
October 6 (Japan rì) early in 2001.

The National Day is seven days, but because of the work tasks of the Great Wind Creativity (Body SHēN), Plus No. 5 at night MSN launched a group function, and a number of employees have come to work.

"Is this helper ?!" Wei Peng Tian couldn't stand in the company, "the development of people in our country is in front of us, and many things they have done, we don't imitate what to do? Is it difficult to do? What do others have done? We all don't do it?

This is stupid ((forcing bī) bī), don't go online, go online is also plagiarism! "

"Why do they have to deny their own countries." Fu Yiyi sent his own questions.

"I also feel so strange." Tianting Ting, who was sitting in Fuyi (body shēn) frowned, "I feel that everyone is not talking to this (body shēn), is completely attacking my country."

"Because a three-run schist's plagiarism directly demonstrates the entire Huaxia academic circles, ridiculous." Division disdain, "Millennium university academic fraud, one by one now boasts the sky, not distinguishing!" "

"This is a lottery of (Song Zhen Luo," Song Zhen Luo, "This is the dissatisfaction of this incident in the heart of life."

"I also saw a lot of (sex xìng) analysis in the past few days, and I didn't see it in these two days." Li Yidan said.

On the other side, Li Fei said helplessly, "Because it is useless, I am particularly interested in the Internet, and I will realize that if they think, they will be like this. I have a happiness online. "

"Is there any way to take them?" Li Yixan asked a sentence.

Many people shrugged and shrugged, Song Zhen Luo was sighed, "I feel, it seems that I really have no way."

"Meng Tong!"

At this moment, Meng Qian came to the company.

Compared to the company's employees (love qíng), Meng Qian is a lot, after all, this phenomenon is rare, but in 2019, this phenomenon is not blamed.

"Meng Zheng." See Meng Qi came to the company, Yan Yongkang quickly walked to his (body shēn), "the impact of this online public opinion is a bit big, feeling ... Some people are helping."

"Who?" Meng Qian asked.

"I am uncertain." Yan Yongkang replied.

"You let you think who you think?"

Yan Yongkang looked at Meng Qian's eyes, "should be a few game agents."

Meng Qian couldn't help but smile, "They are also very miserable, suicide attack?"

"Amount ..." Yan Yongkang responded for a while, "Who is that?"

"Don't really have a backup." Meng Qian took the arm of Yongkang, "The big wind is created, the more you will be, the more you will make, the more people will be.

After all, some people will like someone.

What's more, even if you don't do anything, you succeed, you are already wrong in some people, because this world will never lack the energetic people, even if your wealth is you fighting But as long as you have money, you will die in them. "

"What logic? Is this not pulled?" Yu Yongkang consciously.

"But there is such a group of people." Meng Qian looked at the documents in the hand of Yong Yongkang, indicating that he gave the document to himself.

Yan Yongkang is busy handling the document to Meng Qian, but I can't help but, "Then we are so excited?"

"Let them jealous?" Meng Qian's mouth is soaring.


According to the latest data, the hybrid has harvested 45 million registrations overseas, almost flat MSN. Meng Qian called Yu Yongkang into the office and let him prepare to reallo the new features.

The 5th MSN launched a group function, ICQ has not yet messages.

Microsoft MSN project group, Operations Director Kevin looks at the latest data satisfaction, "ICQ has been a web version of thinking for two years, and a group function will disrupted his rhythm.

This time I really have to thank the Human 's hyacinth. "

"But the number of users now exceeds us, and the speed of development is too fast." The operation manager Paul is a little uneasy.

"So, the next step is to use the ecological binding to grab the market, and the hyperin does not have a binding ecological function, but we have.

Although the wind is fast, his users are newly registered, stick (sex xìng) will not be very high, and now, who can get the user more firm. "

"Mr. Kevin!" At this time, his assistant has a little panicked to enter the office, "" Fengxin, the letter is new! "

"Is there a bottom sign?" Kevin revealed the obvious doubt (love Qíng), "What is the function?"

"This time is ... speech and video."

Kevin looked at the eye report and then handed the report to the technical director, Shen Sheng, "How long does this function take?"

"Anyway ... not getting out of ten days and twenty days."


October 6 (Japan rì) night speech with the video function, there is no doubt that the emergence of unreasonable, especially the emergence of video functions, so that this evening has become a sleepless night.

The rapid promotion of voice functions is the game player.

"Brothers, God's letter, open the voice and fight!"

"I am going, this voice function is too good to make the group efficiency rose instantly."

"Unfortunately, I can't spend voice with the opposite side. Otherwise, I can just be jealous. Every time I write, I will be tired enough."

"Wow, there is a sister, how big is your sister?"

"I am 18 years old."

"Wow, the voice is soft, tonight, my brother takes you the first."


"What few are stupid ((forcing bī) bī)? Will not fight together! Let me believe that the old lady is screwing down!"


As for the video function, the first group is (love Qíng).

"Dear (love ài), in the morning, do you want us to take a break?"

"Don't, I want to see you again."

"But my father will go home, she is not allowed to play computer."

"Then let me see ten minutes, I will be very good for ten minutes."

"okay then."

"Dear (love ài), last ten minutes, I haven't seen you for a long time, I have a bit want to see ... I don't ..."

"Bad guys ..."


Seeing the voice and video function of the 6th night set off a huge response, this back Microsoft is really a bit anxious. AOL did not implement function in a short time, I had to play a hand, propagated AOL's video function, which portrayed better than the hymthal video, and then smashed the technical team quickly developed.

Dabuke's creation continued to be oppressed by competitors, and continued to be insulting the keyboard man.

From the afternoon of No. 7, there was always no response to the wind, and vocal.

A static statement of Great wind and Chuang also boarded the headlines of Haiwei, Netease, Sohu and Sina.

"Great wind, three questions, Microsoft AOL"

The article will describe the experience of Great Wind University's recent overseas and then put forward three issues.

First Q: The wind is a function, and AOL will follow, imitate the hymn, to make a space, do a farm, and do a voice video, but it behaves as original in his own platform. Excuse me, you have always shouted respect for the creation ?

The second question: MSN launches a group function after the letter, and it is completely moving the group playing method of the hand, why is it called the world's first?

The third question: In addition to plagiarism, what will TM do? !


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