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It is also a new year to react first, "Of course you can."

Meng Wei headed his head and returned to the blackboard.

They have already been (body shēn) to let Meng Qian's several Chinese people brush the brush to the head, because everyone is not very familiar with Meng Qian, private naturally asked Zhule's (love) QING, but before the pre-mouth of Meng Qian, there is not much way.

Zhuoliang looked at everyone in a face of innocent, "I don't know ..."

Goridbach guess, the only one in the three difficulties of modern mathematics have not been proven yet, the mathematician who has achieved the greatest achievement in Gothbach is the Mathematist Chen Jingrun, Chen Jingrun's 1 + 2 is also known as math It is Chen's theorem.

As for Meng Qian, it is actually another thing, the weak profapa guess, proves in 2013.

But whether it is a weak Gotbach, but also strong Gotbach guess, it is Gotbach guess.

Everyone pays back to Meng Qian (body shēn), he has begun to write on the blackboard, "studying Gothbach guess, there are four methods, screening, circular, minimal method, and triangle .

I personally is a screening, we look at the proof of Estman, 2N + 1 = P1 + P2 + P3P4 ... "

Meng Qian once again demonstrated the way the Weak Gothic's approach to the mortgage of Weak Gotbach passed the scene, which triggered a discussion on the scene.

When the scene of the scene began to ask Meng Qian's problem, Meng Qian chose a million golden oil to answer: I now understand it here.

The screening method is to prove the most real way in Gothbach guess, with a metaphor that may not be particularly accurate, just want to know how many heads in a cowshed, just a number of people.

This is a relatively practical and simple certificate of proof, so there are not many things, Meng Qian should also say, and Meng Qian has not said that he has fully proved, but he said Everything is in everyone, he has a deep study in Gotbach.

And this study seems very close to the answer.

Everyone has such a reaction to Meng Qian is enough.

Waiting for no one asked, Meng Qian suddenly looked at his watch many times, this detail naturally, many people look in their eyes.

Wang Yue's new one as the owner's opening, "Meng Qian, do you still have anything to share."

Finally, some people understand that this detail is meaning, Meng Qi Li Miles, "In fact, Pangola I want to think and guess the direction of my main research direction, just seeing someone questioning the differential geometry, I can't help but think I said a few words.

The purpose of this meeting is mainly to talk to everyone, but now it seems to be a bit late. "

When Meng Qian did not care, everyone listened to the ear, and he was amazed in both major guesses. The two proof processes of the audience were not their main research direction. This TM is in the modern world. Three major problems and seven puzzles in the 21st century throwing jade?

Several people in Wang Yue new one (body shēn) communicated a few words, then called the staff, and finally through the communication with the lives, everyone decided to let the organizers will prepare for the dry food, the meeting continues.

Everyone is very curious, Meng Qian is what is in the end, this curious is far better than eating this thing (love qing). And many people have fallen into the dry food and have no heart (love qing).

Meng Qian on the stage wrote a word on the blackboard, "artificial intelligence."

The research and development of artificial intelligence has begun from the 1950s, although there is no research on artificial intelligence, it is also true that there is two cold falls. As for the reasons, it is also very real, it is too difficult ...

In the 1960s, the country engaged in artificial intelligence. Their imagination did nothing did even have done in 2019 ... this project can not cool.

I have been withdrawing the funds put on artificial intelligence. It has been the rise of the neur network in the 1980s. The artificial intelligence is finally welcoming the second (spring chun), and countries have begun to invest more funds. Unfortunately, artificial intelligence is a field that envisses too perfect, and all countries have begun to withdraw investment in ten years.

Until in 1997, the international chess world champion was defeated, and artificial intelligence began to attract corporate funds, and then in 2006, it had a deep study, and artificial intelligence entered the third (spring chun) day.

This (Spring Chun) has two more than the biggest difference than before, it is no longer the government and institutional investment, and the company is investing, but Meng Qian engaged in artificial intelligence is also very clear. The foam of the artificial intelligence industry is very terrible.

What a mess-eight-piece business (set tào) can go out to flicker capital, artificially intelligent this market chaos.

Some people say that artificial intelligence is the greatest technology in the 21st century, but some people say that artificial intelligence is the largest scam in the 21st century.

It makes sense, because from a certain point of view, the artificial intelligence and many user understandings are two things ...

It is two things to work with the movie ...

At least Meng Qian died, and artificial intelligence is essentially a complex algorithm, just this.

It is nothing more than this complex algorithm to catch up with information outbreaks and hardware outbreaks. It does have achieved some achievements, and it also brings to a big imagination space, but artificial intelligence destroys humanity? just forget it.

Artificial intelligence and the only place in human beings may be, whether men or artificial intelligence, never understand what women think about ...

"I recently wrote a passion, just passed the audit." Back to the scene, Meng Qian began his speech, he first painted a neural network on the blackboard, expressed the input layer, hidden layer of the neural network with the circle Output layer, "I propose a concept about artificial intelligence in this paper ...

Its purpose is to solve the limit (sex xing) of the shallow structure learning model in complex function (sex xing), in my framework, combine features and classifiers, use data to learn characteristics, for this, I propose another one Speaking: No supervision characteristics, no longer need to conduct sample categories by manual way ...

This model is a deep non-line (sex xing) network structure with powerful ability to focus on the intrinsic characteristics of data sets in a large number of non-label samples, plus the level depth of the model, and can be similar to voice, images. Data in which the characteristics is not obvious, perform effective learning, ... "

Whether it is Pang Guess or Gadbach to guess, Meng Qi will have a little deficiency. I bilored it almost a lot of confession from the mind and repeatedly discussed the content of today.

But artificial intelligence is different, this is what Meng Qian is in the foundation, so he can take it very well and not afraid of any questions.

When Meng Qian finished the ready-made content, he has been prepared to accept any questions.

But let him have never been thought about, the first question at the scene is actually, "" Are you ...

Meng Qian realized that he only introduced his name, and there were more other information, and he responded. "I am a Chinese man, now I am studying in Huaxia's Jiang University."


Soon, Sony Chairman's Office.

"The President, the Kyoto University has passed the news. Meng Qian also published a speech about artificial intelligence." The assistant of the out of the well put a document to him, "this is (Ri Ri) and Ph.D. From the scene. "

After the well took the document, I gave it to a man sitting opposite him. "You look at it."

After ten minutes, the man took the document, tone, "Pangola guess, Gotbach guess, artificial intelligence ... After tonight, Meng Qian will have a lot of noisy in the academic world."


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