MSN relies on its own advantages and is slowly developing, and the hyacinth is also gradually layout according to its rhythm.

October 24th, Gaolia, a web.

A man hit a star, turned to the man, a man, a face, "I also spend voice with your wife?"

"Nothing, I have been hanging up, she went to sleep."

"Then you still have fun, have a disease."

"I don't know why I don't know how I don't know how I am!"

"What is the game playing this kind of girl? Isn't it even a piece of things? Interest?"

"Do you want you to try?"

"Oh, Laozi will go to play with this kind of mental space."

"Try, I can't go, I can't go, you are not fast, help me have passed this, let's play CS, I can't afford it."

"There is no interest, let the open let go ..."

"Brothers, you can, get 95, don't play ..."

"Let me play for a while, I don't believe this 95, I can't go, wait for me to pass this."

"You have said that everything ..."

"I am not diamond, how did this diamond do?"

"Today's diamond flowers, you have to pay for it. Just don't play, play CS."

"How to make money?"

"You don't want to play this kind of mentally blocked game?"

"Laozi is a mentally disabled you know me on the first day?"


On a night of neon, two Nintendo's market research personnel sitting in a network, half of the internet can't be playing the botanical vs. Zombies, can't tell.

"So many Internet cafes are similar, this plant vs. zombies can be unbelievable in our neon national fire."

Another man looked at his own notebook. "From the current investigation, Huaxia 's Great wind creative seized a very important point, simple and easy.

Our neon game environments are very distinctive. Everyone will precipitate for so many years of game habits that can be changed.

Previously, "God Biography" spent such a big strength, now it seems that the results can only be said that it is not tempered, but the largest characteristics of the botanical vs. zombies are too good, it is not like a online game requires players. Adapt to the exploration to understand, plant vs. Zombies, even if you don't look at the game, you can quickly get started. "

"But after getting up, I found that there are still many deep gameplay, there are shackles, strategies, as well as interesting music and interesting paintings.

Plants vs. Zombies can quickly attract a batch of players quickly, and then stick to players through inner depth play. "

"Yes, it seems very simple web game, actually under the content planning, this kind of ability to accurately take the psychology and the integration of the purpose is the most terrible, this is a big It is even more difficult to make the game. "

"God Biography" did not shock to our neon game market, this plant zombie seems simple, but maybe it will affect our neon game market. "

"I don't know what the company will have any reaction, but I remember that the Great Wind is demonstrated by us?"

"Well, I also heard, first send us to the company first."


Achtum, Singapore, National University.

A group of students are standing in school room, onlooking five students.

"It's too cow, it is a school debate, thinking is too clear."

"Seeing that they play the wolf kill, it is a mental disapoleum."

"The wolf is not a physical card, why do they still have to run the machine room."

"This is a game with Nanyang University of Technology."

"I am going, this game has only a few days, is it so fire?"

"Our class is playing together every night, playing the wolf killing, you can't say fire."

"The wind is in these two days, and this game is estimated to be big."

"Have you found that what is the launch of what to play?"

"Don't say, really ..."


October 28, Miki, Microsoft Headquarters, MSN project group.

Kevin's hand is a mail printed file from all over Asia.

"Lianjiaka, plant war zombie, wolf kill, three do not have technical content, why is it in Asia?" Kevin's face is very ugly, "Who can tell me why?

We need to make a competition analysis now, because is it fun? Paul, did you have two days before? How have you made the product analysis you have done? "

"Amount ... this, actually fun, it is not fun ... or Rod is more saying."

Rod was in the face of Paul Cue, stunned, "It's fun ... Not fun? Amph? Tomson?"

Thompson, "???"

"Hey!" Kevin's hand fell to the table, "What are you doing in the past few days? Tell me if it is fun!"

"It's fun!"

Kevin: "..."

The meeting room is dead.

Many people in the later generation began to know that the working efficiency of Western companies is very low, they can't work overtime, and I will still have a grinding time, especially large enterprises.

In fact, China is also the same. The more lazy employees are more lazy, but this is more serious about foreign countries.

In recent days, people in the MSN project group are busy playing games ...

Kaiwen know the truth, the mood is worse, saying to Kevin, because MSN has not been ICQ in Asia, has been significantly limited since the development of MSN, and his project is also in the company.

I am reluctantly robbed a market in Oimi, maintaining the degeneration of the department, this time, it is hard to felt a chance, and catch up with the XP system gradually online, finally strive for the company's strength support, project group I also got money, the team also expanded, I was also greedy.

I thought about pulling the MSN project team. I have such a resume, I have a stunning roots in the workplace in the workplace.

As a result, it was unusually uncomfortable, "now, talk about your opinion."

"Now, the true uncomfortable is not a game, but we played the positioning of the white-collar elite. This thought that the hymths in order to change themselves in order to compete with our competition. What deeper, even more, the three games new games can be so fire. "

"And the three games are actually three completely different types, and the hymths are iron my heart to compete with us."

"We can't go to entertainment now, the positioning of the just marked, it is impossible to change."

"Do you think ..." Paul hesitate to open the mouth. "This big wind creative seems to know what strategy we will use, increase the chips in entertainment when we just go online."

See Paul said this, Rod added this, "At the beginning, we feel that the hymths will help us press ICQ. Does it feel that there is a feeling ... hycnus seems to use us to put pressure ICQ?"

Kevin anxious in the conference room, "I want to listen to these things, I want to know how we should reply to these messages.

Hardcopes have done its position, I want to know how we do our position.

Don't talk to me these very mysterious things.

Do you not true that this big-style creative will predict the future? "


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