Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 129 rationally contains

Zhang Shuxin is a veteran with the official government, so Meng Qian first reacts to think of her.

Come to Haiwei, Meng Qian said with Zhang Shuxin today, Zhang Shuxin always maintains a touch of smile, can't see something change.

"Total, this shared thing, how to listen to it, do you help me give me an analysis?"

"Why, do you think the country looks at your big wind Kangchuang's shares?" Zhang Tao's new bubble tea.

"I am also very embarrassed now, according to I understand that national funds are either for controlling, or in order to reduce the risk of pledge, the wind creative does not have any external debt, the control is controlled, and it seems that the microelectrics in Shanghai also said. Great wind creative is now the main business or a game, which does not comply with the industry standards for the two years of national-funded acquisition. "

"Hey, I know more." Zhang Shuxin seems to be teased, but it is also a bit of accident. "People don't say it, if you need, give you a refund, but also said to take the initiative Who stipulates that national resources can not enter the share of the share because of a company? "

"Is it simple?" Meng Qian did not surely looked at Zhang Tao's new.

Zhang Shuxin drunk the tea, "Of course not."

Meng Qian, ""

Looking at Meng Qian's expression, Zhang Shuxin couldn't help but smile, but it was also very serious, "Great wind creative now has a very conspicuous problem."

"what is the problem?"

"If you don't consider the subsidiary, the entire Great Storm, you account for 100."

Meng Xiaowei's consciousness understands Zhang Shuxin, but it is impossible, "So?"

"So, it means that you are too uncomfortable to the company." Zhang Shuxin gave Meng Qian tea, "a company is doing business or doing a country's business, first of all, you have to trust you, this The truth is through.

But the more you need to involve the development of some core industries, the higher the requirements for this trust, just this.

So how to achieve trust? Is it relying on State-owned Holdings, the country is holding itself. "

"What?" Meng Qian is unresponsive.

"There is a point that everyone will pay attention to, that is, how big is this company is affected by individuals. The company is just an integrated group. The company will not lie, and will not sell the country. Enterprise is a concept he deceived. Who is selling what country, only people will be lie, people will sell the country.

But how do you guarantee that one hundred% is not deceived? There is no way. No one has a way. So what kind of company will look safer?

That is the company's impact on the company, people may make mistakes, but make mistakes, make mistakes, make mistakes, the technology is still, the talent is still, the tax is still, this is Yes.

I am afraid, some people are obviously only personal, but they directly affect the fate of the entire enterprise, even, no one can replace it, then trouble, such a business does not say a country, it is replaced with me, I also Will worry.

You have to understand, whether it is a business or a government, essentially doing business with your company, not working with you, may be because of appreciation you, but the labeling of cooperation is still a business, I need your software, He needs your hardware, everyone is not you, is your product.

Hello, look at the current Great Wind, Today, you will hold 100 shares, if you like, the company can go bankrupt between the company, the company's fate is completely mastered in your hand, in case your brain is hot, What did you have a wrong decision?

Do you want to be very horrible? "

Meng Qian bowed meditation, slowly digesting everything that Zhang Shuxin said, "That is, I have to find it to yourself."

"But you have to put this to control it, you have to ensure that as long as you are in a lifetime, don't make moth, this so-called containment is actually empty, but you can give others sense, this is aimed. It is best to contain it.

You can don't make a bunch of shareholders who have a honesty, and I will kick you out again. "

The two looked at the eyes and couldn't help but laugh together.

With the analysis of Zhang Shuxin, Meng Qian combined with his judgment, sit back and return to Hangcheng's plane on the afternoon.

After returning to the company, Meng Qian called Xiao Bo to the office with Sun Xiaojing.

"How is the employee of the employee who mentioned with you before designing?"

"The draft is done." Xiao Bo looked toned, and some hesitated said, "Now I am not very suitable for the employee holdings."


"Because the company is not lacking now, and the company is in the high-speed development channel, if the employee holds a share plan, it is white to send money."

Xiao Bo knows this statement is very capital home thinking, but he as a employee thinks about Meng Qian is not well.

"Send it to me, let me see."

For Meng Qian, as long as you have a strong development, the company can have been in the high-speed development channel. Anyway, he doesn't need so much money, and the personal property is too much. If it is not as good as it is, it is better to be cheap. Employees.

It is also the sentence, Meng Qian is the extravagant life, and it will not provoke these things.

However, Xiao Bo knows that there is a thing of Meng Qian. Now most employees are extremely optimistic about the company, and the specific staff holders must be done, otherwise it is easy to cause personal wealth. Shares purchase disputes, then do their best.

In the first few days of the company, early October 16, Xiao Bo saw a print-out document to Meng Qian's office.

"Microsoft released X system"

Meng Qian has already remembered when X is in China. In fact, the world was on October 25, and this world has been in advance, and this in advance, perhaps true Meng Qian's credit.

"System Binding SN" Meng Qian took a while and noted the focus of Xiao Bao.

"This X system uses SN as a must-have software that comes with the system, and Sn integrates Microsoft, the mailbox, portal, and office resources have been revised.

Microsoft This is the ability to think of the resources that can be used, and the SN is set. At the same time, I also give the SN advertised life necessary, business management, etc., more comprehensive than our previously predicted.

And I chose this time on the China Line X system, this is to go directly to our big camp to grab the user. "

"We use innovation to squeeze ICQ, Microsoft is sure to die, now he wants to disable us as soon as possible, will concentrate on power, it is not surprising." Meng Qian looked at the calendar, "The first product seems to be the world. Let's take a look at everyone's reaction first. "

The next day, the country, Microsoft Headquarters.

Kevin is giving the project group, a confident, "our advantage is absolute, the ICQ user's loss rate has reached 30, and the situation will only be worse.

It is now a chance to be in front of us. After 3 months, the technical department is online than the voice and video function of the hand letter, but the background analysis of the hymths also has seen it, one has no more foundation, simple relying on A little creative real-time communication software.

I believe that even if there is no such function, it is a very easy thing to defeat the hymn. "

The employees under the stage are all confident in the same face.

"Now give everyone a goal, within 3 months, we have to achieve more than 60 market share throughout the Asian region, within 1 year, we have to eat more than 80 markets!"

".." The scene was applause.

After the "BOSS" meeting, Kevin's assistant appeared again, handed him to him, "Fengxin, the wind is in the neon and new features!"

When the Kevin's eyebrows, pick up the document for a while, look at their own assistant, "Why do you always appear on this kind of bones?

I should think about it. "

assistant Manager,"??????"

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