The dinner ends in the evening 9 o'clock. After everyone scattered, Meng Qian went to the school basketball court.

" "

There is a man on the basketball court that is playing in the night.


Basketball passed to Meng Qian, Meng Qian hugged basketball, turned it in his hand, suddenly a inexplicable strange movement.

I tried two times, and I almost didn't take the ball.

"No, it will waste into such a man in this year." The man under Meng Qian and the dislike.

"Yeah, actually waste into this way." Meng Qian tried to adapt, "madman, half of me call me?"

Feng Yufei shrugged and "bored."

He grabbed the basketball in Meng Qian's hand, came to a three-step basket of Lord.

I used to Meng Qian, with Feng Yufei is the main force of the school basketball team, in a sense, Meng Qian and Feng Yufei have stem from basketball.

The two often go to the basketball court in the evening. Feng Yufei claims to be Likuku, Meng Qi claims to be Xian Dao, and the two are also called Sichuan combination.

However, this world, the Sichuan combination impossible.

Seeing Feng Yufei played on the box, Meng Qian shizes the rebound, and then a jumper near the ball line, three do not touch

"I rely on, do you dare to miss a little ?!" Feng Yu fell to spit, and then a beautiful three-point network.

"Waste you, old rules, 5 balls, 100 pieces, come."

"The big boss will not come to the money." Feng Yufei gave Meng Qian to attack him first.

Then, Meng Chen did not accidentally hang.

Looking at Meng Qian's current level, Feng Yufei is obviously not strong, but Meng Qian has a strange emotion in the heart, "again."

"five hundred."

"500 is five hundred."

Then, it is still five to zero.

In this way, Feng Yu flew Meng Qian, and Meng Qian finally entered a ball with reborn luck, and then sat in the ground.

Feng Yufei also gasped to Meng Qian, although Meng Qian's horizontal is burst, but Feng Yufei's expression is completely different from just Meng Qian.

"This year's Cuba preliminaries began?" Meng Qian asked after the air.

"Well." Feng Yufei turned the ball on the ground, "I first entered this year."

"Yes you!" Meng Qian gave Feng Yufei.

"Why do you turn it? How did you listen to you before?" Feng Yufei finally opened, but it should be an opening or not, it is still unsecured, but also makes it. " "

From Meng Qian, I will realize that there is something, change.

Life is such a egg, which is never perfect. It will lose some so-called naive.

I used to play with Feng Yufei and impact Cuba together, and I have a ridiculous dream of NBA.

Take a course together, play the game together, and steal the girl's dormitory.

Those who seem to have a little meaningful to make money in the future.

Bumble is the best memories in your youth.

This world, Meng Qian will never have this simple and happy. Every day, it is the life of several hundred employees, that is, the pressure from the competitors.

Maybe it's a little bit better than a boss that has no heart, it is a little, and Meng Qian is not such a person.

I have entered the mall early, and I have been famous, and many things are gone.

"Hungry isn't hungry? Shout out the brothers of the dormitory, come and eat in the night."

When the roommate once again visited, a inexplicable embarrassing is between everyone, but when Meng Qian began to "mouth vomin", when Meng Qian is still playing with Feng Yu, at a moment, everything It seems to have returned to the past.

The roommates began to spit teachers, spit schools, spit professional, and the beauty of the commentary, talk about each other's gossip, talk about who I like it, who is rejected, who is going to open a room in this semester

Meng Qian is this night, fascinating with Feng Yu flying a bed, this is the most comfortable night of his time to sleep.

After waking up the next day, Meng Qian went to the school leadership and donate one million school basketball team.

In fact, Cuba is raised by Jiang Da. In 2000 and 2001, Jiang Da also took two runners. However, Jiang Da's basketball team did not take over in CUBA.

Meng Qian is caught up with the two-year basketball team player, and the regret of the championship, accompanied by his life.

At this moment, this moment, this is just a pity of youth.

Sitting on the company taxi, Meng Qian suddenly realized that the biggest meaning of rebirth is to let a person understand, no matter how it lives, there will be regrets

In this case, then do things you want to do.

People are not worth it, but everything is the best arrangement.

How embick to the world.

This night, let Meng Qian have more firm to future life.

After returning to the company, Meng Qian returns to the normal working condition, the online gaming group is online, which is going overseas to quickly obtain new users.

However, in the next few days, a thing suddenly happened in China.

In October 2001, if there is a friend who has online surfing, you should remember a thing, a "scholar" once again been plagiarized.

Then Meng Qian remembers that I have developed this kind of copy of this guy itself is developing itself, but this world has a very inexplicable change.

There is a wave of rhythm on the Internet, saying that Huaxia people know plagiarism.

And this world will appear with different network atmospheres in the world, and the polarity is like "God Biography".

Some people use this "scholar"'s plagiarism again to take the "God Biography", even in 2001, the rhythm on the Internet is particularly good.

"The" God Biography "is obviously plagiarism, otherwise the wind is inspired by a Great Breakfast, which is inspired by the game?

"Just, people with brains can see it, play like this, isn't it copied?"

"Plag your Gaoli game, and the results also put the Korean games in the dead, really disgusting, garbage" God biography ", garbage big wind curse."

Originally for online sayings, Meng Qian is too lazy to respond, because this has always attacked a "God Biography", Meng Qi is numb, and then said, is it useful to explain these people?

The problem is that the bigger the rhythm of this time is bigger.

"What is" God Biography ", the hyacinth is not plagiarism, and there are several domestic doing instant messaging, but they are copying ICQ, a group of plagiarism."

"NetEase mailbox plagiarizes Yahoo, plagiarism Google, Zhang Haowei plagiarism rice, welcome everyone to supplement online."

"Recently, I have just been" I am a song mad ", obviously plagiarize neon, I am embarrassed! It's just in an insulting ring!"

"What will happen in Huaxia companies? Do we have original things?"

"Why don't we originally created, plagiarism is not our original?"

"Hahahaha, in the upstairs, Huaxia people will not copy!"

"The most disgusting thing is that these companies are plagiarized for a great business that will be advertised to be advertised. Microsoft this innovative enterprise is a great company. When a group of plagiarism, the face is great?"

With the continued, topic, the topic is even directly involved in education.

"People in Huaxia education have expected their innovation?"

"It is, what is the education of Western education? What is education, education is destined to have a copy."

A wave of Meng Qian is very common in the later generations, in the 2001 network, appeared

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