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"Great wind Kangchuang's shares ..." Meng Qian made a particularly difficult look, "Everyone now cooperation is only limited to the game field, in my personal opinion, should not involve the wind creative."

"This is a sense of security." Outing, I don't know if Meng Qian speaks directly. He speaks more and more direct. "Since everyone is just a cooperative relationship, naturally, who is going to make it, who Do you want to work together? "

"Mr. Out is right, but now we have more games, there is no more superimposed areas, such equity transactions do not meet routine commercial ((fuck cāo) cāo)." Meng Qian directly pointed out this There are unreasonableness in the transaction.

Outlook shaking the head, "Mr. Meng may not be accurate, the Great Wind is in the lighting machine, the industry in the commercial system, in the field of communication technology, is not the area we can further cooperate?"

Meng Qian self-motivated, "is the area that has not been achieved, can't get a plan?"

"Mr. Meng does not have to be modest, and the achievements of Great wind Kangchuang are in the eyes. More cooperation is a good thing for us, isn't it?"

"It seems that Mr. Outnaise should be considered, don't know what to do with Mr. Out, do you want to cooperate?"

"In the field we think, Sony is willing to have a certain share of shares to exchange, in addition, we can achieve technical sharing and resource interchangement to a certain extent."

Meng Qian directly said, "If you trading, I am afraid that all the big winds will be replaced by Sony."

Outlook is not good, "everyone's physical volume gap is here, is Mr. Meng feel ... Can we reach right at the entire enterprise?"

"It's also." Meng Qian smiled, "So I think we still only talk about the game."

"Meng always seems to be completely interested in our Sony's resources?" The well begins ((forcing bī) bī).

Meng Qian smiled and responded.

"Don't worry, what is the concern of Meng Mr. Meng."

Seeing that the well oppression is so tight, Meng Qian has only more straightforward, "Mr. Out, is not as good as this, I will go back and think about it tomorrow."

I said this, and I'm not intended to go down (forcing bī) bī), it is naturally the idea of ​​being kindly, and I personally send Meng Qian to go to Yang Xunran.

"How?" Came to the mobile division, everyone asked for a fake question (love Qíng).

What can I have any (love qíng), naturally, the sample is left and other test reports.

After leaving Sony, Yang Xuran went to Xiao Bao, Xiao Bo will take him to visit the neon country's other mobile phone manufacturers, and Meng Qian took He Yuting and translated directly to Nintendo.

One hour later, the person in charge of the Sony R & D center is Matsumoto and the other high-rise river is sitting in the office.

Jiangkou leaned against the sofa, with some hoarse voice, "Meng Qian took directly to Ninang after leaving us."

"He is really don't swear." Outing well could not help but smile, then look at Matsumoto, "What react now now?"

"Silence." Matsumoto is very calm, "the big figure of the academic community is disdainful. As for those who like to brush, once I find someone else's mistake, I can't wait to step on the bottom of the valley, but I didn't find the error before, but before Another special cherish feathers. "

"That is to say, after so long, at least the academic community is unable to judge the results of Meng Qian?"

"Yes." Matsuba gave a positive reply.

"There is no new progress on the survey on the other side of Huaxia?" Asked the well asked the river.

"Still those news, the projects in the Darkland in Darkland are all things in the core field, and the lighting machine is reported that the founder of the Open Source Alliance is really Meng Qian, as for the paper that Meng Qian said. Real existence, just reviewed. "

"This is getting more and more strange ..." "" The well was deeply thought.

"What do you feel with him today, what do you feel?" Jiangkou asked.

"He seems to be reluctant to be strong, and it is very likely to have a big wind and entertainment. It is likely to be a difficult eye to the front line." But it is not right, Meng Qian's behavior is also like genius ... By the way, why did Meng Qian appear in Kyoto University, what new speculation? "

"No." Matsumoto shook his head, "this event is a temporary decision of Kyoto University (tall tǐng). This is not possible to intervene, he comes to participate, it should be in this circle. "

"So, this risk can really take ..." Jiangkou said with a statement.

But there are still some cauties, "first look at the news on the heaven."


After coming to Nintendo, Meng Qian did not see the chairman of Nintendo at the time, and met with him is the rock and palace.

Rocks is a minister of the Ministry of Picture of Nintendo, and the technology is born. It is also a technical genius. In 2002, he became the chairman of Nintendo, so this will, he is a "Prince".

As for the palace, everyone is very familiar, supermarher's father.

This reception combination Meng Qian is very interesting.

"Mr. Meng, you are good." When it entered the door, the rock and palace is very (hot rè) (emotional Qíng), but also the feelings of the cold and the encounter after neon.

The style of paintings in Sony is not the same before Sony, although it is very (hot rè) (emotion qíng), but atmosphere is always low pressure.

In the process of concern, Meng Qian took out the CD and installed the "Battle of the Gods" beta on the office computer.

Three people have been talking to the game installation, and the palace is starting to feel the game. At least from the surface, the Palace of Miyama is very happy and put in, keeping some design inspiration and game details, Meng Qian will give him a answer.

"The Battle of the Gods" can completely a pure fighting host game. "After half an hour, the palace is in the rock Cong Road."

Rock Congni is recognized. "It is true, the style is a lot of modifications, it will be suitable for the preferences of the current young people."

At this time, Miyoumao looked at Meng Qian, "Miss Meng, I heard that your company's game creation is from you?"

"Relver, it is the common inspiration of the company." Meng Qian went out and passed, "I am because Super Mario begins to play games, because Super Mario has the idea of ​​doing games "

"Really? That's too honor." The first contact with Miyao is very conforming to many Chinese people's views on neon people, very polite, "Yes, the game is this weekend in our neon Is it right? "

"Yes, the Kyushu platform will also go online." Meng Qian took the topic to Kyushu, "I have already mentioned the company before, I don't know ..."

"We are very willing to cooperate." Rocks directly gave an answer, "And we believe that our cooperation should not only be on the Kyushu platform."

"How to say?"

"Many people now look at" God Biography "and" The Battle of the Gods ", but ignore several small games on the hand, plus the emergence of Kyushu platform, Mr. Meng's product innovation and The consumer psychology of the game market has reached the level of common people.

In our point of view, Mr. Meng has absolute talents in the field of game, which is the talent that we have always been eager. "

Meng Qian listened to this words, first polite, "I have known, I am just a good luck."

"No, a success is luck, the second success is impossible to be lucky." Rocks continued to praise Meng Qian, "So we especially look forward to Miss Meng's further cooperation."

"What is your company to cooperate?"

"We are willing to acquire big wind entertainment with high prices." Rocks won Meng Qian to talk, have made Meng Qian uninterrupted gesture, "Mr. Meng is relieved, and we must give me a satisfaction with Mr. Meng, at the same time. The management of the wind and entertainment is still in the hands of Mr. Meng, and we will also provide a certain share of Miss Meng.

The purpose of this acquisition is to integrate high-wind entertainment and our heaven's development capabilities. I believe that after this integration, we will bring more game revolutions to players around the world. "

"Bengleng (Love ài)." Meng Qian's Day (sex xìng) smile, "But the acquisition (love Qíng) I need to consider it, I need to be responsible for each employee of the company."

"Mr. Meng relieved, the staff of the wind and entertainment, we will not mess, and the management of the wind and entertainment We guarantee that the absolute right of Mr. Meng, although it is acquisition, but the more accurate relationship between us will be partnerships. In order to express our sincerity, if Meng Ping's (body shēn), we are willing to stay in Nintendo to take a position. "

"I can feel the sincerity of your company, but the company is not me alone, doing enterprises, need to give employees an explanation."

Rocks and wakes responded, "" Is it a better place to give employees? "

"I will consider it." Meng Qian smiled and was perfunctory, and then looking for the game.

In the end, Meng Qian did not leave any results in Nintendo.

After leaving Ren Paradise, Meng Qian sat on the car and closed his eyes for a while until Xiao Bo called himself.


"Yang Xuran just returned to the hotel, everything goes well, what is your side?"

"It is consistent with the idea." Meng Qian turned straight, "I have to fight for two days."

"Yang Xunran is no need to look at it, I will help you tomorrow."

"Well, you will rest early tonight."

Hanging up the phone, restored the spirit of Meng Qian to see He Yuting, "What news is there in other groups?"

"The news that I just got, Fu Yi has already signed the contract with the intention of Yingying."

"Fu Yi ..." Meng Qian looked at a watch, "You gave her a phone call, if they haven't dinner, I will do a bureau at night."

After half an hour, Meng Qiao came to the intention, and Fu Yi was already waiting downstairs.

Today, I wish the delicate makeup, at first glance, there is a few points like the girl coming out of neon comics.

"Hard work."

"It should be."

After the upstairs, the Human (hot rè) (emotion qíng) receiving Meng Qian, paying for Meng Qian, "This is a member of the President Bird Island, this is Miss Meisha ... These are writers who come to the exchange meeting today, this is the author of Mr. Bo, "Naruto". "

Meng Qian was busy forward and shook hands with the shore, "It is you dying to die."


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