect In view, the advantage of the three-dimensional software is that the two-dimensional software is completely unsubstituted.

Personally, it is, industrial software field, three-dimensional is the future direction, I don't know what teachers see? "

Several people in the Hua Academy have paved a look, and finally by Ding Mingmao responded. "Xiaomeng, you think there is anything else in this industry, listen."

"Other problems?" Meng Qian didn't know what is Ding Mingyuan, but he asked, considering Meng Qian who will give a while, "I think we now, maybe, there is more software workers who don't understand industrial Designing industrial software, and this model mode may be, copy. "

"Is there anything else?" Ding Mingyuan recited again.

This is really hard to hold Meng Qian. He wanted to think carefully, and finally shook his head, he really can't think of it.

Ding Ming looked at Meng Qian's faint smile.

Meng Qian stunned, suddenly felt that this question was very interesting. He responded with his own guessed, "should know."

"Then you don't think, everyone knows this phenomenon but let this phenomenon, this thing (love Qing) this (body shēn), is it a problem?"

Meng Qian noticed that Ding Ming exposed a deep smile with other people, not for forever, today, we should learn from them to some deeper things ...


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