Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 139 Agency Transfer

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A group of companies in Taiwan has acquired a group of OEMs, and the Great Fengke Creation Game Center has completed a large blood transfusion, and in order to use this power better, but also for the next plan, Dashichuch The reorganization, the game project will be independently set up to set up a large wind and entertainment.

Great wind entertainment's business projects include games, film, animation, and other fields.

The establishment of the office of Taitai is uniformly put in Han Chamber, and all corporate teams are integrated, and finally the development personnel in Taiwan have a total of 136 people.

Another 23 developers will transfer to the Headquarters of Hangzhou, and some of the post-sales sectors of the personnel administrative will be transferred to the Hangzhou, of course, it is inevitable that there are some active choices, and some because of the past. It was made by the company.

Table Branch temporarily appointed Ye Ming as the general manager, with the status of Han Hall, everyone basically has no comments.

The changes in OEM are relatively large, because considering the issue of the OEM's corporate leadership and some of the internal relationships, Meng Qian has conducted a large clean.

I don't know if it is a competition with Great Breeze, I haven't been there in this world in this world in November 2000. Now I am in Wuhan Headquarters and Yanjing Division.

After letting Sun Xiaojing, Meng Qian pays attention to the company's team relatively young, there are not many people in Wuhan and Yanjing Cheng family. In the end, Meng Qian decided to carry out the headquarters, and Wuhan headquarters moved to Hangzhou, and 75% of employees decided to move. To Hangzhou, the remaining 25% of the company also sent a dismissed fee.

As for the Yanjing branch, it is not moving, but only certain personnel adjustments.

Then there is a resource integration, and there is a game resource here, and the channel resources here are available. In the integrated market, the Hangzhou headquarters has not yet developed a 3D game engine, but already has its own 2D game engine. The province will follow the existing game development, first grinding a team.

The main direction of the headquarters is the development and operation of the 3D game engine.

As for the OEM, the main job is the competitive platform.

Publish a good task, and the wind entertainment is gradually entering the form.

On November 10, 2001, Danfeng Create a representative of Vantry. They came to Darly Breakbook this time because OEM was acquired by Great Wind, they need to assess new agents, of course, there is another reason.

This time Vangi, this side of the Great Wind is a 45-year-old middle-aged man named Hall. With an assistant, a translation and three bodyguards.

Brioni's custom suit, the limited edition watch of Baodi, combing the exquisite big back, full of wealth up and down. It is not a small person.

Meng Qian took Hall to visit a circle of companies, and I have just sat down. I haven't come to the tea. Hall will rush the theme, "Mr. Meng, before talking about the agent, I want to talk about another thing .

We vangi Di is very interested in Darife Creative. I don't know how much Meng is willing to sell the company. "

Vantigi relying on the bottom of the filling home specially likes to acquire game companies, then lay off, restructuring, pressing, becoming a gaming world toxic tumor. He rely on the extreme non-love and extremeness of the game, first worked in Vee, and then made the blizzard, and then wanted to make Huang Bi.

If the blizzard did not succeed in repurchase, the Blizzard will finally become a lot of words.

As for Vangi Di, there are so rich, why did the V-Society she holds a thigh.

Virundi's 2000 income reached 38.6 billion meters, and only a few billion years in this game company market, Vantry is indeed a big gold main level.

Listening to the translation, Meng Qian expression calmly looked at Hall, "Danfeng creative has no willingness for sale, we still talk about the agent."

"Mr. Meng does not have an urgent refusal." Hall's head always lifted up, and the eyes were full of confidence and pride. This is a common state in the Western major business and the family, "talk about the price first. Maybe you will change the idea. "

"Mr. Hall wants to talk, let's talk about it." Meng Qian came with tea with self-bubbles.

"I heard that the Great Breakfast created the game to split the game to create a subsidiary, so that it is better to do, strong wind and entertainment, 200 million meters, 51% shares.

With this money, for Men's Mr. Meng, whether it is a hyacinth or a light moment, it can be better developed. "Hall directly said the number, there is no half point to return to the meltdunch on the money.

"It is too small for 200 million meters." Meng Qian became the tea side, "this topic can pass."

I heard the translation, Hall's eyes had a variety of vintage, "Mr. Meng, the big-style creative valuation is only five billion, we have a 51% shares of your subsidiary of 200 million meters, sincerely give it?"

"Then why do you only buy 51% of the shares, why not all acquisition?" Meng Qian smiled and handed a cup of tea in Hall, and broke the way.

Hall didn't matter, it didn't matter, "but this sale did not greeted Mr. Meng."

"Why didn't you have a bad, only 2 billion, want to buy my two years of hardship?"

Hall made a very ridiculous expression. "Mr. Meng can set up 200 million meters in 2 years, isn't it enough? Mr. Meng is not afraid to kill himself?"

"I believe that Vang Di's vision can let Vantigua have spent 200 million meters to buy this share of the company, certainly more than this price."

Meng Qian didn't want to tear his face on the face, and there is no need. If you use the way to make Hall to understand that you are not willing to sell the company's thoughts. As, Hall heard Meng Qian said, and did not continue to continue. , Transfer the topic, "Let's talk about the agent.

Great wind entertainment has acquired so many game companies in Taiwan, I am worried about it now, will we become a competitor? . "

"Game development company agent game, is also very common?"

"But we prefer to find a pure agent company."

"When I acquired OEM, I see the contract, Vantry does not seem to have the right to destroy the contract." Meng Qian is always slowly.

"There is a contract in the contract, and once we can exercise the right after the acquisition of OEM, Meng Chuan can look at it again." Hall let the assistant put a document to Meng Qian, wait for Meng Qian after reading Continue, "But everyone is so ugly, it seems that there is no need."

"Is there any suggestion of Mr. Hall?"

"It's better to transfer, the agent is transferred, we go to find the agent we want, transfer the income, try to ensure the interests of the wind and entertainment, how?"

"It's also, this practice is also fair."

The communication of the transfer of proxy rights is abnormal. After the two parties determine the details, Hall took himself with himself.

"Mr. Hol, how do I feel that this Meng Qian does not care about our agency?" After leaving the wind, Hall's assistant couldn't help but ask, "I even think that he may not propose the transfer of the agency right."

"He doesn't care." Hall eyes are like hook, "this time, the purpose is to explore the virtual, 100% holding, is really a troubled guy ..."

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