Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 178 Chapter upstream Resource First Gun

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On December 28, Meng Qian, ended this neon trip, returned to Hangzhou, and Xiao Bo will continue to work with a small team in neon.

Meng Qian got the best to get it, Daguang signed the first contract with Sony, and some things became transferred.

Just returned to the company, Meng Qian saw two people in the governance, "Teacher Liang, Ding Teacher?"

After instinct a few seconds, Meng Qian is busy forward, "When did the two teachers come, why not know?"

"I am afraid that you don't have time to see us, know that you will come back today, specially in this." Liang Zhiguo ridiculed.

Meng Qian naturally knows that it is a joke, faint smile, "Teacher Xu said with you?"

Liang Zhi is nodded, "I heard that the situation is very stable."

"Well, surgery is still successful, but it is necessary to take a while to see it. Look at the rest, it may get back to the New Year."

"Lao Xu is busy for a lifetime, just let him rest there." Liang Zhioguo took a sentence, then transferred the topic, "Do you work with Sony?"

"Well. Two into my office chat."

Entered the office, Liang Zhiguo continued to ask, "Is this cooperation smooth?"

"Cut a big piece." Meng Qian made a heartache table, "Hey, there is no background without the background, the small private enterprise can only rely on self-sacrifice to seek the way."

"Your kid is less, will you do a loss of money?" Liang Zhiguo was white in Meng Qian, and then brought two points, put a letter in front of Meng Qian, "Take a look, some people have supported you."

"Well?" Meng Qi Hai police, carefully opened the letter, the eyes are not shocked, "the country directly allocated three hundred billions ?!"

This is not a joke, 2001 can make the country allocate three hundred million projects.

Meng Qian looked at Liang Zhi Guo and Ding Mingyuan, and continued to look down under Liang Zhiguo.

In addition to direct grants, there are other support, such as employee subsidies, talent introduction quota, tax subsidies, etc. In the end, it is the message of Meng Qian, which mentioned the famous No. 18 document.

The No. 18 document is a "several policies that encourage the development of software industry and integrated circuit industry in 2000".

The reason why the No. 18 documents is famous is that the No. 18 documents is the first very direct statement at the national level. I hope that private enterprises can engage in semiconductors and engage in private enterprises to semiconductors as a development trend.

In the final message, it is a state that the country is looking forward to Meng Qian as a private enterprise, and it can achieve significant achievements in lightning machine production, providing a solid help for the national semiconductor career.

I don't know why, I have received such a message, and Meng Qian's inner is inexplicable, especially for the national semiconductor career, providing a solid help. After reading it, I want to say, I want to fight ten.

"Hey." Liang Zhiguo knocked on the table of Meng Qian's table attracted his attention, "there is a good news."

"Is there? What good news?"

"In addition to the optical lens, the country is willing to file an application for the eight cores around the lightning machine."

Meng Qian is shocked, "How can I ..."

"The last experiment successfully gave everyone confidence." Liang Zhioguo looked at Meng Qian, "You have a mountain now, your relying on the mountain is a country."

Meng Qian suddenly remembered that Wang Daxi said to himself, now I am really not lonely ...

"Okay, this is the first this, we are looking for you today."

Meng Qian once again was pulled back by Liang Zhiguo, put the letter back to the envelope, "What did the two teachers have?"

"To identify one thing, Great Fengchuang has sent a group of industrial software developers?"

"Yes." This is nothing to do with Liang Zhi Guo and Ding Ming.

"Listening to Fang Chen said, you contact him later."

Meng Qian laughed, "Liang teacher's news can be true."

"You tell me the truth, choose this time to work with Sony, is it ready to start a new overseas action began outside the entertainment industry?"

"Yes." Meng Qian gave a sure answer, "the big wind entertainment has grinded for a while," The Battle of the Gods "and the Kyushu platform are released, I will slowly pick up from the wind.

This time, in order to work with Sony, I really cut a piece of it. The next step is to use Sony's upstream resources, quickly spread my product overseas. "

"What product? Industrial software takes time to precipitate, should you refer to it?"

"The first bucket of gold I started to make a CRM system on Ali, and I don't forget the beginning, I am going to take the first shot of the upstream resources."

"Sure enough." Liang Zhi, regarded Ding Mingyuan, said, this time, Ding Ming is open, "it is suitable, Sony's resources can help it on this matter, the business software of Great wind is also advantageous."

Meng Qian also nodded, "team and products have been practiced in China for a year, and should go out."

"So your opponent wants this time is it?" Ding Mingyuan asked.


Ding Mingyuan is sensitive to Meng Qian, "In addition to commercial systems such as CRM systems and ERP systems, you have a further plan, such as ..."

"Database." Meng Qiao said the answer directly for Ding Mingyuan.

Ding Ming can't help but laugh, "You are kid, really. When is going to enter the overseas market?"

"After the year, I just used a Posny, and I didn't hurry again. He was going to prepare for these two months."

Speaking of this, Ding Mingzhong suddenly started, "listening to the family grandchildren said that the company is still recruiting software engineers?"

"Yes, Ding teacher is a selection of recommendation?" Meng Qian is busy asking.

I saw Ding Ming took a resume to Meng Qian. "How do you see me?"

Meng Qian was shocked, the next consciousness stood up, "Ding Teacher is not saying that when our industrial software can come to the world's first-class enterprises,"? "

"I went to Huaxin International a few days ago." Ding Mingzhi explained, "I have seen it in the industrial software developed by them."

Ding Ming said that this will not say it, after all, it is not interesting.

Meng Qian also understands, know not to correct this time, the next response, "When is DING?"

"Before the end of January."

"Well, I am waiting for Teacher."


The next day, Meng Qian called the people of the company's commercial software development center, and won a few people from the system development center, clarifying everyone to work, and use their knowledge to try to guide everyone. Development work.

The development of the database is not a simple matter. The people in the software industry know that there is a basic software, also called software three parts, cāo) makes a system, middleware, and database.

There are more than 2 million code in an Informix database of IBM.

Meng Qian is preparing to do a database in 2002, on the one hand, because the company's team expansion and milling, now you can challenge this thing, on the one hand, because Sony's cooperation is signed, the market foundation, but more importantly, Meng Qian is unwilling.

The development of the database is inseparable from the application scenario. Database development without the application scene is a joke.

Therefore, the development of the Internet boots the vigorous development of the database, because the development of the Internet has created too many application scenarios, but some important application scenarios have been next to Oracle monopoly in the past few years, including domestic banking systems, Telecommunications system, etc.

Meng Qi remembers that Teacher Wang Teacher Wang, the Thai Maritual Master of the Domestic Database Industry, said that many people are depressed in their hearts: 2002, the domestic application scenario broke out, then it was a day of domestic database company, but we were hit by Oracle. ...

At the beginning, the tone of the swallow, Meng Qian was extremely deep.

Since the reborn is back, the team has cultivated for so long. When the beginning of the bones, how to disable him, Meng Qian, how to make him ...

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"Look, talk about life, find yourself

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