Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 175 of the other side of the bottom line

On the other hand, Meng Qian rested early. After all, I also drink some wine today, I will be busy tomorrow.

Early the next morning, Meng Qian was eating breakfast with Xiao Bo in the hotel restaurant. "Is Yang Xunran?"

Meng Qian is still somewhat unfameful.

"Let's cooperate with NTT, everyone is very satisfied, mobile phone manufacturers will not have more mouth, let alone who can't figure out this kind of thing, Yang Xunran although the old road, it will not easily deliberately pay the company." Xiao Bo is very secure, "Sony and Nintendo, there is anything else to plan in advance?"

"There is currently no more situation, today is just right, the key question is what we don't know where their bottom line is."

"On-site assessment, disadvantageous negotiations this is this, it is impossible to be ready."

Meng Qian nodded and did not speak, and it was ready to finish it.

He Yuting has waited in the car in advance, and Xiao Bo will speak neon, so today's translation is also saved.

Three people went to Sony first.

It is still in the well, "Mr. Meng considerates."

Outlothing is too cold, I will enter the theme.

"I have seriously considered it yesterday, just like the sake of the sake of the out of the wind, the big wind creative and the two subsidiaries can not comply with Sony's volume, and such transactions do not have any meaning, we are better to return to the original purpose, talk A talk about the Qizhou platform. "

"This is what Meng Qian thinks about a day?" Outlook revealed his smile that he could have a pressure.

"I think this is the most reasonable partnership now."

"Do you want to think about the development of our Sony's asylum?"

"I don't quite understand the meaning of Mr. Out of the well." Meng Qian is still stupid.

"51% of the shares, I believe that we can help the company in many fields."

Meng Qian lived a smile, "I really appreciate Sony to see my company, but I have given the staff of the Great Wind Baochuang commitment. If I sell the company, I am sorry for them."

"That is not to talk?"

In the face of the pressure of the out of the well, Meng Qian is light, "If you have to go to the cooperation with the sacrifice staff, I am willing to give up this cooperation."

The atmosphere was very stiff. At this time, Xiao Bo learned quickly. "Meng Gong also does not want to sell the company, but the cooperation can still continue, especially in the game, the big wind entertainment is not willing to give the shares."

Today, Xiao Bo is taken today, this is to sing the two-spring.

Outlothing seems difficult to ease their emotions, "How many shares are you willing to give me a lot of shares?"

"Or that sentence, I didn't consider the shares at the beginning, just want to simply talk about platform cooperation, so I learned that Mr. Oghu is interested in my company's shares, or sincere and fearful.

However, from the perspective of personal perspectives or the company's development point, if I have a further partnership with Sony, I certainly won't refuse. If Sony really is interested in the big wind, I can take a ten point as a sincerity. transaction. "

"Ten points?" Outlook on the well, "Is there a 5 billion valuation now?"

"It should have not yet."

"So ..." out of the well.

"In addition to seeing the current valuation, the company must look at the future development space, we have achieved more than one billion annual turnover in the interconnected winter, and the valuation of three times in the time of one year. Growth, now "The Battle of the Gods" is just online with the Kyushu platform, what happens next year?

Not to mention the overall development of the company, it is very healthy, and the wind entertainment has no liabilities. The market layout is increasingly perfect. It can be said that the wind entertainment is in a rapid growth channel. This is also the reason I don't want to sell the company's shares, because the world may only have My employees really understand how big is the company's potential. "

Meng Qian replaced a very strong attitude towards the eyes, and it is equally strong, but also left the road. "If this is the case, we don't dare to make a wedding dress for others, Mr. Meng can understand. ? "

"I understand, I said when I started, we can give absolute sincerity at the agreement."

"How to say?"

"For example, the power of the platform, although I can't give too much shares, but the control of the platform can negotiate, at least the Kyushu platform will never be betrayed, such as the distribution, Sony's game I can give the biggest benefit. Allocation ratios, such as channel resource sharing, our channel resources in neon and even Asia may be better than Sony, but our channel resources we are in China are not bad than anyone, especially, our channel resources are not only games.

Of course, if Sony is really interested in our big wind to create other industries, we can give sincerity. Let's visit Sony, nature is also a true realistic expectation and Sony has a good cooperation begins. "

Meng Qian said, Xiao Bo saw a document to give out the well. "This is a detail we do, and Mr. Out can take a look."


Sony's negotiation has been continuing from nine o'clock in the morning, with the reason, Meng Qian and Xiao Bo temporarily left Sony.

"I am going to heaven now, you stay in Sony this."

"Okay, I will notify Xiao He."

Meng Qian quickly went downstairs, in the car, just eat two dry food, go straight to heaven.

Nintendo today receiving Meng Qian's rock and another marketing director, and Mao Mao did not arrive.

"How is Meng Hao's consideration?" The attitude of rocks is always better than the out of the well, but the attitude of the acquisition of this thing is not euphemistic than the elongation.

Meng Qian took a good file to rock. "This is the layout of Great Wind, and the development plan on the game and the development plan of the future. I am very grateful to your company to lift our big wind and entertainment, so I prepared this document last night. "

Rocks wakes a little later, nodded, this document has been involved in a certain business secret, this is Meng Qian's attitude, "So Meng always wants?"

"Nintendo himself is a game. I believe that after watching our plan, I can understand why I don't want to sell the company, but I really look forward to working with Nintendo, so big wind entertainment can give a certain shares, while at the same time, the whole Great wind entertainment resources and layouts in entertainment industry, we can give Nintendo's largest priority participation. "

"What is the Mr. Meng wants?" Rocks put down the documents.

"There are not many, cooperative development, card alliance, just this."

"Mr. Meng did sincerity." Rocks looked at Meng Qian showed a smile, "But in the future, it is a virtual thing ..."

Meng Qian was silent for two seconds, and his face became serious. "Great wind entertainment may not be in the same day in neon, but in the entire Asia, we have rely on the wind to sink the foundation.

Moreover, how big is the market potential of Huaxia, and he does not believe in Heaven Letter. "


After staying in Nintendo for more than an hour, Meng Qian returned to Sony again, and then went to these two days, Meng Qian and Xiao Bao were constantly swimming between Sony with Heaven, in order to negotiate more than the shares and protocol details.

On the 9th of December 19, Meng Qian returned to the hotel with Xiao Bo, hugging a thick file to Meng Qian's room, shouting the company's legal and finance to study details.

"30% of the shares, perhaps Nintendo and Sony's last bottom line." Legal and finances are based on their professional views, and Meng Qian is discussed with Xiao Bo.

"The key is to absolutely do not accept the AB stock system." Meng Qian smiled and shook his head, "Sony talked as heaven, it is really a family that loves to kill."

Xiao Bo knows, "Yes, once the two shares are added, there is no matter what we are."

Meng Qian is on the chair, let your body relax, "finally went to this step, just see the last negotiation of tomorrow ..."

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