Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 128 Dream of life

"Is this?" Meng Qian reaction also realized that he would think more.

"This is the list of visitors, you are not good at San Gu Mao, hand it over."

"Amount" Meng Qian's consciousness is difficult, but I think of how the country is in the future, I nod, "Okay, I will go."

"Old Liang, you don't teach Meng." Ji Kai walked over and patted the arm of Liang Zhi Guo, turned to Meng Qian, "all people in a circle, have already dumpped.

This time, our Jiangda's research results have caused the attention of the industry. The country lets us refine the project, but also because of paying attention, I hope everyone can concentrate the power.

The people on these lists have this will, but it is impossible like the old beam saying, everyone has its own task. "

Said, Jikai took five copies from the list. "These five now have been engaged in education, and they have a lot of interest to join our project with their respective students."

Then Jikai took a ten document, "these meanings are, it is."

"Is it?" Meng Qi has some unexpected look at Jikai.

"Yes, use their private time and private energy to participate."

"This" Meng Qian, of course, is not more research big scientific research, but the documentary that I have seen later let him know which one they are not the day, their private time, may be sleeping time Meng Qian is constant.

Looking at Meng Zhi Mandarin, the focus of Ming Zhi, the emphasis on Meng Zhi, "We are all people in the body, and this experience has experienced it, and this day, the only obeys, Just want to see the motherland's prosperity. "

One sentence of Liang Zhiki has caused emotional changes in the office.

In this change, Meng Qian 's eyes have become firm. They have witnessed the grievances of the country, and the three after the 00 after 00 and after the 30th, maybe just a concept, but for them Forward.

Is a dream!

At this time, Meng Qian realized that if you think about it, you don't have trouble, it is insult to them. "What can I do now?"

"Three things, the first is to write the application for review today. The second thing, we recommend establishing a laboratory in two cities to facilitate further cooperation. Look," Liang Zhiguo pick up another copy from the table The document is handed over to Meng Qian.

Meng Qian looked at it, these two points were Changchun and Yanjing.

"The preliminary budget is 50 million, but the company is now only 20 million funds that can be moved out." Liang Zhiguo put forward the first realistic difficulties.

"Nothing, the remaining 30 million parent company make up, I will arrange it today, try not to delay everyone."

"Third things, this time there will be new partners, are you planning to give your shares? If you give your shares, your own shares may even have 50."

"The development of microelectrics in Shanghai relies on everyone, I want to do so many shares." Meng Qian is completely free.

"But this is the company you built after all," said the receipt of Liang Zhioguo.

"Open the company just to make money, there is no interesting point." Meng Qian did not discuss more about this problem, "Dear teachers said how to write an application."

Everyone is no longer a lot, Liang Zhi, some people have already prepared the content, simply organize, spend two hours to write the application for review.

On the evening, Meng Qian did not worry about the Hangzhou, because there is something to handle the next day.

Early the next morning, Meng Qian was invited to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

In a conference room, Meng Qian saw yesterday's leadership.

"Meng always, trouble, you run this."

"It should be." After the two shake hands, Meng Qian opened the computer with him.

Then, Meng Qian began to explain the network management system and the security management system prepared.

Meng Qian raised the real-name system with the credit system in the meeting, as if he thought this is a thing of the profit, no matter how the actual effect in the later generation, this world is not only the benefits of the benefits. It can be better than the price.

So in advance, introduce such concepts, from the policy itself, it is possible to make Meng Qian in the heart, and it is not recommended by a knife.

However, the realization of the real name system and the real-name system are two things. In 2001, it is impossible to implement real name system. Li Zhifei is constantly proposed, they know that from the later generations of Meng Qian, they know that they are not in 2019. Realize the real network real name system.

But there is one thing, Li Zhifei and others as entrepreneurs, but they don't seem to see this time.

That is, do you know if there is a problem with the technology? Is Guangmeng Qian knowing that the technology has problems? Country, don't you know?

When Huaxia, China, China has just introduced the Internet, Huaxia Internet has developed a period of time, which is why Haowei wants to put a better network construction.

Because of the development of foreign Internet development, violence, vulgar, crime, and a lot of problems have appeared on the Internet, the country has seen, the country is worried.

Therefore, with the development of the Internet, the country has always wanted this matter as much as possible.

But the entrepreneur like more Li Zhifei is not hoped, because the more people can make money, the country has always listened to everyone, and also knows if there is a problem, so some things can only put it first.

But the key issue is that in the depths of the heart, the country wants the Internet to be more standardized.

And Meng Qian, what is this point, just like he has been talking to employees, don't ask questions, is the company does not know where there is, the company needs a solution.

However, the relationship between the country and the company is not an employment relationship. They can't go directly to the command to ask the company to solve the problem, can only be constantly communicating, to guide, to do active adjustments according to the feedback.

But they hope that someone can tell them, can, this market can standardize, or have a way to standardize, they look forward to this thing.

Even if many people can't hear it, why do countries sometimes like a knife, because in some specific environments and specific needs, you can't find a different way.

This thing, Li Zhifei and others may understand that it is true that it is really not to understand, but anyway, Meng Qian understands, and he wants to borrow a win-win opportunity.

The so-called win-win, the country will win the relatively pureness of the Internet, and the data is less based on some basic specification as soon as possible, and maybe fewer slices will appear less.

After all, many things are an atmosphere, just like traffic, if there is a little base specification from the beginning, it may not grow into that look, but if you grow up, you will want to manage, it's hard, it's not good. A knife was cut.

And Meng Qian's win is that he needs an official order, he needs the government resources.

He grabbed his psychology, he can use this opportunity to use this opportunity.

In this year, the company has nothing to do, the software big project of the government's foreign bidding is very rare, Meng Qian needs to take the initiative to find opportunities.

When he understood that his opponent on the computer was associated rather than IB, he understood that he needs to fight for something.

Regardless of how the Great Wan Bao has developed, if it is only a turn of the private company, it is not "big".

There are many of the technical teams below the country, so when I see the technical display of Meng Qian, I want to attract the opponent's gaze or a relatively easy thing.

However, this does not have any actual results on the same day. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology gives Meng Qiao's technology and great wind creative, but what is not mentioned as for the next steps, it is not mentioned.

It only said that there will be a further communication.

When I left the WIT Department, the leaders suddenly appeared, "Meng Da, Danfeng Cuisine recently valuation is 5 billion?"

"Well, I heard that I am actually not going to know."

"Why, Moncom is still not considering the incident?"

"Well, I haven't found a suitable amount of money." Meng Qian sensitively vaguely said.

"If Meng always needs it, we can help you recommend it."

"Okay, thank you for the leadership."

After leaving the Ministry of WI, Meng Qian rolled down, and repeatedly checked the leadership, with doubts, he decided to go to Haiwei asking Zhang Tree new

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