On October 17, 2001, the latest five 3G mobile phones in neon are listed. Although there is only 10,000 sales in the same day, these new 3G mobile phone users have spread a function on the Internet.

Mobile phone letter.

"Mobile phone letter is interoperable with computer hymen?"

"Yes, there is no obstacle! Too convenient!"

"Other features? Is there any other function of mobile phone?"

"You can hang the rating of the hymth, you can steal the dishes, and add friends, friends recommended, basically on the computer, can do it on the phone."

"Wow, can n't you hang your letter 24 hours?"

"It's so envious, I am now waiting for my parents to sleep every night, I secretly open the computer hanging letter, because the host sound is too sounded by my parents, they thought that I saw something at night ..."

"I rely, can steal the food? That's not going to squat, it's too cool, I am now in order to keep the Internet can't steal the girlfriend every day!"

"Brothers forgot to say a better function, mobile phone letter can use voice, mobile phone and computer can be interoperable!"

"Can n't you use your letter? Do not make this kind of cāo?"

"The traffic is not the money, but the online contrast is compared, and the cost of using the voice of the voice does not seem to be half of the phone bill?"

"The key is to look at the last traffic tariff. Now NTT is still in the test stage. Now the property can not take the standard after the standard, but if this tariff can keep this tariff, the meaning of Fengxin voice is really a powerful function, NTT Actually, this application is really unbelievable. "

"It is said that the signal of the wind is not too stable? It seems to be more easy card?"

"This is, a few people say that the question is said."

"If you can save money, I am willing to be a little."

"You have not seen the key, NTT is a major shareholder of hyacinth, people are two-headed to make money!"

"The focus of the upstairs, in terms of tariffs, the gap between the neighbors will not be too big, after the other two 3G communications, NTT will not have advantages in the tariff, and it is not as good as binding. It seems to be self-complicated, in fact, in combating other two communications.

You look at the ability to make money now, a hyacinth show will squeeze the Laozi, and my girlfriend is wrapped around me every day to buy a letter show. "

"Don't pay attention to the voice, the mobile phone letter can also be video!"

"Really fake? Is the network belt?"

"It's okay, go to see sharing, but this time I have only one to support video functions."

"Look at so many posts, the function of mobile phone letter is too powerful, but unfortunately, the mobile phone letter from the mobile phone letter can now be a bit less."

"I feel good, these mobile phones can sell better, this time Sharp is everywhere."


On the other hand, rice.

Kevin looked at the use of neon, the use of mobile phone letter, the performance of the cloud, "The function of mobile phone letter is really good, but the two mobile phone manufacturers in neon can provide how many users, hundreds of millions of users Is there a few Sharp mobile phones?

This is also the final struggle of the wind, not afraid. "

Other people in the office also nodded that Kevin is a saying, before, because of the new features and new features in the Internet, everyone's first reaction is really a little inexpensive, including Kevin, but now everyone It seems to have given yourself a good comfort.

"Boss." At this time, Kevin's assistant came in again, "BOSS, just confirmed, neon, there will be a dozen vendors to start design with mobile phone letter with Gaoli, and Great winds are indeed a member of the Saipan Union, Nokia is likely to make the mobile phone letter into basic software. "

"Saipan Union? When is Dashi Creator become a Saipan Union? Why is there any news?"

"Because ... no one has paid attention to the wind creative."

"What do you have any more mobile phones? Why use mobile phone letter?"

"According to the news collected, it should be because the communication protocol will want to grab 3G mobile phone market."

"Give me the information."

The assistant handle the information in the hand to Kevin, then divide the more than ten materials of the copy to others in the office.

After an hour of study, Kevin's face was eased again. "Danfeng creative this is to attract a group of mobile phone users with the so-called smartphone era.

Smartphone, expensive price, application compression, big wind canvassing, I am afraid that the battle is wrong. "

Microsoft missed the smartphone, this is from the company from top to bottom to the smartphone, after a discussion of all people in the office, Kevin has concluded, "no application, no ecology, want to start developing I don't know where the smartphone is coming to turn over, I want to come to the wind. I have no other way.

Also, their mistakes are more ... "

"BOSS!" At this time, Kevin's assistant came again.

"What do you mean?"

The assistant explains the document while explaining the document, "Hardcore has found a business in each country to cooperate, and integrate functions on the hand letter.

Because their domestic applications have already had sticky, and users of Asian countries seem to have a little local festival, especially Goryo, so ... so the original hymthry users seem to be sticky ... "

Kevin once again frowned again. "Great wind creative actually cages so many partners? He is the product ecological breakage for the market in different countries.

What do you think? "

"There should be trouble in all aspects of interest allocation? And Great wind code does not want to develop his own ecology?"

"No, Dabo Children are developing their own ecology. You carefully see the update content of each country, and the wind creative is very good. He cooperates with companies in different countries, but when there is no suitable product, I will put myself. The product is quietly entered. "

The office has been in a low atmosphere again.

Until two hours, Kevin and his team once again found the breakthrough point, "Since we must use the individual to play us, we simply use the overall to hit him, through our global information advantage, establish our absolute Product advantages.

In the face of products with absolute advantage, users naturally have their choices. "

"Yes, these local applications in Asian countries have been too closed, even if they are competing, we have nothing to worry, anyway, we are going to compete with them."

"This big wind is still a bit interesting. At that time, we can consider acquisition, I am ..."

"BOSS!" Kevin's assistant once again rushed into office, "BOSS, HMS ..."

Kevin: "Roll !!!"


"Look, talk about life, find yourself

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