Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 137 Game Industry


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At the same time of the Great Wind, the industry is recognized by the market users, and some industries have begun to act, and Meng Qian, which has been predicted, is also in layout.

On November 1, 2001, Meng Quan came to Taiwan. He is going to visit today, which is a generation of memories, Hancha.

In the 190s, the game industry has a highlight period, and also brought a batch of impressive domestic games. It may be that Da Yu, which is more familiar, and the fairy sword series and Xuanyuan sword are really fire.

But for the players who have experienced domestic games in the 1990s, most people will inevitably have a place in Hancha.

In 1994, the Yanlong Knights of Neon National War game was broken. In 1995, the Siya Robbery and Liangcheng's magic sword recorded after alternating in 1995 were all classics.

Unfortunately, there is no history of Hancang, not living in two game storms successively after 95 years.

In 1995, the first storm appeared in the Taiwan Games, Systems and NS systems have alternated, and a large number of game manufacturers are all.

From 1999, the game manufacturers were basically slowed from this storm, and then the domestic game manufacturers encountered the second storm in 1999, from Gaoli Tour and Neon Games.

Gao Liyou's impact on stand-alone games know that at that time, neon countries also brought another combination of game quality and game propaganda.

The 90s game is based on quality-oriented, after the 21st century, foreign abroad began to focus on publicity, put quality and publicity in almost important position, at this time, the game manufacturers have almost no publicity concept.

In those years, Daewoo and Chic crown were transformed in time, and in the sales terminal, it was a pity that Hancang, which was created by several game good people, did not seem to understand the importance, a quiet city magic sword has got the best mouth, But only less than 200,000 sales.

So, in 2002, Han Hall was acquired by a Zhi Gu, a generation of game myths.

So this, Meng Qian is going to grab Han Tang, and to be at the end of 2001, because Han Chaodao in this time is very lacking, but the core team has not yet, if you wait next year, go to acquire Hancha, the core team Members have almost finished.

Meng Qian is not only company, but also talent.

The reborn advantage has once again appeared, let Meng Qian can distribute the potential companies in the highest time.

After coming to Hanzang, Meng Qian saw all the four founders of Han Chad, and the big wind creative creation was a domestic tour, and it was still a bit in the game industry. Abdominal black SS: turn a wife home

Plus these companies in 2001, in 2001, the son of this will have passed, and the big wind creative has a sales of nearly 100 billion yuan. They are also very curious about what kind of person in Meng Qian is.

After the meeting room, the Ye Mingzhang, one of Hanchen founders, had a few words, Meng Qian directly expressed the intention, "Fourth, I know that Han Hall has encountered some difficulties, Han Hall is very in line with the Great Style." Creating a planning in the game industry, at the same time, I have a very high interest in Han Tang, so I don't know if the four changes have changed? "

"Meng Gui, telling the truth, Han Han is now there are some troubles." The first sentence opened, revealing Ye Mingzhang is not a sophisticated businessman. "After knowing your company, we also discussed it privately. We hope to give Hanchao a better future, but the premise is that it will be better. "

"What are the four concerns about the opening."

Four people opposed their eyes, or by Ye Mashang represents them, "Danfeng creative is the game, Meng Gong is now acquiring Han Hall, is it to do our game brand?"

Meng Qian smiled, like Ye Ming Zhang, this communication method is his favorite, not tired, "just the opposite, I know that Han Hall is also in the past two years, but I acquired Han Tang real purpose, it is On the production of stand-alone games. "

Ye Mingzhang is not solved, "Meng Mong himself is doing, it should be very clear that the rapid development of these two years and the gradual depression of stand-alone games, why do you choose to do a single game at this time? This is hard to understand what."

"Who said that stand-alone game will be depressed?" Meng Qian smiled and asked. "My God is swearing in neon countries for so long, not being taught by their host games.

Any game category will have its audience group. The two-year game brush wash is not a game type, but the quality of the game, and the future game company will be less and less, but every type of game big factory will get more. Profit.

So starting from the beginning, the planning of the Great Winds in the game is not a tour company, but the game industry. "

"Game Industry?" This is still not mentioned in 2001, so that Ye Minshang and others are quite curious.

"The pursuit of Great Breakfast is high quality." Meng Qian opened a video to play a video, "giving four things to see what we are doing."

Looking at the content on the video, Ye Minshang and others are doing games, so I will understand, "Great wind creative in design 3 game engine? All the 3 plugins all original?"

The video continues to put, Meng Qian responded, "Danfeng creative immediately wanted two new games, I would like you to see the predecessor, but these two games are still 2, now I start looking for More talents are for the next goal: 3 games, including 3 swings, including 3RP, including 3Rs.

In addition, the Great Wind Creation will continue to have the above ancient myth, based on the game, and start the film and tendering creation. Please come now, it is this big direction. Persons in the face

After the company acquired, I only controlled the product design, and the management and development of Han Hall is still dominated by four leaders, I will not intervene.

In addition, I can give you a number. In 2002, the Great Strong Created in the game was invested at least 100 million. "

"100 million?" Ye Ming's four-person eyes vigorously, shockedly looked at Meng Qian, this is 100 million in 2002, and the investment cost of the next life Sword 6 is only 20 million.

Meng Qian gave them a sure table.

Ye Mingzhang's four-person table has completely changed, and the company has not been able to catch up. At this time, some people can continue to manage the company, and there is such a long ambition, and there is money, this for them I haven't said that the reason is not.

Their four are not do not know their own problems, but how can they operate, they really don't do it, you can do the game, they can do very well, Hanchaen founders are beginning to study from high school The Lord of Game development is also the so good cause of Han Hall once able to do games.

The founding person is truly and powerful.

In the end, Great Breeukuo 25 million successfully acquired Hancha.

After coming out from Han Tang, Meng Qiao directly went to the next goal. Due to the cattle B of the Table provinces in the 199, the game company is very much, and all game companies are subject to the two consecutive storms. Impact, some are like Han Chad, and some will be inexpensive.

Even if it is Da Yu, I don't have much good in 2001.

Therefore, Meng Qian came to Taiwan this time, the goal is not only Han Chamber, whether it is a mad, Songgang, Huawei and other companies that live in later generations, or a happy box, digital cells such as the later generation, this will For Meng Qian, it is a cheap talent library.

Three days in Taisai, Meng Qian finally acquired 7 Taiwan game companies with 56 million funds, but did not include Daewoo.

Dalu before buying itself, I am very interesting, this will be as confident, they are willing to accept Meng Qian's investment, but they are not willing to accept Meng Qian's acquisition.

I thought about how I went to the Sword of the Sword, how is it to be disabled by Dawu, Meng Qian is not interested.

This world, still make your own ancient myths P.

After processing, Meng Qiao has almost no rest, sitting directly to the plane to Wuhan, and conduct the second step of his game layout.

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