Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 134 opponent's weaknesses

In this confrontation with MSN, the previous three guidelines can be said to Xiao Bo and Yong Yongkang, but some things, Meng Qian can't be too straightforward to tell them.

That is that MSN has not yet exposed problems, but Meng Qian, which is reborn, is very clear, after all, the MSN has lost QQ in Huaxia, and there is no good results throughout Asia.

Meng Qiao allows Xiao Bo to investigate the information in the past few days, just want to see several big mistakes that MSN have committed, this world is still there.

It turns out that some things will not change because Meng Qian's appearance.

MSN once failed to say, but there were a few reasons must be unfunished.

The first is the pride of Microsoft. If you die, you will not be in the localization. Microsoft is basically a joint venture strategy in Huaxia and the entire Asia. Microsoft is big, rich, and has the ability. It can be too confident at the same time. When the problem, I won't care about Microsoft, and Microsoft is ignored. I have to follow his ideas.

This is not a Microsoft's own feature. The rice country in that age seems to be like this. I feel that it is very advanced in the rice country. The oriental is not suitable because the oriental is behind, so I'm very insisting on the so-called native After, then, a dead ratio is a miserable.

The second is that the company is too big. In fact, MSN is not a project group in Microsoft. At least in 2001, it is not so valued, just like someone says that QQ is the life of Penguin, but MSN is not It is a card in Microsoft's hand, and it is completely different from the degree of attention.

That's why hyacinth is just taken overseas, MSN's reaction is slower than ICQ, from information acquisition, MSN speed is not much slower than ICQ, but the reaction is slower is that I haven't thought about it. One reason is that Microsoft is such a large company, and it is necessary to pay for ten days and a half months. It is necessary to increase competition in Asia, which is not a project group person in charge.

The problem is that the previous competition is not so fierce, and the number of hymths users is not much. MSN is finished, and the MSN is plagiarized with Microsoft's strength. The farm is still fast, group and space actually MSN it has developed It is a function of plagiaring the hymn.

Therefore, the plagiarism is complete, and it will come.

It can now have enough users to have enough users, and time is money, especially the MSN, once the road to joint venture, more processes, such as Huaxia, China's operation, you need to apply to MSN project group The MSN project will apply to the top, and a circle turns back and has passed one or two months.

Evaluation, review, review, signing, allocation, slowly walking, go.

Microsoft continues to copy, copy something to copy a few months, waiting for you to copy the user is done by the letter ....

The third question is the product positioning. Microsoft has made a bunch of products to get the so-called ecology. There are no uses, and many of them are almost no one in Asia. Everyone is used to using their own products, but Microsoft It can be persistent, it is necessary to make this so-called ecology, and it takes a bunch of hard work.

And now the MSN, which is competing with Meng Qian, is apparent or this, wants to make the entire product chain.

The fourth question is also the most deadly problem in Meng Qian. The product itself is too much. An a product doesn't matter how to make it, the product itself has problems, .

People who have used MSN should also remember, frequently dropped, data loss, chat records are inexplicably deleted, the file transfer efficiency is extremely low, the function is too single, the MSN product itself is a large pile of problems, and later implanted a large number of advertisers More and more people have to give up MSN.

But Microsoft is so busy, can you do the system so good? Because they are not in China, they are not built in Asia!

The information sent by the user in China, but also to the server of the rice country to turn a circle. If it is the server standard in 2019, it can do a dry, the server standard for a few years, this is not too light?

The information collected by Xiao Bo is shown, this world, Microsoft really is still a joint venture, Microsoft really does not carry the server, and closes the farm.

On the next two days, the online public opinion turned more obvious, the vulnerability was basically pressed, after all, playing public opinion is the good play of the rice, and the net started MSN represents the high-end atmosphere, and the wind represents the low-end simple wind direction. .

As I once used the world, I was officially entered Huaxia in that year. I have been in 2005. At that time, QQ had already optimized, but MSN still called the MSN as a high-end product that meets white-collar temperament, and QQ is just a low-end. Entering the product slogan.

Using the psychology of the Chinese people and many Asian people, the MSN entered Huaxia, quickly swallowed the QQ one-third of users, or MSN's own products did do too much, QQ was very dangerous.

This world, Microsoft uses this set again, and still has an effect, at least surface effect.

On the 22nd, Xiao Bo knows and Yong Yongkang again gathered in Meng Qian's office.

"Microsoft is really conscientious in public opinion." Yong Yongkang looked at the printed data.

"Microsoft can not prepare for capital this time." Xiao Bo learned a sentence, then asked Meng Qian, "Do we want to fight on public opinion?"

"It's not very good now, Microsoft puts the more yourself in packaging, and you can die even when you fall back." Meng Qiao took a paper to two, "these two days of reports use MSN report I just got, a lot of questions. "

The two first viewed a while, Yan Yongkang first opened, "So we are letting Microsoft now, then wait for him to lift himself too high, take him down?"

"Yes, I will kill."

"What does it mean?" Xiao Bo knows.

"Amount ... is the word I invent it yourself." Meng Qian was vague.

The two didn't care, and they were on the way, "But we still have to put me a good scale. In case of the fast response speed than we imagined, if the user is sticky by MSN, We are passive. "

"Speaking of this." Xiao Bo is adding to the side, "ICQ users plummeted, I heard that I have to work on the client, but I don't necessarily live."

"To be honest, I still think that ICQ is more threatened than MSN, and its user base is all, I am afraid of being plagiarized, it is not because of the user base. And ICQ is highly valued by MSN. Microsoft. The speed of their reaction will be much faster than Microsoft.

MSN is not only slower than the reaction, but the user base is not much. "

"MSN is now in Asia's user base has been surpassed." Yu Yongkang is conscious. "

Meng Qian nodded. "This is normal, MSN has always been a so-called low-end market, and he engaged in the Asian plan last year, which also involved Gao Li, Singapore, Malay, India, and our Huaxia Provincial and Xiangjiang, from Microsoft's layout strategy can see how he is very arrogant.

Microsoft does not have enough user base in Asia, especially in China, there is not enough user base, this is our chance, I am not afraid that he is copied, I am afraid that he does not copy. "

"Although, our product advantage is very big." Yan Yongkang opened his mouth and suddenly, "But in some other aspects, we will not be very losing in other respects."

"What is this?" Meng Qian asked directly.

"Such as ... Microsoft's influence."

"Small brand big brands, relying on products and strategies, but there is less powerful, otherwise, in the face of strong opponents, you can't do anything absolutely safe, then don't do anything?"

"It's a lot of mouth." Yan Yongkang made an embarrassed expression.

Meng Qian and Xiao Bo are looking at the eyes, and then Xiao Bo knows, and silently looks at the documents in his hand, and Meng Qian will look to Yong Yongkang. "Do you think Sima Yi is afraid of Zhuge Liang?"

"Ah?" The topic that suddenly jumped opened to let Yan Yongkang a bit.

"You are not love to read the Three Kingdoms, do you think Sima Yi is afraid of Zhuge Liang?"

"I am afraid, I think." Although I don't know what Meng Qian means, but Yong Yongkang is still elders to answer.

"So do you think Cao Yang is afraid of Zhuge Liang?"

"Cao Cao ... should not be afraid."

"Then do you think I am afraid of Microsoft?"

"Amount ..." Yan Yongkang looked at Meng Qian's contemplation, "I understand."

"Then you are busy first, I will talk to Xiao.

"it is good."

"You still have to educate employees." Xiao Bo put down the documents and said with a smile.

Meng Qian has a little serious, "Yong Yongkang, if he is not afraid, it will change him sooner or later."

"The ability and attitude of Yong Yongkang are missing, it is missing, give him some time." Xiao Bo expressed his view.

Meng Qian nodded no longer continued this topic, "Old Xiao, I do it with Microsoft, I want you to do it."

"You said."

"This time Microsoft ran to my door to call, even if he rushed back, my heart is still not hurt."

Xiao Bo knows seconds, and the eyes suddenly focused, "Do you want to lay down the Western market?"

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