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Although the final surprise "breaking", the media people and guests are used to this routine. As for the audience, there is a rich prize to take them, and the first round of interaction, the total value of the prizes sent on the spot reached the total value 50,000, and the total value of the prize sent by the second round of interactive scene reached 100,000, and the Jiuzhou platform coupon sent 50,000.

After all, in 2001, it was quite big in the game to send such a high prize, and there was a round in a while.

But Meng Qian understands a truth, don't always think about it, no matter what you really don't really have, do business, you must learn to vomit, and sometimes you spit, but you will harvest more.

It's really a deep understanding, magic is that many times really will have something to have, but many times, it is often only let others be greedy, this seems contradictory two phenomena but harmonious It is really interesting to exist in this world, it is worthwhile.

After the next step, Meng Qian quickly drunk a large glass of water, and I said that I have a dry tongue in the whole day. Taking advantage of the moderator interacting this will take a good rest. When I first go to the stage, Meng Qian still took out the most perfect state, just like he walked on the stage in the first second, not seeing exhaustion and body discomfort.

"It is necessary to announce the last surprise today, and suddenly I have a little reluctant." Meng Qiao smiled and swept the scene, quickly collapsed the sadness of sudden appearance, "The last surprise, the last surprise is, in fact, friends May have already guessed.

There are two very conspicuous things in the Kyushu platform, that is, competition.

The last surprise of today's conference is that we have built a battle platform! "

Meng Qian said to open a competition.

The left side is the game bar that has been accessed. The right is the homepage of the competitive platform, which is written in the Kyushu battle platform.

"The competitive game has been aware of players from the beginning, but now we can only conduct a local area network in the Internet cafes, I believe that many players are like me, I hope there is a perfect platform, let us make us through the network. Competition players with more gamers.

Ok, there is really someone to do this, such as 263 Battle of Battle, such as AG, but when using these platforms, I always feel that it is not very powerful, for this reason, our big wind entertainment's own battle platform will start this .

I want everyone to be curious, so do our platforms? Show everyone. "

Meng Qian first choosed a game. This game is not Warcraft is not a StarCraft, but a domestic real-time strategy game: "proud world".

In fact, many people have also noticed that on the Kyushu platform, I have not seen a foreign game so far. Even so, I saw that the entire platform is very rich.

"Amazing Three Kingdoms" is the game developed by the target software. The first Chinese game in E3 exhibition. During the peak period, he had a patrio, but it was unfortunately, and it was still hit by Blizzard.

After opening the game, you can see that the platform is arranged according to the province, Meng Qian chose 1 room No. 1, Jiangzhou, "You can look at it, our platform can accommodate 500 people, can be significantly accelerated The efficiency of the game begins.

Open the creation room, we can invite friends, you can also wait for others to join, and we can pick the room to pick up, here there is a button to quickly join the function. "

Meng Qian did not quote the matching mechanism of the later generations, because they can't do it, because it is not necessary. It is not because of the current technical environment, it is because the first revolutionary of the China's battle platform is Haofang. It is necessary to wait until September 2002, and this will have some battle platforms, but the function It's just just to provide a communication LAN for the player, just this.

At this time, there is no need to go directly to the future generations, simply do something improvement is enough to overcome other platforms in this era.

"After entering the game, I have to mention an important feature of our battle platform. The integral system is displayed on the screen."

The segment concept of the later generations is not quoted, because Meng Qian has experienced this era, so I know that a score system is complete enough. How many players are in the past year, I have a memories.

The integration rules are also very simple. Initial 1000, the extra points will be lost, 0-1000 points is the first level, 1000-2000 is the second level, with this, the higher the level, the higher the scores after winning Low, but the score of the deduction after losing, Meng Qian also lowered, and the pain of losing a game before the year can win the pain, Meng Qian, who wins back too deep, he doesn't let this player feel that again Sick setting.

Then there is a judgment for some special circumstances, such as someone retreat in three minutes, this game is not divided, of course, the retreat will deduct points, and it will deduct a lot.

"According to points, we define new hands, primary and superior rooms, avoid gaps too large and over-brush score. In addition, we have added a report system, after the game, you can report it, if there is no bad behavior, we will Debute, severely delete, such as 1 hit 9. "

"Hahahahaha." Many people in the scene consciously laughed.

Later generation game, teammate Taiwan will say 4 playing 6, 1 hit 9, but in a few years, people began to play games in Hala, have experienced the real 4 hits 6 and 1 hit 9.

Because the platform of this era is a person who is built, everyone is free to join rather than the system, this may have six people a group, five people, another person ran to the end of the undercover. Sometimes I encounter an metamorphosis "gang", I really can feel what is called 1 hit 9 ...

"Since I have said bad behavior, there is still something that is naturally unavoidable, that is, plug-in. I have been hanging in the whole picture in this time. I believe that many players are deeply harmed, so in our battle platform, we have been developed. A system called a resistant system.

The anti-cheating system determines whether the player uses an external manner by safe scanning, once we determine the use of plug-in, our battle platform is zero tolerance attitude, directly deleting the number. "

"Good!" There is a palm sound in the scene, there is no way, this is exactly the beginning of the junction, many people are deeply sick.

"As for the stability of the game, you can't make more show for you, but I can tell everyone that we didn't use Netgames FSGS, we have developed a server software independently, welcome everyone to feel.

Ok, I said this, I also arrived at the last advantage of the Kyushu platform.

That is..."

Meng Qian turned his head, he saw two words on the screen: Event!

"Everyone plays competitive games, while winning, is sometimes looking forward to higher glory and more direct rewards?

Big wind entertainment understands everyone's minds, so in 2002, the Kyushu platform will create a corresponding game event for dozens of games such as "God of God", "proud world", and single game total bonus is not less than 1 million. ! "

"Wow !!" On the scene.

"Everyone is not happy." Meng Qian did a gesture to make everyone quiet, "and the event will adopt a global model!"

"Global Tournament?" Everyone has a bit no reacted.

"Yes, the Global Tour, we will not only promote the game, we will promote the game to the whole world, our domestic players will face the opponents from all over the world, compete for the world's first name!"

Meng Qian quietly saw a time, determined to stand behind the time, only the screen is divided into two layers, below is a group of young people, the above is the sixth country of the Neon Tower, Gaoli 63 Building, etc. Sexual building.

There are about five or six seconds, video, and all the 5-line Chinese in the fifteen iconic buildings.

The following young people shouted with the five languages ​​of the fifteen languages:

"2002, Kyushu Eight Term, a battle!"


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