Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 172 Sony's Requirements

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Shortly after Masque, Meng Qian's mobile phone rang.

"Meng Da, I went to the gate of Kyoto University." He Ya Ting is the phone.

"Well, I will come back soon."

A few minutes later, Meng Qian saw a black Toyota at the school at the school, and He Yazing wearing a beige coat hugged a standing station.

"Meng Zheng." After seeing Meng Qian, He Yiping quickly stepped forward.

Meng Qian took the hand from He Yuting, and opened the zipper and saw it. "Where do you live?"

"Just that hotel." He Yuting refers to a hotel in the face of a few hundred meters away from the school.

"Does the hotel have a computer?"

"There is no room in the room, but when you book, there is an internet area."

Meng Qian nodded. "There may be some news on the Internet online. You pay attention to the report of neon countries and record the reports."


"Ok, the other is nothing, you go back to the hotel, I will wait for me at the school at the school tomorrow morning."

After He Yiping, Meng Qian returned to his own room, this will not be too early, and the door is no longer. Meng Qian returned to the room, first looked at the report of the meeting, and then put the food in a plastic bag to the room of Zhuolei.

Tomorrow is going to separate, today a few Chinese people are ready to stay up late.

"Meng Qiao?" Zhuoliang is slightly unexpected. "I thought you were gone!"

"I didn't say that I went out to buy some eating." Meng Qian took the plastic bag.

Zhao Liang is busy pulling Meng Qian into the room. Everyone has a bunch of questions. In the process of communicating with you, Meng Qian can feel that everyone's trust in himself.

Sure enough, even if it is genius, the students' heart will not be so much.


The next day, the breakfast time is the moment of everyone, and many people have some accidents when Meng Qian appears, such as Mask.

Especially when Meng Qian is very active, I have left a business card and invite everyone to go to the big wind creative, many people have ideas.

Nearly 9 o'clock, Meng Qian follows a few Chinese humanitarian, and a few people have gone a winter holiday to the big wind creative to turn, and a few people will be at the scene, and then they go to Tokyo.

Kyoto is 500 kilometers from Tokyo. It is the afternoon to Tokyo, just eat meals, pick up translation, two o'clock in the afternoon, Meng Qian took He Yuting and translation to Sony Headquarters, Daguang's sales director Yang Xunran and his three The accompanying personnel are already waiting downstairs.

Simply greeted, six people entered Sony, under the leading path, directly came to the chairman's office.

"Mr. Meng is coming." Outlothing looks very kind, but the eyes are in the heart of the heart.

Meng Qian walked forward with the out of the way, "Mr. Outlook, long-term name."

Out of one hand and Meng Qian, another hand shoots Meng Qian's hand, "Youth Jun, Instrument Tang."

"It is a slap." Meng Qian smiled and smiled, and he did a gesture side. "This is Yang Xunran, Daguang's Sales Director."

"Hello." Outlook and Yang Xun rushed to shake hands, and then gave a person on the side made an eye.

"Mr. Yang, I am a righteousness of the mobile division." The other side went to shake hands with Yang Xuran, and then turned to the out of the well, "the President, then I will take Yang Mr. Yang to downstairs?"

I nodded, Yang Xuran, the old rivers and lakes, naturally seeing that this is to let himself go, the courtesy, the out of the well and Meng Qian, follow the rim.

On the way downstairs, Yang Xuran couldn't help but ask. "Yang, the big wind creative is not to talk to the game? How can Sony's president people receive? Unreasonable."

Yang Xiuran's eyes, "When I was with Meng Qian, I was in the case.

Three people are the old people under the hands of Yang Xiu, and immediately realize that Yang Xiuran means, "understand."

Back to the chairman's office, Meng Qian sat opposite to the out of the well, and the two people were sitting and secretary.

"I heard that the Kyushu platform and" the battle of the gods "have been reviewed?" Asked out the well.

"Well, if you don't accident, this will be on the neon country on Saturday."

"So what is Meng Mr. Meng plans to cooperate?" The well is directly thrown.

Meng Qian also responded directly. Since we are doing a platform, there is naturally need more good products to attract users, I hope Sony can settle in the Kyushu platform. "

"Mr. Meng doesn't seem to be a platform, your company has also made a lot of games. Not long ago, there are so many game manufacturers, so many game manufacturers, only after the platform is made, the platform is for your own game. Serve. "

Meng Qian calm smile, "and not to mention the fairness of the platform, there is more than software, hardware fields, and our company can not be involved in the Kyushu platform.

Once the integrated game platform like Kyushu is made, it is the precision user through the game field. The marketing significance will definitely understand it? "

"There is a very real problem here, how do I guarantee that Mon is not to do hardware? In the history of your company to create a miracle, enter the game hardware, there will be more difficult."

The details of this words are in the heart, but this time does not need to deal with this detail, very frank. "I have considered the computers involved, but I have never considered the field of game consoles, because I can understand the situation, I know that the wolf is coming. "

"What does Meng always mean? Who is the wolf?"

"On the 11th Five of Months last month, Microsoft released the first XBOX. Mr. out of the wine is inevitable?"

The outlet is nodded.

Meng Qian continued, "3D game trends under the 32 era, all people who do games understand, in this field, Omi has already walked out our front, Microsoft released Xbox at this time, this is nothing Well-known.

It is the naked new round of game competition. And in this round of new competition, it is not only a 3D trend, but also a global trend, we can see that the game market in Oimi is shrinking, the small factory is constantly eliminated, the big factory is beginning to monopoly.

This monopoly, from the game quality to the game category to the game market, continuously extending.

The most worrying thing now is that they are moving the advantages of monopoly to Asia.

If we don't do anything, the entire global game market is likely to be cleaned by Omi. At that time, we can't live. "

"Mr. Meng said, we really realize that these two years we have been constantly optimizing their game industries, this monopoly can do, we can do it yourself."

"Neon really likes what you do ..." Meng Qian spitted a sentence, continuing to say, "Mr." Don't really feel that the development of the game is the game itself? "

"if not?"

"God Biography" was successful in Gao Li, why didn't the neon does not have much improvement? Neon game is in the neon country, why can't I get too big in China? This is the game itself Is there a problem?

Of course, this is a market problem. If Sony's goal is only in neon domestic, of course, you can only focus on the quality of the game, but Sony is really interested in neon, if Sony is really interested in the global game market, the market is The essential.

And this is also something that Omi gampers still not pays special attention, this is a huge opportunity to be in front of us, but this opportunity needs everyone's synergy, because there is no one to do this alone.

If Sony wants to challenge, no problem, just don't know if others will give you such a bad time.

Mr.'s letter is not believed, starting from Xbox, the Oimi Game market will also open a certain partnership. "

It's very kind, and "Mr. Meng wants to pull us to fight against Omei companies?"

"No, Mr. out of the well may overestimate yourself, and overestimation, just like I just said, I want to pull everyone to live together."

Outlook made an expression that Meng Qian said.

"Neon has entered the game winter, the Chinese game is in the environment, the Korean game has an innovative bottleneck, anti-watching Oimi game, big performance, the praise, the market expansion is fast.

Our current cooperation is not only for development, but also to live. Is it a definite confidence in the film to defeat Oimi game manufacturers? "

The eyebrow is moving, and this will be the lowest ceremony of the neon game. "Mr. Meng said, I can't help but have a fear. Since we are just alliance relationships, then in the future, we may become an opponent, okay, okay?"

"Identity conversion, not very normal." Meng Qian did not avoid the tai, "So now the alliance, it needs to be strong and still doing."

"Mr. Meng said that it is straightforward." The out of the heart sighed from the heart.

Meng Qian's courteous smile, "I just think that in front of you, there is nothing to install."

"Mr. Meng said, how to rush to our current cooperation?"

"I will give my sincerity on the contract."

"This is not enough." Outlook shaking his head.

"What advice is made by Mr. Out."

Outlook directly, "I want your company's shares, and I need a certain right."

Meng Qian deliberately silently for a while, "Great wind entertainment can give shares, but I don't accept sale, only replacement."

Outlook and shake the head, "Mr. Meng, is what I want is the shares of Great wind, I want the Great Style of the shares."

Meng Qian's heart, Sony this fish, it seems to ask the taste of fish, ...

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