Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 154 Instrument Conditions

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The night, deep hospital, old tree, eyes, fantasy is full, good in Meng Qi is a relatively firm materialist, which makes him still calm, see the shadow, the contour of one is getting clearer, with the person It is a bit of a loud roller to climb out of the ancient trees, with a weak moonlight, Meng Qian finally appreciates the other side.

"Kangheng ???" After recognition, Meng Qian took the initiative to go, looked at Kangheng, and inexplicably, "How did you fall from the tree?"

"I have been hiding on the tree ..." Kang Heng held his own thigh.

"What are you doing on the tree?" Meng Qian is more inexplicably.

Kang Heng took a mouth, it seems to be looking for an explanation that can have a face, and finally it is straight. "I am afraid that I can't come back, so they don't pay attention to the trees."

Meng Qian strives to understand the thinking of Kangheng, "So you stay here?"

"I am looking for you!" Kang Heng should have, "I have something to find you!"

"What do you want to look for me? Such anxious?"

"I want to play games!" Kangheng's eyes suddenly appeared obvious excitement.

"This is so familiar ..." Meng Qian looked at Kangheng's legs did not respond to him in the first time, "the legs are nothing?"

"Nothing, I often fall from the tree." Kang Heng didn't care, and his eyes were always looking forward to Meng Qian's response.

"Why can't you come to me before?"

"I didn't see you before."

Meng Qian looked at the distance between himself and the distance between the ancient trees. She was so quiet before, and I didn't see it in the night. "Then why don't you get to find me?"

"I am afraid that I am discovered."

"If you can't see me, I can't come down?"

Kangheng seems to have a little confused. "I have been staring at the door, I don't know why I didn't see you before."

"Come here." Meng Qian also did not attract this problem, sit down to the promenade of Kangheng to the not far, "You want to play games, I don't stop you, specially tell me. What? "

"I heard that the big wind is, that is, you bought a few teams!" Kang He is very understanding of these things. In 2001, the domestic professional team flexible, and there is nothing famous, belonging to a very small The public is even the existence of the edge.


"I want to enter the team, I want to be a professional player!" Kangheng is eager to look at Meng Qian.

Kangheng's answer is consistent with Meng Qian a few minutes ago. Kang Hengyi is not willing to wait. It is better to steal the performance of the tree. Meng Qian also looked at the eyes. "We are in the team players, but we Have our assessment requirements. "

"My technology is definitely no problem!" Kang Heng's confidence.

"We have to recruit a good study."

Kang Heng suddenly stayed, the original pure and firm eyes were more than a bit. "What you said ... The school's learning results?"

Meng Qian smiled, "Yes."

"What is the relationship between playing games?!" Hengngng face revealed the emotions. "You just don't want me!"

"Do you hate this society that only looks like, discrimination?" Meng Qian asked very directly.

"Well!" Kangheng nodded very certain.

"I am also, so I want to fight with this society, do you want?"

Kang Heng frowned, then nodded.

"So you think, now the whole society gives the game, you don't learn the label, poor students, bad children, etc. Now, you will now give up learning to play games, even if you have a good game, others, others It will also be said that it is not a mixer who does not learn, the game will continue to be seen by people.

But you think about it, when you have a championship of the game game, when you stand on the podium, others say that the mixer who does not learn is to play the game, you have taken out a Tsinghua University's admission notice. The book is in their face, pain is not hurting? "

Kang Heng stunned, then silent and seriously thinking about the picture of Meng Qian, suddenly somewhat exciting, "happy!"

However, the eyes of Kangheng also have dim, "But my grade ... Super bad ..."

"It's okay, I will have a winter vacation. If you really want to come, go to the company training, we will arrange the teacher, exercise while making lessons, as long as your results can reach the standard, I will admit it."

"Really !?" Kangheng excitedly slammed from the bench, then instinctively touched his own thigh, "Hey I will go."

Meng Qian pulled the Kangheng sitting down, suddenly some kind of favor of touching his head, this is the first time Meng Qian, in fact, there is an expectation of Kang Heng.

Because Kang Heng said that when I wanted the game in that sentence, Meng Qian saw his strong desire.

Because when Meng Qian gave Kangheng portrayed such a picture, Kang Heng really felt that it was very happy. Only those who really loved the game will really hope to be known for the game, hoping that the society can change the game.

There is only such a person who will feel like the picture depicted by Meng Qian. If it is just a simple person who wants to play the game or wants to escape the reality, it will be too great to feel too much.

For more people, do you want to study hard? Sick.

"This weekend first came to our company to report."

"Oh yeah!" Kangheng jumped again, and he saw that the injured right leg suddenly turned again, but he didn't care, and he felt his happiness.

"Eating is not." Waiting for a while, Meng Qian smiled and asked.


"Walk, take you to eat."

"Oh, I want to go to the toilet."

"go Go."

Looking at Kangheng, I was especially interesting. Shen Jiawen, who has been sitting on a side, is also influenced by Kangheng's emotions, unconsciously laughing. "I still see someone to use games to do bait Let a child study hard. "

"Kang Heng is too small." Meng Qian said, "I didn't remember the wrong thing. He will be on the first day of this year. Learning is not to die, but learning is actually able to help children build basic logical thinking ability and culture If you are out of education during the basic education phase, there will be many drawbacks for Kangheng's life.

Those who are called learning mathematics do you use people to sell vegetables, and you may have a great role in this life.

Moreover, the game is indeed too too small to know where it is in the future. I don't want Kangheng to gamble everything in the game, which is unfair to him, and his parents are unfair. People live in the world enjoy all rights, but many people have forgot to enjoy their obligations while they have fulfilled their obligations.

Excessive high-profile chase dreams I don't recognize it, people can sacrifice their rights to chase dreams, but they can't sacrifice their responsibility to chase dreams, and then big dreams are to go to the ground. "

Shen Jiawen looked at Meng Qian's side face. I don't know why. She likes to listen to Meng Qian to share some of his life concept. "These truths, why do you just say?"

Meng Qian turned into the head smile, "Kang Heng is in the age of rebellious, he can hear in seeing the ghost. Again, I said to him is true, I really have a record of my team, not necessarily a result How is it, but at least it can't be too bad, and they can have no diploma, but it can't be cultural. "

Looking at Meng Qian's smile, Shen Jiawen can't help but, "Meng Qian, do you have a dream?"

"Of course, let me open what company." Meng Qian should respond.

Then Shen Jiawen's expression is a bit, "that ... do you have a life ..."

Meng Qian looked at Shen Jiawen and smile gradually fade.

A black cloud covering the Mingyue is gradually dissipating, the moonlight is sprinkled on the face of the two, so that each other can see each other's eyes.

For a time, the two were relative, and they were still a pair of oil paintings ...

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