Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 153, changed the fine film

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\ (Book name \). + \ {Finish silk road M.Xssilu. \} Can / to quickly find you in this site / book!

In probably, I didn't expect Meng Qian, I bought the advertisement of the fifteen national landmarks. In 2001, I have just played a big advertisement in China, Meng Qian once again put his gaze, in many viewers, This is a manifestation that Meng Qian has made a high release meeting.

After all, after 2010, there is an advertisement in the landmark building in foreign countries. It can be made in China. It is 2001, but Meng Qian is doing this. In fact, more guests to present today. watch.

Meng Qian is to deliver information for them in order to lay out later.

After introducing the battle platform, Meng Qian announced the "God Biography" and the time of the "Battle of the Gods" and the Kyushu platform. The domestic is December 15th, Saturday.

Then it is today's last interactive event, and the big wind entertainment has issued a total of 200,000 prizes.

Today, the spectators that come here will basically get prizes, which is what I want.

At this time, the reporters are busy, everyone is grabbing time, to spread the news of the conference in the first time, in fact, before coming, no one expects the big wind and entertainment can be released It will make this look, and now, the shocking reporters can be felt at the scene, and their professional experience tells them that the conference of the wind and entertainment will definitely causing a heat.

At the same time, the reporters are also preparing their own problems, because after the last round of interaction, they arrived at the last link of today's conference, and the reporter question.

"Meng Hello, I have just noticed that the current Kyushu platform does not see the overseas game we are familiar with, is it still docked with overseas game manufacturers?"

"Today, there is such a big amount of information, the first question is actually this, I am a little accident." Meng Qian was deliberately paid for a while, and said this to some people listening, and then start the official reply, "there is still no currently Docking with overseas game manufacturers, this is also the reason why we have invited so many overseas game manufacturers. "

"Meng Da, you have created a miracle on the online game, and you have acquired a number of game companies in Taiwan. Is you planning in a single game market?"

"There is indeed planning, but the plan to understand you should not mean, our acquisition of these game companies, core is not because we can do what we can do for a single game, but because we have seen the excellent game of domestic stand-alone games. I personally fully confident in our quality of the domestic stand-alone game, so this acquisition is more, it is an investment. "

"Hello, Meng, I am a reporter from the neon, I would like to ask the" Battle of the Gods "to the neon country with the Kyun State?"

"We have been reviewed in your country, I believe it will not be too late than our country, including other countries."


Meng Qian replied to the reporter's question at the scene. On the Internet, more and more media sent out tonight newspaper news.

The conference of the big wind entertainment is rapidly spread on the Internet.

Almost all of the news, innovation, luxury, atmosphere, and news on the press conference almost all mentioned these elements, although it is unable to have some sounds in the country, but the overall public opinion will inevitably active, especially in foreign countries, not The people who are smashing, it is called, and netizens are providing public opinion foundation for the development of high wind entertainment.

Near 8 o'clock, the reporter's question is over. Today, today's conference is also here, Meng Qi stood a thank you to everyone, and I will send all people to leave the venue under the guidance of the staff.

After fifteen minutes, everyone left the venue, Meng Qian took the stage to find a seat and showed the exhaustion.

After a while, Sun Xiaomi came back from the venue and couldn't help, "Meng He."

Meng Qian opened his eyes and saw Sun Xiaojing, and the body's ability was again adjusted. "How do you say?"

"Several big plants have just said that I want to talk to you." Sun Xiaojing kept in the body.

Meng Qian turned back to the neck, not here, "I told them that I am tired tired this evening, I will see tomorrow."

"But there are several business representatives, they will catch the plane tomorrow morning."

"I am in a hurry to arrange, if I can't catch up, I will talk back."

Sun Xiaojing did not understand Meng Qian. "Nowadays, it is tired to say that you can't stop the foot."

"Yes, everyone will feel that I can't stand the feet, this is right."

Sun Xiaoyi habitual brain spurt, "Meng always wants them to guess you tonight."

Meng Qian got up and smiled and patted Sun Xiaojing's arm. "Waiting for guests to go, take everyone to eat. This thing is responsible, I will not go."

"Then I will pack it for a while?"

Meng Qi wants to think, "No, I am hungry my own."

"Hey, it seems that I have to grasp the tricks of the secretary. You said that you are so high for your request."

"Trick secretary is not to be responsible for me three meals." Meng Qian smiled, indicating that Sun Xiaomi went busy.

At 9:30 in the evening, the venue was turned off, and all the lively before the conference became the past, the venue, Meng Qian sat on the step, quietly staring at the game wall of the night.

Meng Qian has been sitting here for half an hour.

"Meng Qian." Until a gentle voice pulled Meng Qian from his own thoughts.

"Shen Jiawen?" Looking up at Shen Jiawen standing next to himself, Meng Qi is unexpected, "Why haven't you gone?"

"Jin Yu and Han Meng Ting said that I want to eat in the evening." Shen Jiawen took the first two steps, sitting around Meng Qian, "I have a recent weight loss, I will take the night scene here."

Meng Qian looked at the Canon EOS1V on Shen Jiawen, the flagship camera just after 2000, although this camera is the current high-end camera, but Meng Qian, which is studying, this camera is so low. Night shooting, no tripod is also unable to achieve.

However, Meng Qian has not tangled on this issue. "Is it smooth recently?"

"OK, it is a bit confused, I don't know where I am in the future." Shen Jiawen did a little helpless expression.

"Do you eat that day, don't you say that Zhou Lin is developing?"

"But I can't always follow Zhou Linjie. I have my own way, some people walk business photography, some people do art photography, I don't know what I want," Shen Jiawen is silent for a few seconds, "What advice do you have? ? "

"Recommendation?" Meng Qunnu did not know if the night in front of him, I suddenly thought that when I was fighting with Feng Yu, "I would regret it."

"Well?" Shen Jiawen is a bit less unclear what heard, looking at Meng Qian's expression to determine if he didn't listen to the mistake, "The life is not very boring."

"The happiness of life is from learning to meet the day, this is not from learning to choose that day."

Shen Jiawen looked at Meng Qian, "How do you know that I am not a content?"

"Because ... our people have not qualified for content." Meng Qianxiu Shen Jiawen shallow smile, "How, life is very much."

Shen Jiawen looked at Meng Qian, pretending to be here, "So, this is the reason you are not happy today?"

Meng Qian's eyes moved, and the eyes were slightly looked at Shen Jiawen. The two were silent. After a few seconds, Meng Qi raised his mouth and smiled. "There is such a lively day today, I am not happy."

See Meng Qian so state, Shen Jiawen responded to Meng Qian a warm smile, then turned to the game wall, I don't know what to think, "It is also, today Han Meng Ting is present, how can you not be happy?"

"Well? What do you say?"

Shen Jiawen said very small, after watching Meng Qian, I think this is Meng Qian and Han Meng Ting's things. I should not intervene, I shook my head, "Nothing, Jin Yu and Han Meng Ting should be eaten, I should go. , Do you want to say something? "

Meng Qian looked at the time, "Well, go together."

" ..."

Just got up, suddenly issued a strange voice. The two people can look at the direction of the sound, and it is a few meters from a few ancient trees.

" ..."

The strange voice appeared again, Meng Qian consciously blocked Shen Jiawen behind his body, slowly approached two steps.


Suddenly, a round-dramatic thing came from the tree. Meng Qian went forward, I saw a darkness, suddenly there was a pair of eyes.

"Lying!" Meng Qianli started to prepare for the running road at any time, "TM changed its own film ?!"


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