
"Don't sell Guan Zi." Liang Zhiki, on the side, Ding Mingyuan, "What is it still in the age?"

Ding Ming is white, Liang Zhi, once again turned to see Meng Qian, "Xiaomeng, do you know the future development direction of our national science and technology field?"

Ding Mingyuan's question is a bit big, Meng Qian doesn't know which point from it, then shook his head.

"Two points." Ding Ming lived two fingers, "marketing, comprehensive construction."

After Ding Ming said, after the answer, Meng Qian hiped himself.

The road of Huaxia Research has experienced four stages and has more detailed interpretation in the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

The first stage is that Meng Qian has always been the Huaxia Research Gold Period. In the 1950s to the 1970s, the biggest feature of Huaxia scientific research in that period was to form a research atmosphere that was just contrary to the later generations. At that time, it would be better to buy.

During that time, I called the slogan such as self-reliance, comprehensively independent, hard research and development. At that time, many products were willing to sell them, but we didn't buy it, just create it, only you have, it is the most reliable.

But there is a problem in that stage, it is to rely on the national allocation. Later, with the development of science and technology, scientific research costs are getting bigger and bigger, and it is not a way to allocate.

This has been a new stage of the 1980s, and the combination of scientific research and marketing, and the development of scientific research and market have promoted economic development. The economy will then feedback to research development, then, everyone knows.

However, there are two sides, research marketization is still good, is the expansion of Huaxia scientific research, which also laid the foundation for the lame rise in Huaxia.

After the 21st century, only two countries in the world have implemented R & D in research and development in science and technology, which are rice and Huaxia.

Simply, other countries are all the cows I am in. I will invest in which field of R & D, the so-called focus, or I suddenly feel that it is needed in which the area is needed, I am in this field, they It will directly ignore some fields.

Only the rice country and China, although there will definitely have a focus on different fields, but hardly ignore any field, full.

Therefore, in 2001, it was a special year in Huaxia scientific research. The science and technology foundation gave it. The Huaxia economy has begun to enter the rapid growth period, but it is better to buy it.

However, although Meng Qian is probably understood by Ding Mingyuan, he is a problem from the 2019 perspective. He is still very curious how people will look at these problems, so modesty, "Ding teacher can say more Some? "

"You will know that you will show in front of you!" Liang Zhiguo also got Ding Mingyuan, and it was very good to see that both people should have a good relationship, "hurry."

Ding Ming did not take care of Liang Zhi, but then he didn't sell it. "Xiaomeng, now you can actually see him as a huge company.

You should be able to understand, you should understand that such a large company, boss and even executives are impossible to participate in every department's work, the boss mainly is the direction, custom policy, and deal with upstream relations.

However, now there are thousands of research centers, the company's money is limited, some research centers will have a large amount of blood supply to the company because of the company's large direction policies, and there will be some research centers because there will be no big need for the time being. Not getting too big company support.

However, each of the company's research center, you have to engage in scientific research, there must be money, what should I do? Two ways, first, go to make money, second, take the initiative to apply for appropriations to the company.

So as the company, see what kind of research centers will be given to what kind of research centers will be given to what kind of research centers are given priority. "

Ding Ming watched Meng Qian, and said that Meng Qian replied. His habit of like to ask questions came again, and it is estimated that it is already aware of the awareness.

Meng Qian's phone call, "valuable."

"Hey, it is the boss, a little bit, the company has so many research centers, in addition to what is already attached, what is important? In fact, everyone is important, everyone will say that he is important, so There is always a criterion.

You can't say that you are important, you have to let the company see your value and see the output ratio. "

Ding Ming said this, moved to the cup in front of him, a little bit of feeling, "Now we return to industry software, industrial software is a national key cultivation object? Not.

Do you know how much this area can now apply from the national application for research funds? "

Ding Mingyuan asked the exit, it seems to realize that he made a problem, then raised a finger.

"One hundred million?" Meng Qian responded.

Meng Qian's answer caused everyone's laughter, Ding Mingyuan shook his head. A company, this is, 30 times the R & D investment in our country.

So if we take this money to engage in the development of three-dimensional industrial software? "

"It burned in minutes." I know that Ding Mingyuan likes to ask questions. Meng Qian simply cooperates with him, so that it can still talk more smoothly.

"Yes. So, like us, we certainly know the existing problems in this industry, but the bigger problem is, who is going to engage in three-dimensional technology? Is there any money? No money.

Can you always raise these people?

Therefore, it is in the development of this rhythm. Although this development direction is not right, this development direction can be exchanged in exchange for money, we can exchange money, we have these companies on two-dimensional industrial software. Development has successfully changed.

After the realization, you have money, the country will feel more valuable, willing to make more money, what is the technology of the next level?

It is slowly developed in the wealth created by a seemingly wrong way.

So we now pointed out that the problem of this industry is meaningless, pointed out, then? Didn't then, the country's money is limited, it is impossible to burn like no bottom in all areas.

If you stop the current development direction, you will not only help the development of the three-dimensional industrial software, it may be ruined in the development of two-dimensional industrial software, not to mention that the two-dimensional industrial software is not wrong, but it is just behind.

So now go to the development of this industry now, really wrong? Accurately, it is developing behind the backward manner. "

Meng Qian carefully realized Ding Mingyuan, suddenly asked, "A few teachers, I would like to teach a question. In your heart, I feel that in the field of semiconductors, it is more important to industrial software, or is more important?"

"That is definitely a light moment." Ding Mingyuan failed, and several other people nodded.

Sure enough, people who don't have God's perspective can't see the future, this is an objective phenomenon.

Because of the ZTE incident, everyone knows how important the industrial software is, and the state does not pay attention to it. At this moment, the chip technology has not been so high, and the three-dimensional industrial software has just started to have a gap. Coupled with industrial software this market is small, and there is no market in the market until 19 years.

Photolithography and chips can be a hundred billion-level market, and it is a full number of levels.

So the people in this era will despise industrial software, not there is no reason, and normal people can't see the future.

However, everything that Ding Ming said, it really made Meng Qian have a new understanding of the national scientific research and development of this year. Before Liang Zhiguo analyzed the semiconductor industry, the semiconductor belongs to the field of national values?

Of course, there is more problems with Liang Zhioguo sharing more about the poor and no private enterprises that have no private enterprises, I am willing to burn money, but I have so much money.

Today, Ding Mingyuan makes Meng Qian understand the difficulties encountered in the fields that are not valued. If it is not valued, it is not poor. Because even if it is rich, there will be no change, unless the country is rich in no-hole Comprehensive development, but that is impossible.

No matter whether it is valued, Meng Qian found that private enterprises have a lot of value, the state does not pay attention, private enterprises can pay attention, the country does not burn money, private enterprises can burn money.

But the problem is, so many fields are not valued, Meng Qian can't worry, the country does not come over, what is the tube yourself ...

Meng Qian must be a positive reality. He can do it now, that is, according to future experience, do some of him think that more important areas, some extent, he is also ignoring other fields, and those who have been ignored by him The area of ​​the field may be 2029, it has become a field of collaborative neck.

So, I still have to pay more attention to research.

If there is a Huawei in every subdivision, the situation is completely different ...

Today's dialogue has a profound meaning of Meng Qian, which also affects some of the works.

However, at this moment, he is more concerned about the industrial software. Because Meng Qian suddenly thought of a thing, this matter made him think of a possibility, "several teachers, if there is a country now Companies can design with international first-class companies, at least gaps do not have such a three-dimensional industrial software, and obtain a certain market response.

So this is not a value of a value? "

"Theoretically, Calcles." Ding Ming thought about it, "The so-called value is that you make people feel important, or you can see the prospect.

If someone can design an industrial software that shoulders international first-class level, it is absolutely a prospect. "

"If you take this software to apply for research investment in this field, can you apply more than a point?" Meng Qian asked.

"Can you affect the entire industry, it is not good, but at least this company wants to apply for research funds, it should be no problem." Ding Ming looked at the people at the eyes and responded.

"Then I take the liberty and ask the last question. If there is such a business now, is it like a teacher like this, is it willing to work with this company, what is the development of this industry?"

Ding Ming can't help but smile. "If there is such a business, I can resign from the Huacai Institute to do it with him."

"Good!" Mintor's evil charm smiled, "said this teacher, this is alive, I will pick it up!"

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