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On December 31, in the last day of 2001, Meng Qian did not recall the last day of 2019, but the company has a lot of things to be busy. This recall for the future does not have the opportunity to ferment.

The company's software center began to be busy. On the afternoon, Meng Qian received a man who came to visit. His name is Gu Junhui. After more than ten years, he was reported to the top ten Operations of China.

Regarding the recruitment of future people's famous talents, Meng Qian has always been a little careful, because Meng Qian always believes in the life of Xiaofu attendance, anything of a great achievement, Meng Qian believes that his success in his success must be in the ingredients.

And more people understand that a person's achievement is caused by all experiences, including those failures, after the Sunday Mountain said that it is so much in the office software, Meng Qian felt, those The failure experience of the year is also a factor in the future of Lei Xiaomi.

Therefore, Meng Qian never believes that the success of the subsequent success will definitely achieve much achievements after the company, the only advantage is just that their talent, their diligence, their resources, even if they change to their own companies, it should still be held .

Therefore, Meng Qian will be willing to see these successful people in these later generations, but do not recruit, but also need further consideration. As the Top Ten Operations of the Later, Meng Qiao has already seen two, one is Xie Mountain, one is a big famous hole, but because many do not match, it has not been able to achieve cooperation.

"Bumns, long-lasting long-term." After entering the office, Gu Junhui walked forward to the Meng Qian.

Gu Junhui, 2001, has begun to show, but it is really in the operating community to wait until 2005, he became the first Huaxia professional manager in Huaxia in Huaxia. After 2005, he participated in the number of brands, and also created a lot of classic advertisements, such as the fragrance of the cup, even wrapped around the earth.

"Mr. Li Jiang runs this." Meng Qian is equally very polite, and he has gradually spread it for talent attention and respect.

I have a few words, Meng Qian took the lead in entering theme, "Listening to history, Mr. Gu is very interested in the wind and entertainment?"

"Meng always seems to be very unexpected?" Gu Junhui is a person who is a little coming.

"It is really a bit surprising. After all, I will see the information of Mr. Gu, and I know that Mr. Gu is the business competition and traditional brand operation, and the entertainment industry seems to have not been involved."

"Good operational thinking will not be taken by the product." When Gu Junhui said, there was a very light but very clear self-confidence. "I never involved in the entertainment industry, just because I didn't encounter the right item. "

Meng Qian nodded, good operational thinking did not be taken by the product, this is absolutely recognized.

Even the earliest batch of Internet operations, most of the big cows are born in traditional operations, the most important thing is thinking, not the industry is not a product.

But there is not much to say on the surface, just continue to ask, "How do you see the big wind and entertainment?"

"I really appreciate the product continuation plan for Meng Gong, I don't want Meng, I have been studying Western product operations, I noticed that they will continue to continue this product when they are doing a product.

Using a successful product continuously extends the product line, it can greatly enhance the success of the success of the subsequent product.

But there is a problem in this way of operation now, excessive consumption. "

"Excessive consumption?"

"Simply, they have successfully made a product, starting around this product, although new products have been good but have always been the value of this product, the time has been exhausted, the product value is exhausted The user may even have a rebound behavior.

This practice is actually lacking. "

"Mr. Gu, how do you do more continuation?"

"To build corporate brands, the brand is the core of all products, not any successful product."

Meng Qian's heart moves, Gu Junhui said this thing, put it in 2019 may be able to understand any one period of operation, but in 2001, people who can think of this must not have much.

For a simple example, Disney is a product to achieve himself, but Disney weakened the initial product influence, using a successful product to create the big IP of Disney, Disney's own, slowly become Disney this The product under IP, this time, people in the world will recognize the big IP of De Shi Ni.

In the same way, many people say that Iron Man saves the Win, but the weight has been clearly creating a large IP, although Iron Man is a ip, but the big IP of Mount is more important.

Domestic is very small, such as a good writing, a movie is good, eat this IP to eat, anxious, never consider building a personal brand, a lot of flowers of flowers is similar.

But if it is an approved personal brand, your work, your character, your behavior, etc., a more stereo personal brand will last.

For enterprises, the brand is more important. If you don't talk about a case, the work is very difficult to become a global brand, just like Gu Junhui, one day you will squeeze the value, even trigger the user. Ingestion.

It's more difficult to build a personal brand and corporate brand. At least you have to have a few works, at least you have a little character, many people and many companies value short-term benefits.

Once the brand is created, the most direct benefit is the brand premium, why many brands are called Huaxia to destroy the brand, because Huaxia does not make a brand only products, the price can reduce ten times, because there is no brand premium, a lot of things How much is it worthless?

Then it is the long-term influence, it is better than the Mount Military film drama, a bunch of fans say, seeing the movie is going to see special effects, what drama!

The tramps appears after the dramatic vulnerability, the comment is turned, the special effect is really good, but the character is unable to see, garbage, bad review!

"So Mr. Gu thinks that the wind is going to build a brand this direction?"

"Not I think." Gu Junhui laughed, "I feel that Meng Gong is so planning."


"I have this idea for the first time because of the name, when I saw" God Biography "," The Battle of the Gods "and the Kyushu platform, I feel somewhat is not very strong, and later I learned through some channels. I know that the wind entertainment is preparing for the game as the starting point, anime, film and television cluster.

And it will focus on a big background, right? "

Meng Qian is smiling, "So Mr. Gu is interested?"

"I have joined many companies, but everyone is hard to accept, because of many companies, a successful product is not easy, I don't want to hurry, it is difficult to accept it for them. of.

People who really want to do brands, not only have this idea, but also have this ability, the most important thing is to have the power. "

"I don't know if Gu Mr. thinks, what problems present now?" Since the words said this, Meng Gong should always examine Gu Junhui, or that sentence, can't make sure he comes from him because he once very cattle bī. The company is the same as cow bī).

"As an outsider, I can only judge what I see, I think that the wind entertainment may now miss the method."


"The product of Great wind and entertainment is very strong. This is a poor, but the big wind entertainment is not able to produce a brand under this good opportunity. This is unfortunately, even before today. I specifically understand the popularity of wind and entertainment, which does not match the production capacity of high wind entertainment.

If Meng Gong really has this heart, the big wind entertainment should not be so desalted by this conference, unless Meng always doesn't know what to do. "

"That ... Is there a more specific advice?" Meng Qian asked further.

"If you are interested, if you are interested, you can give me a week."

"What is needed to work together."

"Give me a sleeping place to give me a reliable copy, a few reliable operation staff, I will give Mens Mr. Meng after a week."

"Well." Meng Qian promised, and added, "I will give me ten thousand rewards no matter whether they continue to cooperate."

After all, Gu Junsheng had already begun, Meng Qiao learned from Shi Yuzhu to the company's plan to do a consultant, all of thousands of thousands of people, this time, Gu Junsheng took the initiative, and it is said that it is company employee, Meng Modest is not to give too much, but take the initiative to give a little, it is Meng Qian's attitude.

Especially in case, it is not suitable, and it can also leave each other.

See Meng Qian, and Gu Junhui naturally enhanced him, "When can I go to the wind and entertainment."

It is also a person who has worked, Meng Qian's good feelings are also coming, not ink, "I will take you in the past."


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