
It is estimated that there should be impressions before 95.

At that time, an academic discussion was also attracted, what kind of sociological experts, psychology experts have taken place to analyze why the cockroach will fire, and the professional terminology such as virtual social dependence is also popular in that age.

If you are fundamental, why is it so fire? Meng Qian doesn't know, anyway is finished.

And for Meng Qian, the biggest purpose of the on-line stealing is to make the user base, and the hymths will have a certain user base in the overseas university circle, but the number of users with ICQ is better than that. far.

In 2001, the total population of Southeast Asia, East Asia added almost 700 million, and the number of netizens exceeded 100 million.

ICQ registered users more than one billion, while the wind letter is now only 3 million in the regional registered user.

Meng Qian now needs to start how to expand this user group.

And stealing vegetables is a good way, because only more friends can steal more dishes.

Meng Qian is now with ICQ, the difference is the user base, so it must be fast, otherwise ICQ is like the QQ once, depending on the user base to defeat every other opponent.

Anyway, you can imitate.

Regardless of this ICQ new version, there are many rush, 20 days can do it, which is enough to make Meng Qian's awareness of a crisis.

On August 25, when the hymn is updated, the user naturally takes a curiosity to see this new function. The overall design of Fengxin Farm is basically the same as the happy farm, herbs, insecticidal, watering, etc. Cāo is reserved.

The user's first reaction to this game is fresh, because no one is designed in this era.

But that night, the influence of the farm will not break out so soon, everyone is to open the place first, then have friends to give each other water water.

In order to promote everyone's faster farm, Meng Qian also designed a farm reward, and exchanged the exclusive hymths and wind circles.

The first day of the wind, the market, the market is in general ...

The second day of the wind, the market, the market is in general ...

On the third day of the wind, the market is on the line, the market is in general ...

Ten days after the wind is on the line ...

Gao Li University a boy dormitory, ten o'clock in the evening.

"Come here, the brothers are divided into workers. Now everyone's rhythm is the same, just can help each other.

Boss is going to sleep early, it is responsible for 10 o'clock to collect grapes, the second is responsible for 12 oranges, and the third can stay up late. You are responsible for the cantaloupe in the morning, and the old four is good to give the object to buy breakfast. You are responsible for 6 points The grapefruit, help us get the dish to go to your friends, you can go to your girlfriend.

Then I took off work in the morning, and I was all included in the day, I opened a alarm clock, and you will be responsible for between 5 pm to 10:00. How? "

"I think it can, this way, we have a stealing value table, everyone will steal the dishes according to the value table, nor do you have to re-dash every day, then make a kind of vegetable plan, everyone keeps vegetables in the same rhythm, This will make a break together, it will be very convenient. "

"The value of the cleaning of the cleaning, no one is serious."

"Clean your health and steal dishes, can it be a matter ?!"


Neon, at 8 o'clock in the evening, a pair of students in Kyoto is eating in a western restaurant.

I have finished eating, the boys have a simple way, "We don't return to the dormitory tonight." Go to the hotel? "

"Ah? Why?" The girl's face was red.

"Because ... I haven't seen you for a long time, I can't help you, I want to stay with you for a while, or I will definitely miss in this evening." Seeing girls hesitating, boys have been taking a way "You rest assured, I will sleep with you, don't do anything!"

"That's okay."

With the consent of the girl, boys have been busy paying money, holding a girl's nervous little hand to the hotel.

One into the hotel, the girl is sitting in front of her, the boys are sitting in front of her, deeply staring at the girl, as the girl is slowly closed, the boys put the face in the past ...

"Being Bell"

At this time, the boys' mobile phone sounded the sound of the alarm.

"Hey, stealing the food time."

"Ah ... Yes, I have to steal the dishes!" The girl also reacted it, and then two people looked in the hotel's computer.

The boy is still more and more, looking for a relatively high-end business hotel with a computer.

The two have rushed to open the computer, the boys let the girls can't buy food first, then they will buy food, then the two will start to go to others to steal the food.

"How many friends do you have?" Looking at boys have been stealing vegetables, girls are curious.

"Seven eight hundred."

"How can you have so many friends?" The girl was shocked.

"There is a kind of stealing food in the forum, you can add them if you need it."

"Really, then you can add some people, I have more than 50 friends, the farm upgrade is particularly slow."


The boys started to help girls with friends, and they will also redevelop themselves.

This is played at 12 o'clock in the evening.

"It is a bit sleepy, or do we sleep?" The earlier girls proposed to sleep.

"Oh, or do you take a bath first?"

The girl looked at the eyes. Some shy points nodded. I spent 20 minutes, and the girl took a good shower. "Thousands of leafjun, I, I washed."

"Oh, you sleep first, I will take a little while, I will steal the dishes."

"Oh .. Oh ..." The girl was lying on looking at a boys and stealing vegetables, looking at it, fell asleep.

Early the next morning, the two of the two suddenly woke up, boys slowly opened their eyes, watching the side, slowly putting the head.

"Being Bell"

"When the trough, the restaurant is coming again!" The boys jumped from top, quickly ran to the computer.

At noon, I watched the bedroom, the girl's roommate looked at the eyes of gossip, "Hey, last night, you and Qianfeng ... all do it."

In the face of the gossip of the roommate, the girl suddenly felt inexplicably, "he really didn't do anything !!!!"


The hot vegetables are hot, and the income of time is gradually showing.

"This world can make me get started early, only the Fengxin Farm and my mother."

"Life is like stealing vegetables, many friends have multiple roads."


In September, it was the month of Fengxin Farm, although many schools were started, but they can't stop everyone to steal food.

Moreover, with the increase of the hybrid users, hybrids have begun to extend from the university.

In order to steal the dishes, college students shouted all the brothers and sisters, the brother's brother's sister, and one passed the 109th, plus the advantages of the letter. The hymthry users started to break out.

On the other side, John once again called Visg into the office, saying almost exactly, "I give you 20 days, be a farm!"

This time, Visglian rebellion does not resist, and quickly go back to work.

And the neighbors of Mickey, Microsoft suddenly smell the business opportunities in Asia, and MSN has been pressed by ICQ in Asia. This will suddenly take a hymthry stir, but let Microsoft feel very interesting.

So, Microsoft, a big big industry, also started to act.

The battle of the Three Kingdoms in the instant communication industry kicked off.

In China, in September, Meng Qian stared on another three-footed trend ...

"Look, talk about life, find yourself

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