As SN is in Asia, especially in the deep-in-depth of Huaxia test water, the product has gradually begun more accurate. It can be seen from the advertising and publicity of Sn after the next few days, this world, the positioning of SN is finally clear, white-collar elite business tools.

Hyacin is positioned as young people, while SN positions users as elite white-collar workers, and the difference between product positioning is naturally.

In that year, people who have experienced Sn, I have just entered the stage, I should remember that the SN of that year is a symbol of a forter, thereby still showing instant messaging contempt, using SN, I can't afford it, it is very representative A era phenomenon, and this is a little bit of a moment.

Especially Microsoft is still going to promote this contempt of this contempt in the next time.

The hot discussion on SN contributions appeared.

"After the company's computer replaced the system, everyone took Sn. The boss said that I have to use SN after going to work, and the hybrid let us uninstall."

"Why do you have to use SN?"

"The boss said that there are too many things to play, affecting everyone."

"Is there a space?"

"SN's space is basically brought to work, I feel that everyone doesn't seem to play."

"Come, I show you a different state of the same person in SN and hybrids.

Colleagues, the state of this morning in SN: Get up early in a cup of coffee, develop new goals to yourself, prepare for the business review at the end of the year.

In the state of the hand: the cold! How come this year? The old lady only wants to sleep in the nest! "

"Don't say anything else, the SN's mailbox is really easy to use, just add friends really trouble, you can't know that the other mailbox number can be added."

"Yeah, I seem to have a friend recommended for a period of time before SN. Now this function seems to be canceled."

"This is the difference, SN is the business route, refuses strangers to bother, he deliberately do this, is the difference between heroes."

"Do you have a hot topic, games, love, and stealing dishes, and look at the hot topics of the SN community every day, and then look at the hot topics of the SN community, car, watch, fashion, international news."

"So what? What do you want to express upstairs?"

"I just said an objective fact, the hymths users are indeed very low, this is not controversial. Sn provides a more comfortable environment for business people, Microsoft is a Microsoft, hanging hymn."

"Hey, use a SN to make you used superior feelings, why don't you sit on SN!"

"The hyacinth seems to have not realized international interworking? This time I used SN to know that I can chat with foreigners."

"But you have to have the SN account, or you can't add forever."

"But this feature is very international, it is."

Regarding the advantages of SN, it is still those, system binding, content business, entertainment functions, internationalization, and back to Microsoft.

The SN was quickly grabbed by these advantages and triggered a long-term social software contempt.

However, the SN of the year can have such performances, and one premise is that the year is that, but this world is not the same.

Meng Qian has been paying attention to the latest data reports of SN and the data changes of hymths.

As can be seen from the background data, SN has a vulnerability of the vulnerability, but the time that enters the Huaxia in just a week, it has got 5 million registration. Here is a very important reason that SN has a position is similar to such a office software. .

As a lot of companies, he as a office software asks employees, but also free, why not.

Therefore, the positioning of a office software allows SN naturally harvested a batch of office workers. But Meng Qian pays attention to a very interesting phenomenon is that the user activity of hyacinth is almost no impact, that is, although everyone has registered SN, although the contempt is beginning to appear, but there is not much Sn will give up the hymn.

While Sn seizures the user, they did not cut off the viscosity of the user's hymths.

Some interesting phenomena is happening throughout.

A office hall, a man in a suit, is a greeting with a woman wearing a black skirt.

"Chen, I haven't seen you for a long time." Ms. said hello.

"R, how come you are here?"

"I will sign the contract, are you okay recently."

"Not bad, r, you are really more and more SN, no wonder the front time Time Li always mentions you on RR."

"Mr. Chen praised, oh, yes, next week, our company has a activity, Chen always rewards with empty words?"

"I am happy, psr."

"Then I send the activity, why do you have a SN account?"

"Of course, our company now unity with SN, I wrote to you."

The two interrelated the SN account, and men looked at the parking lot. "I went to delay for so long, I have to go back to steal vegetables."

In the evening, a man went home to open the computer, and the habitual login NN, he saw many people chatting Sn and hycnitic.

I quickly viewed a while, the man took the workplace elite, "Sn focus on business sector, only the talents understand where he and the true difference between him and the hymn.

This is described, using SN to view the information, just like shopping in Shanghai, you can view the information, just like the market, the difference between the city, management, the difference is obvious, this Hard messages are always more than SN.

And the information security of SN is far better than the hymths, and the strangers can comment. Without any individual, you can feel safe, this is the difference between the West and Dongfang culture, people pay attention, We never care about others.

I have said before, and the hyperin uses the inferiority and low quality of the Chinese people, and the emergence of SN shows us what is called Western gentleman culture. "

After the elite, I got a certain amount of support, and the man got a certain amount of support, but also got more attention, with satisfaction, men withdrew from NN, log in to the hymn

"SBSN, what kind of social intelligence does it seem to have such social intelligence, or a good letter."

Microsoft's high-end positioning allowed SN to harvest a group of active and passive users, but also hooked a lot of people's vanity, and provided another chance to delegate a hymn.

However, Microsoft ignores a problem, born, who is not good, everyone is just a lace.

The so-called high, not on the top of the label, deliberately divide people and things into high-end low ends, but instead of self-confident performance.

Microsoft now sets this high-end gameplay, which is buried in the seed 11 of itself.

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