Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 177 Layout Industrial Software

Have a good evening, December 22nd, Saturday, Winter Saturday, He Yuting prepared a variety of customs of customs, Meng Qian's customs were eating red rice, and the hotel restaurant was very satisfied in the hotel restaurant. One.

In the afternoon, Meng Qiao came to the hotel where everyone came to the press conference. This time in the neon conference, the hotel is naturally selected or a very high-grade, famous Tokyo Peninsula, but the entire venue is not in Huaxia. Then, with your heart, relatively compared.

At the beginning of the launch, today's leader is the president of Nangong, introduces the game, introduces the platform, inserted the activity, plug-in performance, and the entire process is also compared.

However, there is one thing in this moving to make the neon people present once again, that is, nearly 100 women's clothing in the game in the event, the Chinese traditional performance of dance, musical instruments, etc. There is an otaku culture, naturally causing the on-site and enthusiastic response.

I have experienced Meng Qian, which is too clear, the power of cultural invasion, especially Mi, playing a freedom concept, a fire, and there is really a large number of people in the country that is deeply brainwashing, with the freedom of thinking, constantly Negate your country.

As a look, look at it, the remarks of the country on Weibo have been there, and the motherland has been sealed to the tweet.

Real TM freedom.

As for the way of cultural output, Meng Qian is more recognized, the real cultural confidence is not to tell others how good, but to show our things, you should believe that you should believe that People will naturally be attracted.

Meng Qian was finally on the stage, and the partnership of Sony was announced in the on-site and Sony's representatives, informing the world.

The next day, the "Battle of the Gods" and the Kyushu platform, Meng Qian went to Nintendo "apologize", expressing the meaning of not wanting to make a shares.

Nintendo is to take Sony, and Meng Qian naturally impals 30% of the shares, and gives Sonya Point Shares. If you are not for the overall situation, who is willing to give it.

Understand Meng Qian, Nintendo obviously nothing but no way, Yesterday, Sony announced the relationship of cooperation, and it was very realized that Sony was really serious.

I know that Meng Qian, Nintendo's idea, is very thick, and the face continues to talk to the game, do business, and must not be too faceless.

Then I was rejected on the spot of Nintendo, of course, this refusal to leave the road.

After all, Nintendo is now doing the platform, and the opponent is not a small big wind, but Sony. It's just how much gas in my heart, and I want to look at the development.

Meng Qian naturally understood that Xiao Bao is just a period of time in neon, so that he slowly accompanied heaven mill.

After leaving the heavens, Meng Qian continued for two days in neon, because he would sign a contract with Sony, by the way, with the intention, to divide the contract, and take 3.7 points.

On December 26th, some contracts from Sony have signed some contracts back to the hotel, waiting for a group of people.

At 10 o'clock on the 26th, 35 people departed from Hangcheng arrived in neon, eleven, and a group got a hotel in Meng Qian and met with Meng Qian in the room.

These people are the Great Strong Creative Industrial Software Development Center.

"From today, everyone will enhance the company, you will at least have a time in neon countries to stay in the first half of the year, I will not say that the subsidy is issued on the month, according to the final result, all people will have additional bonuses It is not easy in foreign countries, but I hope everyone will not be missing. "

Everyone nodded, Meng Qian didn't talk nonsense, and began to group everyone, and took a ten team to Sony.

This time I came to neon, in order to cooperate with Sony, the first purpose after cooperation is naturally a game platform, the second purpose, the semiconductor industry.

Sony has always been a semiconductor giant, but his focus on electronic components and screens, but this does not affect his real position in the semiconductor industry. In 2019, Sony fell in the semiconductor industry in 2019. Ninth.

And Sony does not engage in chips, it is a good thing to Meng Qian, because everyone is not directly competitive relationship, but can rely on resources in neon and even global semiconductor fields.

This resource is particularly important to Meng Qian, such as the development of industrial software.

There is a feature of high-end industrial software, that is, the market inspection cycle is long. It is simple to buy a new industrial software after purchasing a new industrial software, unless this factory. The brain is sick.

The simulation level of industrial software is not promised by software designers, but by factories are practical, this is why domestic industrial software companies have almost no competitiveness in 2019.

Because you have made a lot of outstanding industrial software, as long as you are not much better than the current, people will not buy you, buy you, take time to test, I am using it now, do you want to change, This is not to change a piece of clothes so simple.

In case of your industrial software, the high-end factory loses a few hundred million in minutes. Companies that do industrial software are more difficult to make good industrial software because they lack market inspections, which is a malignant cycle.

So I want to be based on the market in industrial software, there are two best time, one naturally has the industrial software, the second is the beginning of the 21st century, and the three-dimensional industrial software began to replace the two-dimensional industrial software.

This is a big breakthrough, and major plants will naturally consider replacement. At this time, the three-dimensional industrial software has not had an overlord, and the market is going to the group.

In the next few years, hundreds of companies enter this field will be developed, and in the end, it is still gradually monopolized.

But although this is a good time, the major factories will give priority to a relatively well-known enterprise cooperation in the two-dimensional industrial software era when choosing a three-dimensional industrial software.

Big wind curse before visiting, some small factories are willing to try, the reactions of the big factory are, Great wind curse? I haven't heard it, I don't give the opportunity at all.

But now it is different, Meng Qian has this partner of Sony.

Everyone just started to cooperate, naturally do their best to do their best, plus Sony did not enter the industrial software, he is happy to help Meng Qian.

In this way, industrial software that rely on Sony and Great wind has got an admission ticket entry into multiple semiconductor companies in neon countries, of course, including Sony.

Meng Qian's layout in the semiconductor field has finally officially moved to the next area other than the momentary moment.

Two days later, the company's employees have arranged the corresponding enterprises, Meng Qian came to the out of the office, and asked, "The Light's lens test results should be coming?"


"how about it?"

"Unexpectedly." Outlook returned to the kindness of Meng Qian, "Mr. Meng brought us a very good output."

"That's good." Meng Qian pretended to be here. "If you can contribute to your cooperation, I am not busy."

"I hope that Mr. Meng will introduce us some good output."

"Of course, we are partners."

The two people have a smile.

In the cognitive cognitive, this transaction is earned, on the one hand, it is the future of Great wind, and the other hand, he thinks that Meng Qian is not worth mentioning.

In his opinion, what is the priority purchase right, open the door to do business, it is to sell things, the priority to acquire him more, how can Sony take the initiative to sell shares?

In his eyes, it is nothing more than providing technical assistance, but the wind is developed to develop him. He also helps you, and you will not suffer.

As for resources, Sony is just providing resources, but in the end, it is still necessary to see the strength of the wind, and Sony's behavior is limited to contributing, and does not involve transactions.

And one percent of the group he said, in fact, the shares of Neon Headquarters, two concepts with the entire Sony group.

Of course, this is also reasonable, and now Sony estimates one hundred billion yuan, and the shares of one hundred percent of the group is really a bit more much.

As far as this model is now, Meng Qian is almost worth more than one billion soft sister coins.

It is only that the wisdom of the Sony is not thought about that in the future, there will be a big wind in the future in some production to purchase Sony to out of stock, and more unevenly, Sony will encounter the dilemma of selling assets. Yes, Meng Qian's most confident is production, especially software.

Great Winds has achieved user resources in overseas hymen, but now is the most lack of upstream resources.

After many years, you will understand that this will look like Sony more probably, what is going to be there ......

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