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Early the next morning, Meng Qian came to Sony with Xiao Bo.

"Mr. Out, this is the final proposal, you can look at it." Both negotiated for two days, there is nothing necessary to go to the cold, come and talk about it.

After looked for a while, the eye angle was moved, although there was control, tone or a little accident, "Great wind Kangchuang's shares increase the shares of wind and entertainment, only change our Sony ... ?"

"I said from the beginning, I said, I care more about the cooperation between Sony, how to help each other through everyone, so I know that Sony is interested in cooperation with us. When I am very willing to contribute to this cooperation.

But why not want to give the reasons for the company's shares, and repeatedly explained to the out of the well, so in order to eventually encourage this cooperation, I am willing to give up the shares. One thousandth is also a form. I just want Sony four things. . "

"You said."

"Product priority purchase rights, shares and company project priority acquisition rights, technical support, channel sharing."

After a while, Meng Qian continued, "As for the in-depth cooperation agreement proposed by your company, we basically accept, channel, market, technology, brand, project, in addition to the Shanghai Micro, other needs, other needs of your company Can meet. "

After looked at Meng Qian's eyes, after a dozen seconds, the well also knew that Meng Qi really went to the bottom line, "Meng Mum wants things we can give you, Great wind Baochuang 5 points, big wind entertainment 10 points, there is also all the needs mentioned before.

Sony will give Meng Men's group stocks, we don't like to have a giving partner. "

Meng Qian has a breath, but the external performance is still very tight, because everything will have variables before the official signing contract, "I wish us a happy cooperation."

"Happy cooperation."

Meng Qian has gripped his hands and then led by Xiao Bo. He slowly led to the details of the contract.

"Do we go to heaven now?" After leaving Sony, see Meng Qian has never spoken, and He Yuting asked.

"Go back to the hotel." Meng Qian returned, and He Yuting didn't ask, let the driver drive back to the hotel.

Later, the office of Sony Chairman.

"Meng Qian didn't seem to go to Nintendo today." Jiangkou came over and said.

"Meng Qian is believed in us." Outlothing Wipes a little dirty place on the work desk. "The two days of relevant employees don't rest, I will finalize it as soon as possible, don't affect Mr. Meng. Punker. "

"I understand." Jiangkou should have a sentence, go out to arrange work.


On December 21, Meng Qian went to the Sony signed contract. There were dozens of contracts in this time, nor for two days. Today, some parties have no objections, especially about games and platforms. of.

With the prepared conference, Meng Qi refused to take the dinner of the out of the well, and Xiao Bo, who didn't sleep, and took a little rest.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, the Jiangkou once again came to the outside of the well. "Meng Qian still did not go to Nintendo."

This is a bit strange, "Tomorrow is the conference, what is Meng Qian?"


On the other hand, Xiao Bo, I have been sleeping back to the hotel, and I have packed up to Meng Qian's room to discuss tomorrow.

It's still a lot, and there is not too much to discuss it. When I talked for a while, Meng Qian suddenly looked at He Ya Ting, "How is this neon, how do you feel?"

Suddenly, He Yuting did not respond for a while, "I feel ... I have learned a lot."

"Oh? What did you learn?"

"Negotiating skills, tips ..." He Yuting was completely unprepared, and some cautious responded.

"This way, from your point of view, this time this time with Sony's negotiations, talk about your opinion, or ask your question."

He Yuting's brain thoughts quickly. He knew that this is the boss's test, but after all, she just came to the company, she didn't say too much, "I can't talk about it, but there is a bit problem."

"tell me the story."

"Every time I feel that Meng always seems to do this, but finally I found that Meng is not so thinking, let people feel."

Meng Qian is looking at the eye with Xiao Bo, "I do this, I will give you the whole thing in the way. If you have any questions in this process, you will come immediately."

"Okay." He Yazing did not ask.

"First determine the purpose, what do you think now? This time, what is the purpose of neon?"

He Yiping is uncertain, "promotion Kyushu platform?"

Meng Qian smiled and shook his head. "Our goal is Sony, our purpose is to cooperate with Sony."

"From the beginning, I rushed to Sony?" He Yiping is an accident.

"Yes, but there is a real problem in front of it. We now add all companies, the valuation is 5 billion, while Sony's market value has fallen for two years, but after the latest financial report, Sony The market value estimation will remain alone.

And our valuation is a soft sister coin. The market value of people is Miyuan. Now a Sony's volume is almost a hundred high-spirited body. What do we cooperate with Sony? "

"Open the situation by the game?" He Yuting uncertain.

"If you have anything, you can't rely on the game." Meng Qian stigrated that He Yuting can take it near, "We are a online game, Sony and Nintendo can still let go, after all, they don't know what we will do, more What's more, this matter is not well blocked.

But do a game platform, this can take the future of the game, Sony and Nintendo as a leading person in the global game industry, how can it be such a platform for a few billionally valuable young companies?

What's more, for Sony and Nintendo, to make a platform with their foundation, more than we can easily talk about games, we will not only get Sony's cooperation, but also be used as a must-be pressed object.

Even if we are still like today, give Sony enough platform decision, he will not feel, he can do itself to a game platform, and his decision is even greater. "

"What is it?" He Yuting has been interested.

"The potential of the whole wind cociation."

"Potential?" He Yuting has a little question, "This thing is too nasty."

"Yeah, this thing is very virtual, so everyone is not good. Here is a very important thing, Wang Yue's new open seminar."

He Yuting is more, after all, she doesn't understand mathematics, and she will not understand that two gues mean what means. "Wang Yue's new seminar is related to Sony's cooperation?"

"I deliberately made excessive performance at the new seminar in Wang Yue. This excessive will trigger a variety of guessing and questioning. The academic community will question, business will question, after all, I am a businessman, but academia tangled Nothing is there is no fake, but the business is thinking, it will not be so simple.

This matter occurs in neon, Sony and Nintendo will definitely know, after you know, they will take measures. "

"Investigate Meng Tong, Investigation Company?" He Yuting realized a little, and

"Yes, although no one can prove me fake, but if I have not fake, why do you have such a low-key in the academic circle? Still, my energy is not placed in the academic circle, but places other places, such as .. .the company.

Sony and Nintendo will definitely check the Daruto Breakfast and I have more details and development in business. These things are attractive.

The potential does have a place where there is a virtual place, but it is also a place, that is what I am doing in this year, this is true. "

"Then I have a doubt." He Yaxing's consciousness, "Since all our company's development, all the ability of Meng Mong is true, why not directly take these things to talk to Sony, Well around? "

"For two reasons, the first is that the smart people have only believes their own qualities. You tell him more he will not believe, they only believe in their judgments.

The second more important reason is that you put what things in front of Sony, that's not, telling people that I am not only rushing to play, but you have lost the initiative. .

And once we have rushed to people, Kyoto University is more like a layout, people will go to investigate, people do not have evidence, and will more inclined to think fake.

Only by holding a game, the study of Kyoto University will be sympathy, because this meeting is very temporary, it is finally fixed after we decided, so since time, I can't put this conference. Unless Kyoto University will listen to me, it is obviously impossible. "

He Yuting's natural calls, "So how do you know how to have this meeting at this time in Kyoto University?"

"Because I was reborn ..." Meng Qianxin, the surface said, "This is really our luck."

He Yuting nodded, this is a luck, after all, there is no other explanation, "So Kyoto University, the outsider seems to be a personal show, it is an attraction, even an academic fake, but in fact, it is for Let Sony and Nintendo are interested in Meng.

Thus, I am interested in the company, causing their agency investigation, one may be a boss of super genius, in line with the achievements that are really like genius, this seemingly virtual potential, will be taken assessed .

At this time they may not be purely treat us as a 5 billion valuation small company. "

"In fact, in a sense, all generals companies are investing, they will acquire or inject a variety of companies every year, some are for their own development, and some are for investment.

So the big company will be very interested in the potential of a start-up company, a correct investment, which will be an unmeasureable return.

What's more, Great wind creations are not low in Sony's match, which is a huge advantage. "

"No wonder Sony and Nintendo have come up with us."

"This is an inevitable, Sony and Nintendo such a large company, of course, I want to acquire it directly, and with their platform and strength, it is easy to acquire our companies in most cases.

So this time, the more I don't want to be acquired, and they will believe in the company's potential. "

"That is, the negotiation process with Sony and Nintendo has been a process that makes them more believe in our process.


"This is just one hand, there is also one aspect is mutual holding each other, Nintendo is our focus of Sony, because there is a paradise's participation, Sony will have a scruple, especially we have always used games. In the point of entry, only from the game, Nintendo obviously more advantages, and Nintendo does not have other things in our company. "

"So Meng has always made them to assess our value. After they see the value, they have interest in us, and there is a connection negotiation and further layout, so, the Kyushu platform is complete Is it a lot? "

"That is not." Meng Qian denied He Yuting's statement, "Kyushu platform is very important, this is one of the reasons why you need this kind of layout, I need to get more cooperation in Sony, and I really need Sony to support Kyushu platform. , I have already talked with the West, and then I will get Sony to follow the paradise, I am not good. "

"I personally not understand one thing is what the meaning of the Kyushu platform is?"

Meng Qian smiled slightly.

Also, Sony Chairman's Office.

"These are all the latest analytical materials of Great wind." The river is sitting opposite the out of the well.

I don't have a lot, "Meng Qian is very full of Western."

"How do you say this?"

"Migra in the field of science and technology has been doing basic construction work, so anyone wants to go to the department, and rice does not let you succeed, but on the basis of the application level, Mi is a so-called freedom.

From now on development, the entire application level is easier to spread in the folk, is not a entertainment industry! "

Jiangkou immediately realized that "Meng Qian intends to open the Western barrier through the entertainment industry, but privately under the construction of the research and development technology, this layout is very deep."

"Not only that, you look at the market layout of Great wind, and he hosted someone else."

"This is ..." Jiangkou intake.

"This is a very classic tactics of Huaxia, called rural surrounding city."


Going back to the hotel, I got the explanation of He Yuting, "But Meng Sheng has so confident for the future development of the company. At this time, so many shares are really worth it?"

"The company's development has to have to with the strength of neon, we need to have a real boy friend in neon, Sony is a good choice.

For this purpose, the appropriate sacrifice is also a thing, I am still unwilling, but I have to do business to eat alone, what do you want to get, I have to learn to pay, and I have better than us in Sony. Cooperative relationship, of course, let him taste the sweetness.

He earned money here, but also saw hope, naturally, it is more willing to do cooperation, or how people can work with you, I can't make you good.

It is not easy to gain such cooperation under the premise of the volume gap. "

Of course, there is still a thing Meng Qian, that is, Sony has not yet got up since 2000, so it is not important for Sony's shares, because Sony's shares do not only value value more than ten years later. Depreciation ...

Get real cooperation is the most important.

"What is the problem?"

He Yuting took the reason, and the amount of information was a bit big, and finally shook his head, "I haven't been there."

"OK, then go back to rest first, there is nothing in tonight."


After Hi Yuting left, Xiao Bo saw a little deeply looked at Meng Qian. "Deliberately telling these things, is it really good?"

"Anyway, I didn't suffer, this is late, I just try Hoying."

Xiao Bo hung said, "People Xiaoyang have come to the company, you are like her."

"I told her to do my secretary is not a good thing." Meng Qian is not here, "Old Xiao, you will go back to make up, and there is still something behind."

"Okay, you have to rest early."

Meng Qian sent Xiao Bao to the door. After closing the door, Xiao Bo's face gradually sinked, but turned again, "I want to try us, and want to protect us, Meng Qian, your guy ..."

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"Look, talk about life, find yourself

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