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\ (Title \). +? \ {\ Finished * Silk Road M.XSSILU. \} You can quickly find your book in this site. +?

When the staff of the wind entertainment communicates with representatives from various companies, they were cold, that is, two representatives from Vanti, Kri and Logan.

The two have already got up early in the morning, and they have been waiting for Meng Qian's visit. As a result, from 8:00 in the morning, they listened to the people around the room, they still didn't wait any movement.

"What does Meng Qian mean?" Kerry couldn't sit, "When will he come to see us?"

"This young man is really uncomfortable." Logan didn't have a very happy. After all, they represent Vantry. After the end of last night, no one was worked, and it is inevitable in my heart.

"Hey." Just then, their room came to knock on the door.

"I am finally here." Kryr got a suit, "I want to see how this Meng Qian will explain."

The level of Loggen Bike is slightly lower, so he will open the door. After Kerry stands behind him, he opened the door, and the two will see a young woman standing at the door, and the two are not confused. "You are ? "

"Mr. Hello, is you need to clean the room?" The woman asked with the standard English.

"No!" Rogan has an angry close.

"Hey." The result is an knock on the door.

Logen is uncomfortable to open the door, "What else is there?"

"Mr., have you still renew today?"

Logan, "..."

Kerry, "..."

The two naturally can't renew, so I have to go out with dissatisfaction, prepare to eat something.

When I came to the hotel restaurant, I just prepared to find a seat, and the two were encountered by Meng Qian and Sun Xiaomi who had eaten.

"In order to wait here." Logan small channel.

"That takes to see what he wants to do." Kri is going to go in the direction of Meng Qian, "Mr. Meng."

Meng Qian turned his head, looked at Kerry, "Are you?"

"..." Kri strongly pressed the inner emotions, "I am a representative of Vangi, Kerry."

"Oh, hello." Meng Qian politely held handshake, "I haven't gone yet?"

Kerry, "..."

Seeing Kery silence, Meng Qian had to take the initiative to hear, "Two casual points, remember it on me."

After saying, Meng Qian got to go first, Kri is busy, "Mr. Meng did not want to tell us?"

"Um ... all the way,?"

Kerry, "..."

"Mr. Meng." Kri looked at Meng Qian, I had to take the initiative, "Great wind entertainment should be a global event. Is there anything to communicate between us?"

Meng Qian can't help but laugh, "the game market is so big, your company can't monopolize it. After all, you will follow the matter,"

Kyr frowned, "Mr. Meng ... is really planning ..."

Meng Qian naturally knows what Kri is thinking. Since the other party wants to have a certain answer, Meng Qian will no longer go around the bend, with a smile with a smile, "I saw it on the battlefield."

Hold the handshake again, Meng Qian turned around.

And Kri and Logen have been in the original place. After returning to God, Kri has some unexpected look to Logan. "Meng Qi is, declared war?"


After lunch, the guests who came to the conference were launched, and the staff of the wind and entertainment were also batch back to the company.

Meng Qian has been staying in the evening, ensuring that there is nothing to do if he is handling, and will only drive back to the company. Meng Qian finally did not return to the company because the car opened halfway, he suddenly received a call, let him turn directly to the airport.

Meng Qian bought tickets that fly to Changchun.

Recently, there was a thing in Changchun, which was the heart of Meng Qian. That is, the experiment of immersion lighting machine exposure system has been layout for a while. The phone is just about this experiment, but let Meng Qian are so urgent The reason for Changchun, is not because of this experiment itself.

At 10 o'clock in the evening, Meng Qian, who took the plane, ran to the parking lot, Liang Zhiguo's student opened the car, and waited together with Liang Zhiguo.

"Why never tell me this thing?" I got a bus, Meng Qian said in a somewhat question.

"There are so many project members, and it is impossible for everyone to report." Liang Zhiguo explained a sentence, and there was some low tone.

Meng Qian realized that he was a little impulsive, took the shoulder of Liang Zhiguo, "Liang teacher is embarrassed."

Liang Zhioguo has nothing to do so, let your students quickly drive.

After half an hour, Meng Qian came to Liang Zhiguo to a ward of the First Hospital of Jida.

"It's coming." After entering the door, Meng Qian saw Zhu Weijun.

"Teacher Zhu. Meng Qian hit a greeting, and his eyes fell as a patient in bed.

This is a longerior elder, the body is thinner, the body is thin, and the face is pale. It is probably the voice of Meng Qian. He opened his eyes.

This person named Xu Guohua, is the old colleague of Liang Zhi, Zhu Weijun, and the true sense of unknown pioneers in the field of illuminating machines, and she has begun to participate in the development of domestic lightning machine, but maybe because he is not a genius, perhaps because he talent Not enough, so he has always been only a participant.

However, in the long river in history, how many miracles and greatness are supported by such an unkamed.

And Meng Qian is so anxious today, that is, because when Liang Zhi is reported to Meng Qian, I feel that Liang Zhi Guozhi is not too strong, and this knows that Xu Guohua is facing the problem of heart failure.

"Meng Zheng, how come you ..." Seeing Meng Qian, Xu Guohua asked with a weak voice.

Meng Qian is busy to Xu Guohua's bedside, and "I heard that I will do experiment tomorrow, so come over."

It seems because Meng Qian said tomorrow's experiment, Xu Guohua revealed a very clean smile, "Tomorrow's experiment, there will be good news."

"Well!" Meng Qian nodded and told Xu Guohua, and went out with Liang Zhiguo and Zhu Weijun.

Liang Zhi, who is busy with the experiment, so this day is Zhu Weijun.

"Teacher Zhu, what is the situation now?" After Going out, Meng Qian quickly asked.

"Lao Xu's heart is no longer, the only hope is to quickly make heart transplant surgery."

"When can I do surgery?"

"I don't know." Zhu Weijun is somewhat helpless. "There is no right source of heart now, I don't know how long it takes, the doctor said that this thing is completely uncontrollable, the luck is good, there will be a match in the heart tomorrow, the luck is not good, etc. It is not impossible for semi-contained years. And I have to watch how many people in front of Lao Xu.

But how long is old Xu can't wait ... "

"Is there any other way?" Liang Zhiguo asked.

"Hey ..." Zhu Weijun sighed, "the magazine is not, just some things ..."

"You don't have so much nonsense, how to say anything!" Liang Zhiguo urged.

"A magical is to find black city."

"No!" Meng Qiao directly negated, "We would rather say that Si Xu said, it is absolutely unable to convote crime!"

"This is an old Xu himself impossible." Liang Zhiguo shook his head at the same time, "What is other law?"

"There is also a magazine, waiting for the source of heart to queue, since it is queue, you are in the front position naturally, the more you have to get the heart, if we spend some money ... Just do this, people who should be in front should be in front, if the luck is not good, the time after the back is too long, it may be ... "

Meng Qian consciously frowned, this kind of thing is not secret, and the rich people will almost do so. Meng Qian also has selfishness, telling the truth, he really sways in a moment, but the balance in my heart is finally refused, This bias is not because Meng Qian has more great, but because Meng Qian knows, if Xu Guohua knows, he will not accept this choice.

From the expression of Liang Zhi, he experienced the struggle with Meng Qian, "There is any other way?"

"There is also the last law."


"Use artificial heart, do artificial heart transplant surgery."

"This magazine is not very good!" Liang Zhioguo a pair of expressions, "You said so much nonsense!"

"Because the success rate of the human body is very low!" Zhu Weijun is white by Liang Zhi, "The first success of permanent artificial heart transplant is in 1995, then the artificial new transplantation is now only 6 years, the world's human heart transplant surgery Successful cases can still be numbered.

Coupled with the age of Lao Xu and his body, the success rate of surgery is very low, once the surgery failed ... "

Three people are silent.

After dozens of seconds, Meng Qian first opens. "If you want to make a heart transplant surgery, when can you start? You can do it."

"If you determine this method, surgery has to go to the rice or neon country."

"I discussed with Teacher Xu tonight." Meng Qian said, "The two teachers go back to rest early, and pay attention to the spirit to witness tomorrow is experiment."

"Don't you go tomorrow?" Liang Zhiguo couldn't help but ask.

Meng Qian nodded, "I stayed with Teacher Xu."

Liang Zhiguo paided glance with Zhu Weijun, with Meng Qi, and the two were familiar with Meng Qian's sex, no longer say.

Return to the ward, Liang Zhiguo stayed with Zhu Weijun to stay nearly 12 pm, first returned first, Meng Qian stayed in the hospital, Xu Guohua didn't know if there were no children, so there was no family to take care of him at this time.

"Meng, you will go back to rest, tomorrow's experiment ... You should take a look." After Meng Qian left, Xu Guohua wanted to take Meng Qian.

"I can't help it in it." Meng Qian smiled and poured water, "I used to take care of it for a while, I can help it."

"Meng Zhong ... cough cough ..." Xu Guohua said that the voice is very weak.

"Teacher Xu, you have a good rest, just when I don't exist." Meng Qian fed a few mouthfuls of water to Xu Guohua.

Drinking the water, Xu Guohua shakes his head, watching Meng Qian, no longer attacked what he walked, "I don't want to sleep now ... I want ... I want ... Wait for tomorrow's news ..."

Meng Qian is inexplicably painful, but his face still keeps warm smile, "Teacher Xu rests at heart, come on tomorrow, I call you."

Xu Guohua once again shaken his head again, then extended some trembling arm, refers to the drawer of the side.

Meng Qian tried to understand Xu Guohua's meaning, after opening the drawer, take a thick, some broken notebook, "Teacher Xu wants this?"

Xu Guohua nodded, some to eat, "Meng Qi, if I can't do it, this is something, you can help you ..."

"I can open it now?"

Xu Guohua didn't speak, nodded.

Meng Qian carefully opened the notebook, when he saw a sentence on the first page, he could not help but

This is a little mentioned in the later generations, and gradually be forgotten by the world in the later generation, even in some people's eyes, it has become a ridiculous sentence.

However, in Xu Guohua's notebook saw this sentence, Meng Qian felt a strong will.

Word locats, but the word is gourmet.

"Reading for the rise of China!"


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