
Meng Qian's words made Ding Mingyuan and others, and the Liang Zhioguo on the side looked at them and couldn't help but laugh.

"What are you laughing?" Ding Mingyuan looked inexplicably Liang Zhiguo.

"You don't know if you don't know when you are in front of you."


Looking at Ding Ming, I don't know anything, I don't know, Liang Zhiki is conscious, "You are not provoked to Changuang, so big things don't tell you?"

"Can you don't learn me to sell?"

Ding Mingyuan ushered in everyone, Liang Zhiguo no longer teasing him, but turned to Meng Qian, because Meng Qian has taken the computer.

The era of smartphones has not been popular, and it can only take a notebook with a laptop.

And Meng Qian shows Ding Mingyuan and others, naturally is three-dimensional software.

Ding Mingyuan and others looked at the created software created, and the table is a good look.

The first time I came back, Ding Ming asked, "Is this really your company?"

Meng Qian smiled nodded, "I don't dare to lie to you, I don't dare to lie to you."

At this time, Ding Ming's Shen Zhan didn't hit the key. "You will not hit this technology, will there be a problem with patented infringement?"

"Reassuring, the principle behind the algorithm behind the variableization technology is actually some things, S is always impossible to take the formula of Euchi to apply for patents, it is difficult to achieve the realization of the algorithm, this thing is a monopoly. "Meng Qian is very calm."

"Although you have achieved three-dimensional technology, but in detail, it is still a big bigger with S's product gap." Shen Zhan continued, and a needle saw blood.

And his words also caused the table changes in other people. The table on their face is a bit complicated, which is more complicated and most, it seems to be helpless.

"Because Great wind technology also lacks the right talents." Meng Qian handed up, and took the core directly.

After a while, Ding Mingyuan asked directly that "Xiaoman wants to continue to follow the telelant strategy in industrial software, how is the domestic resources?"

Meng Qian shook his head, "" The current situation of our resources in this industry should be clear. "

Meng Qian's words made everyone silent, and then he opened the open source league before going to the computer. "Several players can look at this."

Everyone first understands the open source alliance, and then found an open source industrial software project under Meng Qian's guidelines.

"Do you open the technology?" Shen Zhan has some accident.

"Is this a pity?" Ding Ming went to Shen Zhan.

"Nothing is a pity, or that sentence, this technology is not much gold volume, and the internationally first echelon industrial software company will definitely have a big breakthrough in three-dimensional, otherwise I look down on them.

Instead of dying such a technique, I walked in my hands in my hand, it is better to try to use it to produce greater value when it is still a little value.

Technology is not universal, open source is not universal, the most important thing is based on the reasonable provisioning resources of the current solid situation. "

Meng Qian said, while showing the exhibition and exhibition of the entire open source project now, "Now there are more and more people involved in the project, but I am most worried about time problems."

Then Meng Qian said he would like to use the open source power and then let the company say on the open source basis. "This time, the light of the teacher is fortunate to participate in the meeting, I have been thinking that I can think of this meeting. Do something.

Then I think of a thing, can I promote this open source project in this meeting.

We have indeed lack of self-research capabilities, because lack of basic knowledge, because of lack of experience, but after the open source power, our Chinese learning speed and imitation speed is very afraid.

The open source environment of the second-dimensional industrial software has greatly treated the exhibition of Huaxia Industrial Software. Then I think that the open source environment of the three-dimensional industrial software will also play this effect? "

"Do you want to tell this open source project? Let everyone open their industrial software as you with you." Ding Mingyuan understood Meng Qian, but also proposed his own questions. "Are you cultivating our competitors?"

Ding Mingyuan makes Meng Qian five flakes smile, "our opponent, should not be abroad"

When Meng Qian's words, Ding Mingyuan and others felt five flavors.

Because of the level of the country, everyone's opponent is of course abroad, but from the company, the opponent is not very good in China.

People like the Huacai, they certainly hope that their products directly target international, but for a company, they can't live in China, talk about what international competition.

The company is still in the country, because the inner fight is almost being dried by neon countries.

After all, there is a small family and everyone.

But the problem is that this world is not harmonious. Some people don't want Huaxia to show it. Some people have gave you a more realistic problem when the small family has not yet launched. Everyone is gone, the small family is still Are there?

Under the chandis, there is a nephew?

Therefore, Meng Qian is not qualified to ask domestic companies, Ding Mingyuan and others are equally qualified. Meng Qian's only thing is to ask himself.

But Meng Qian's own attitude and pattern, it should also be able to win some people's respect and appreciation for him.

Just like Ding Mingyuan and others.

"What can we help you?" Ding Mingze asked directly, since the heart.

"Since the teacher opened, then I will not be polite, I want to smash the influence of the China Software, I hope that you can help me promote this open source project."

"This is not a help." Ding Ming shook his head, "as long as you nod, we are happy to do this."

I saw that Ding Ming screamed that he would make another request, Meng Qian smiled, "I hope that Teacher Ding can speak, and wait for the big wind to create an international first-class industrial software, you can see you to report. .

Alternatively, everyone can come with me, and ask for some points to ask for some points. "

"Hahahaha." Ding Mingzi laughed two, "Xiaoman is very confident to himself."

Meng Qian said with a smile, "I also said just now, this lives, promote the open source project, is for the country's overall exhibition, but the first international industrial software to open a company, will be a strong style "

"Good!" Ding Ming lives like Meng Qian's self-confidence. "Then, you will make a word, you have to give up, I will dig a group of people."

"Don't don't don't!" Meng Qian was busy, "I don't want to be chased by the Huacai". "

"Hahahaha." Everyone smiled, this matter is talking.

Have the Academy of Sciences software to promote themselves, today, there are so many people in the industry today, and their influence is imagined.

Incidentally, I also help the Open Source Alliance has made a big advertisement. The influence of the Open Source Alliance rises sharply in the next few times. Although it is not Meng Qian, but this is indeed a profit of Meng Qian's personal profit, it is a blessing.

At the same time, Meng Qi actually got another personal profit.

That is, the company's entire technical heart has always lacking high-level management with qualifications and trustworthiness.

If you really can dig your suitable predecessors from the Academy of Software, this vacant has been able to find the right owner.

Therefore, after returning to the company, Meng Qian is the first thing to "pressure" to the employee of the Ministry of Industry Software.

Anyway, no matter how the future is 996, Meng Qian always believes in the backward situation, you can't pay more efforts, and then, Great wind code is 996, but Meng Qian gave overtime salary.

Let Meng Qian are not 996, nausea is 996 that does not give overtime salary.

After that, Meng Qian looked at the organization structure of the company. Now the internal management is also known from Xiao Bo, but it is definitely still separated, and Meng Qian needs to make him main energy on the openout.

In addition, the company has a very lack of location, sales director.

"What should this person going?"

Meng Qian has flashed the giant's history and step by step. These two are the marketing ghosts in this era, but they always feel that their marketing strategy is not very suitable for their own business, and they are bosses, it is impossible Give yourself, up to cooperation outsourcing.

Or Miss Dong?

Meng Qian thinks that Miss Dong, this will be in Gree, and he is a president of Gree in 07. She is the marketing talent of offline products, but it is a bit matching with the company, but is Gree? Do you have any good way to dig?

On this day, Meng Qian has flashed a lot of well-known marketing talents, but it is especially suitable for all aspects.

Time will come to the month 25.

Still have strength, I have been 20 days, I really have a new version for 20 days.

20 Online, this has appeared in November 4, 2001 in this world, in this world, in advance of 2001 25, and the version core content is completely different.

Meng Qian sat in the station version, and sure enough, I licked the function of the hymth, because in just 20 days, I couldn't give them what design space, I can copy it.

And many details have nothing to do, just as the interface, it is entirely two grades.

Besides, the friends are recommended, have a thick user base, but they don't have a good algorithm to support, the whole friend is recommended is completely in the whole.

Especially at the beginning, I didn't ask everyone to fill in the real school information, and it is not like a hymthry to recommend a precise alumni.

Then it is imitating the circle of the wind, even the name is imitated, and the imitation is special, and the content is more rough. It is said that the ability, the envelope function is not open, the message board interface is a mess, there is no wind The dressing function of the circle.

After seeing the updated look, Meng Qian is basically in the heart, but people have the advantage of users, Meng Qian is more talented.

So, 2001 is also 25, and the global synchronization update function is updated.

New features include: Fengxin Farm 14

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