Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 156 is a routine operation

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The intention of the room represents the room of Sato.

"Meng Tong him ...?"

"Meng Mong has something to do today, and we will come to the public with Mr. Sato." Fu Qiyi entered the door with Siyazai, she spent a little thought because of the end of the neon, Learn neon language, now you can guarantee basic daily exchanges, "Mr. Sato can take a look first."

Seeing is a matter of concern, Sato is not a waste, wearing glasses, careful flipping manuscript, I can't help it after a few minutes, "The style is mature, I don't know if your company is looking for our neon, which cartoonist is written. ? "

"The painter is not from your country."

"That ..." Sato lifted his head and looked at Fu Yi, when he saw Fu Yi's expression, I couldn't help but guess, "Mo?"

"It is two in front of Mr. Sato."


Sony represents the room in Futian.

"How is Mr. Song?" Meng Qian did not come, Futian seems to be a bit unhappy, but he will speak Chinese.

"Sony has now encountered such a big trouble, urgently need to find a way out." Seeing Futian Some strong, Song Zhen Luobi is more strong.

Futian looked at Song Zhen Luo, not here, "Mr. Song said this is some inexplicable. What is the trouble of Sony encountered?"

Song Zhen Luo put a document in Futian, "Mr. Futian is interested in talking about us. If Mr. Futian thinks that Sony does not need any help now, then."

After Futian doubtfully opened the document, his face became more and more ugly, "your company's hands are very long."

"What do you have to follow Sonybi? If Sony thinks, don't you have to go in 2002?"

The two are opposite, Song Zhen Luo is not humble, and the Futian is so silent for a long time, "What is the high meeting?"


Samsung represents Park Yongjun's room.

"Mr. Li, I am actually a bit I can't understand, this time the big wind entertainment conference, why will we invite our Samsung?" Park Yongjun is stupid.

Li Fei cooperates with the other party's stupid, "Thank you Mr. Park, we invite your company, mainly want to ask, your company is interested in the entertainment industry this big cake?"

Park Yong Jun's courteous, "The development of the Gao Li country entertainment industry is slightly mature, we have long been a market analysis, and the entertainment industry of Gao Liki is already a gum of cakes."

"The development of the entertainment industry in Gaoli is indeed in front of people." Li Fei smiled deeply, "But the Huaxia entertainment industry has just started."

Park Yongjun's eyes move, "Mr. Li means ..."

"I mean, there are many markets like Huaxia."

Park Yongjun took the initiative to poured a cup of tea, using a very feet of Huandong Road, "I wish you see it."


Sega represents the room.

"Mr. Kong, the wind entertainment now wants to open the market in neon, hinder is not small."

"Indeed." Kong Yitian took the way, "" Inversely, Sega, now ushered in a big opportunity. "

The phase is doing well with Kong Yitian refutes his preparation.

"Before Sony gave your company a lot of stress? Now, now the new era is coming, Sony and Nintendo have not had a breakthrough in hardware, and the game is a long-term eating old book. More importantly, apple Waiting for companies to lead the new trend of hardware, they look too much later.

Anti-Guanjia, although this year's Sega has encountered some trouble, the decision-making of Sega's focus on software may be the best decision. The change of hardware is revolutionary, but the development of software has continuity, and Sega has transformed in time in this era, and it is very far-signed. "

In the face of Kong Yidian's touting, the phase is still very calm, "Can we do this with the big wind, do you have to become a dead right?"

"If we do software, everyone is indeed an opponent, but now, we are not a platform."

"This is a more terrible place." The phase of the city saw the blood. "You are doing products and doing a platform. What others will compete with you?"

"The way of the way," said that "Kong Yitian smiled," the platform is more than neon development, the world is so big, the Sega is not interested? "

"This is tempting, but it is afraid that it will not only get the global market, but the market in the neon is also given to your company."

"Cough, phase of the city, the platform can be our big wind, can you be everyone."

The phase of the phase looked at Kong Yutian livestock and horses the police, "What does this mean by Mr. Kong?"


NAVER represents the room.

"You have very deep in-depth cooperation with DAUM, and has been promoting your own Chinese, and before we have cooperated, it is just a trading. From the long run, I don't know what cooperation between us. Space? "Anqingmin was very straightforward.

"Let's first look at the long way, just look at the eyes." Yan Binhong looked a few documents to Anqingmin. "We are now snapped up from Naver, not just some game users, it is white, a few The small town pool.

But Yahoo and Google are now, it seems to be a big capital of Naver. "

Anqingmin looked at the data and calm. "Do you have a threat to us?"

"At least, our engine will never enter Gaotai."

Anqingmin is slightly do not believe, "What do we have to look at the goal of your company, will we give up our Korean market?"

"Not only that." Yan Bin also looked at Anqingmin, "Kyushu Platform, can match the engine."

Anqingmin is more strange, "Why? Help your opponent?"

"What opponent is not opponent, business, everyone can do it together." In the face of the calmness of Anqing people, Yan Binhong is really calm.


Sony represents the ASIA.

Wei Peng is sitting on the ground, paving a bunch of documents in the ground, "Dai, you see, we are now in Asia's market users, count our Huaxia, the game registration is close to a billion, and the registration volume exceeds 2 100 million.

Now Apple has a hardware revolution, but what is it? The game market is still in the hands of Apple, and you are really lacking now, not the hardware revolutionary brother. "

"What is that?" Ma Sheng squatted around Wei Peng, did not know why it was particularly affected by his emotional infection.

"Is a user, how long have you not made a decent game? What is the cold winter cold? It is a game. No game, no user, catch up with the hardware revolution, the user will transfer, you have no two heads, you Say you don't have winter? "

"Brothers ..." Aso used Huandong Road, "Then what do you mean?"

"You are stupid! We don't have users, the users who are posing this, and the Kyushu goal is the global game platform, is there any game? Looking back to the Kyushu platform, what do you think about?

You listen to me, let's join hands, do you do hardware, we do the software, first take the game market, turn back, make a bigger hardware market, don't want to eat a fat man, don't think I have a fat man .

You have to engage in game innovation, but also to engage in hardware revolution, do you get time? I found that you have this neon business, too solid, you do yourself, do you go to?

Now we all concentrate your energy, be our most professional part, everyone will do it together, the market will come out.

Isn't an apple, you didn't look at his trademark, a biting apple, do you know what this means? "

"What does it mean?"

"Biting an apple, will be broken!"

"To the right, wrong, the wind is now seeming to fight with MSN, is you dry?"

Wei Pengtian took a hand, and his face was wrong, "MSN positioned high-end, said it did not touch entertainment."

Aso, "Yes, Microsoft gave MSN positioning to the road to death, so, now, the instant messaging software that can be laying off will only have a letter!"

Speaking of this, the appearance of Aso, "I heard that the recent man is very harmonious with MSN, is it, do you deliberate? Let Microsoft solve some other competitors?"

"Don't be so excited." Wei Peng was sitting around himself, "is a routine operation, calm point."


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