Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 138 made a mistake

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When Chen Shoufu agent, "Legend" spent 3 million gold, this world's "legend" spent a little more, 350 million gold, it is estimated to be the "God Biography" This is too happy, the company has money, the price is high.

However, the Men Electronics lost money in "Legend", which is much more than that of "Peacock King".

The "Peacock King" of the 700,000 gold agents of Omi Electronics, the last lost more than 10 million, except for the agency fee, the basics of the loss is the publicity fees.

However, the OEM is still "lucky", because "Peacock King" has not betrayed it, it will make OEM in time in "Peacock King".

But the world's Owmy Electronics is not so lucky, "Legend" seems to have a low agency cost, but "Legend" has been created by the wind, although there is no fire, but not dead, it is so half dead .

It is the most terrible.

At the beginning, he continued to delay the free time to grab the customer. Ou Mei Electronics has been burning, and later can't hold the start of the fees, but it is not enough, and then it is completely completely "God biography" free strategy, and start free I started learning "God Biography" to engage in game mall.

When he started to engage in game shopping mall, the Korean game was died in his own domestic, and Meng Qian came to the night of Tachip.

Coupled with the domestic event, not only the game, the domestic online game has also begun to take his head, so it is such a warm water to boil the frog, and the Ou Mei Electronics will look back, and I find that I am actually in the game of "Legend". Burn is 30 million.

And this world, the Ogie Electronics also has another tragedy. When the online game took a certain game player, influence the sales of Ogilm, this world, Ou Mei Electronics estimate did not expect, a hyacinth snapped him. A large number of users.

I don't know how many people are obsessed with social instead of so obsessed.

Especially recently, stealing vegetables, connecting, the emergence of plant vs. Zombies makes Internet cafes World of Warcrafts have been reduced by 30%, who can get ...

In Wuhan Omi Electronics, Meng Qian saw Zhang Shubo and politely shaking hands, and seeing the opponent's eyespace complex.

Following Zhang Shubo to his office, I was inexplicably silent after Meng Qian.

"Meng Ge, I have said to you Xiao, I have said that O Mei Electronics does not have a plan." Zhang Shubo took the opening road.

"Total, OEM really can deal with the predicament in front of you?" Since Zhang Shubo is directly, Meng Qian naturally speaks directly.

"We have decided to go off the line" Legend "." Zhang Shubo calmed the voice, "Although there is a lot of money in" Legend ", the OEM is still inherent, only when it is a failure. "

"I am not" legend ", I am talking about CD-Key."

Zhang Shibo just wanted to pick up the cup's hand, suddenly looked up, staring at Meng Qian with a slight panic, "What does Meng always mean?"

"I usually go online, I will see it." Meng Qian took the tea cup and smiled and looked at Zhang Shubo.

Although the OEM is lost in the online game, even if it is later acquired. If the new company is working hard, it can continue to achieve good achievements in China with the Summes of OEM.

It is really a CD-KEY event that really let the OEM demise.

Because early players don't care about CD-KEY, many people will not use this serial number for a lifetime, which makes OEM discover "business opportunities".

That is, selling a number, selling the serial number through other channels, and a serial number earns two, three, or even the money.

05 Avian Electronics was acquired because of the internal **, and scored 30,000 CD-Key at once, plus the OEA electronics because of lack of money, the same serial number sold to more people, Expose it.

Then, the Ogilm Electronics ended the lawsuit from the player and Vanti, and hundreds of millions of compensation made OEM completely collapsed.

And this world, the "God Biography", I'm gotting a constant loss, I have recently added a lot of efforts in advance. I have already had some sounds on the Internet in recent time. Of course, there is still not much voice now. And many players don't understand what is going on.

But the seeds have been buried.

Zhang Shibo was silent for a while, "that is the trust of users."

"Yes?" See Zhang Shibo not admitted that Meng Qian felt inexplicable smile, "Zhang always is prepared? At the same time, it is not a small number.

Don't you need help? "

"I don't know what Meng is talking about." Zhang Shibo continued his mouth.

"Head, everyone is a business person, I have no recorded pen, this is a bit unnecessary? It is now starting to make a happiness, and it is just a matter of time. Even if the user is not trouble, your competitors will not Bus. "

Zhang Shibo's eyes moved, and it was a powerful, "Meng Hao is threatening me?"

"Threat?" Meng Qian's mouth is still smiling, but his eyes are cold, "Is me bī) Do you do this?"

The two were silent, and they saw a few seconds, Zhang Shibo was cold and cold. "Meng Mum is always what is going on."

"Not what I think, but Zhang Zheng really thought that this can hide this? Now, there is still no big, OEM, I will compensate for users by technical issues. Help you spread this.

But if the Omi Electronics will continue to pick up the scalp, no one knows.

Avian Electronics is a industry benchmark, I think it's ending should be decent, and we should consider the future considers of the employees who do not involve this matter? "

"Meng He, you are lying!"

"Ou Mei Electronics is not empty, I can't." Meng Qian's eyes were colder, "said again, Zhang always think about it. In addition to the wind, who is willing to give OEM One part, look at China, will there be a second company? "

Looking at Meng Qian, Zhang Shibo, who has been standing, finally sat in his position, "Meng always does not afraid of acquisition, have other people to use this matter to do articles?"

"The mistake is that the OEM is not the wind creative. The player's loss is also paid, and how do I have to expose? If I have a conscience, I gave the player a saying, I Also guarded the rice bowl of the Owner's faculty. "

"Meng Zheng plans a long time?" Zhang Shibo smiled very hard.

Meng Qian laughed very natural, "" As long as you don't want to hurt people, who can catch the handle? "

"The mall is cruel, who can guarantee that the heart will always maintain the heart?" Zhang Shibo argued.

"It is true." Meng Qian did not refute Zhang Shibo. "Who can make mistakes, but if it is wrong, I will recognize it."

Meng Qian's strong voice is like hitting the heavy hammer in Zhang Shibo. After dozens of seconds, Zhang Shibo let the whole body rely on the chair, he didn't choose, "I recognized."

Meng Xiang somedately drank the tea, self-speaking, "The mall is cruel, is this world unruly?"

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