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\ (Book name \). + \ {Finish silk road M.Xssilu. \} Can / to quickly find you in this site / book!

Meng Qian's end sharing has been nearly ten o'clock, and the new month has made a summary of the next day, today's discussion is also an end.

On the way back to the room, Meng Qian was asked by Zhuo Liangcai and others asked for a long time. Meng Qian could pay more relaxed, and the middle was hungry out.

Near 11 points, Kyoto University Campus Lake, a man is sitting on the stone bench to feed the ornamental fish in the lake.

"Meng He."

Meng Qian, sitting on the stone bench turned his head, some unexpectedly looking into the man behind, "Master Masque, how come you?"

"I came out, I didn't expect you to meet you." Masque smiled and sat in Meng Qian.

"Mr. Mask is looking for me?" Meng Qian did not expect Mask to find himself.

"Curihood." Masque shouted, "Meng Gong said on the stage today. If the name of Meng Mong will soon will spread, now so many people want to see you, how do you Run out? "

"Master Mask has just been investigated me?" Meng Qian calm smiled, with the influence of the Great Wind, there was no reason to know yourself in Mask in the country, how can he call himself to Mumbai.

"Well, just let the assistant check it." Mask responded very direct, "Meng Mum is not going to return to the room tonight?"

Meng Qian joke and responded, "How, Master Mask wants to sleep together?"

Mask did not have this sentence of Meng Qian. "Everyone is open, Meng Gong is eager to talents, I can understand, but doing people should have a difference."

"What do you mean by Master Mask?"

"I feel strange when I am in the conference room today, how can Meng Mum, how maybe I have never heard it in the academic circle, and I have been recalling everything I said on the stage today.

I always feel that Meng Gong is in the style of the stage today. It is a bit like a man. "

Meng Qian smiled, Mask saw him, see Meng Qian, don't plan to say, continue, "I heard that you have come to neon, there are many companies' things to handle, this time suddenly left, Say it.

Can be rushing to anyone who came to visit, she wanted to be a little strange, think carefully, it is rare to have a large person in the academic circles today, if I really have the three things I said today, I should be very willing. Let's exchange it.

Unless, Meng always doesn't know how to communicate with them. "

"What do Mask wants to say?" Meng Qian stigted that he didn't turn his corner.

"I have a guess, today Meng always said everything on the stage, will not be prepared by others, Meng's general purpose will not want to use this occasion to brush his own name, take this to attract talents for the company ? "Masque is staring at Meng Qian's face," But I remember that Huaxia seems to have a sentence called no matching.

Meng Mong may have a few people, and the development of Great wind will also be admirable, but if Meng always thinks so, I am afraid that I have made a big mistake.

Some things, hiding is hiding, Meng always wants to attract talents with personal reputation, if you want to contact talents, when you come, Meng always wants to ensure that you are communicating with Petilman. Don't reveal the horse? "

"Master Mask is quite interesting." Meng Qian turned his head to see Masque, "I don't know why Mask is doubtful. Judging because I am not in the room now?"

"Of course, not." Mask's mouth rose, "Pangola guess, Gotbach guess, artificial intelligence, you said three things today, although there is no final conclusion, but you are in any field The depth has exceeded the results that most of the genius will receive. "

Masque suddenly patted Meng Qian's back, "I should be very busy? Meng, the biggest mistake in today is over, too much."

Looking at Mask's self-confidence, Meng Qi shouted him, "Something Master Mask is going to unplug my drug tumor for the academic world?"

"Meng Mong misunderstood, I just feel sorry for you." Meng Qian noticed that the expression was quite sincere when Mask said this, "With your business mind and business style, you can completely become a great businessman.

You don't really have to go today, this step, but things have happened, no one can recover, I just want to remind Meng always, maybe IMM's talents, I will realize the original ignored problem, I can think of the method of processing . "

"Master Mask wants to help me?" Meng Qian did an unexpected expression.

"I am very interested in Meng, and I am very interested in the people behind Meng. I am also an entrepreneur. The views of the academic circles have nothing to do with me. Academic fals is not new, I am more concerned with Meng Tong The same, it is talent, it is a dream.

I don't know if Meng always has a good time for space? "

"I don't understand this planet, I don't understand, space, count."

Mask nodded did not persist, but gave Meng Qian's own business card. "Meng Mum will find a place to rest, it is easy to catch cold, and if necessary, you can contact me."

Meng Qian took a business card and then took out his own business card to Masque, "Master Mask, I don't know if you have thought about a problem."

"what is the problem?"

"Just like you said, two conjectures plus one artificial intelligence, especially two gues, how many genius have achieved a certificate.

If someone is prepared for me, who is the so-called manuscript in the mouth, who is this man?

Who is so close to the opportunity of academic circles to high honor, but choose this opportunity to give me?

Is it because I gave more money?

It can be seen that in Pangola, I guess the most achieved several people in Gotbach, I will take Mr. Pereman. How much does you think I can touch him? A hundred million? Ten billions?

Even if you can, in order to come to today, I will brush a touch value. Is I spend this money worth it? "

Although Mask is deliberately controlling his emotions, but it still wrinkle, because Meng Qian said, it is his inner doubts. If he can think of Meng Qian's question, he will not Talking to Meng Qian with guessing tone, he can talk more directly.

Seeing Mask silence, Meng Qian smiled and laughed, "Master Mask will go back to rest early, human beings also need you to raise the spirit to conquer the universe."

Masque is a few minds, and finally say goodbye.

Looking at the voice of Mask far, Meng Qian couldn't help but smile.

If Meng Qiao has no real understanding of these three things, it will naturally appear to be tired of Mask, but Meng Qian has an unforgettable achievement of people in artificial intelligence.

In the last generation, there is no death, once the next generation of artificial intelligence research and development is successful, Meng Qian will leave a name in the history of artificial intelligence development.

What's more, Meng Qian can choose a lot of things that take to force, and the reason why Pangola guess and Gothbach have also been deeply.

After seeing Mask's figure, Meng Qian turned his head to the artificial lake, sprinkled all the fish food, and saw the intensive fish flock.

Looking at the scene in front of you, Meng Qian said, "Since Mask can think so, the others will do so, it seems that this fish food, it works ..."

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