Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 182 Operation Thinking

"This is the Mr. Gu Junhui, who I mentioned with you, this is Xiao Bo Xiao, Xiao."

Meng Qian gave the two to each other. The two held two sentences, and the three people sat down under the head of Meng Qian, and then Meng Qian directly looked directly at the hands of Gu Junhui.

Noting that Meng Qiao's eyes, Gu Junhui naturally understood that Xiao Bo is not needed to go out at this time, then put the files in front of Meng Qian.

"Mr. Gu is now what is the operation of the wind and entertainment?" Meng Qian's hands expressed his respect, and then looked at Gu Junhui asked.

"From my personal point of view, I think that the operation of the wind entertainment can be described in two words, one is confusion, two is unfortunately."

Meng Qian smiled and responded. "If you don't mind if you don't mind, can you call a few words?"

"Meng Gong is polite, I just talk about personal opinion. I will first give a most representative example. I just went to the wind and entertainment, I asked the company's existing operators. I asked the biggest advantage of their big wind and entertainment. what.

Some people tell me that it is a production creative. Some people tell me is the strength of the team. Some people tell me is a market resource. Some people tell me is the external support of the impact of hybrids, system, etc., and some people say that it is capital.

It can be seen that the whole wind entertainment has countless views on the company's biggest advantage, but in order to change, everyone does not clear what the company's biggest advantage is. "

It was found that Gu Junhui had a deliberate pause, Meng Qian felt interesting, this Gu Junhui seems to have to try his meaning, Meng Qian also does not resist, active, "Mr. Gu, feel that the current operator of the wind is lacking to the biggest advantage. ability?"

"Well, it is the core competitiveness. A company wants to do a good job, first to find a core competitiveness, even if the company is really powerful to have countless advantages, it must also merge a core competitiveness, such as omnipos. Because the core of operation is actually a burst.

The importance of core competitiveness is that it produces a centralized explosion point to the maximum extent, while it can continue the company's long-term operational strategy. "

"What is the core competitiveness of Great wind and entertainment?" Meng Qian asked.

Gu Junhui also answered very simply, "is an innovation ability."

Meng Qian deliberately did a less recognized expression. "It is difficult for this thing. No one can guarantee that you can innovate forever, at least I personally don't have this."

"This is the unfortunate advantage that I mentioned, the big wind entertainment has a lot of innovative advantages, but does not transform innovation advantages into a market position. After you build a market status, what is innovation will be told by you, make innovation as a core competition Force, not to use innovative continuation core competitiveness, but to continue to innovate with core competitiveness. "

"Mr. Gu can say more details." Meng Qian said that he is not very understood.

"I said a few unfortunate points, first, there is a sentence in the operating philosophy called either to do the first, either do the only one, because only the first and only the only thing can be better by the world and recognize, we can see Western companies do not move when they promote the first world in the country, really so many first?

Of course, there are many firsts are created, because the first is really very catching consumers, so the big wind entertainment is very unfortunately a point is that there is so much first, but did not make this publicity.

The profit model of "God Biography", "The Battle of the Gods", the social characteristics of the gods, the wind and other games, the fashion of voice video, these are the world, and now there is a lot of enterprises in imitation Company, don't you get this first thing? "

"How to promote?"

"Advertising, soft text promotion, various ways, such as recent Steam not in the tips, many people don't all say that the game on Steam is fun than the game on Kyushu?

But why did the platform itself say? Steam almost copied the Kyushu platform.

At this time, you can create a soft text promotion. It is similar to "Sure enough, the big wind entertainment is imitated again", putting the plagiarism of the wind and entertainment, propagating the STEAM's plagiarism, and putting the first propaganda of the wind and entertainment. "

Meng Qian nodded and said, "Mr. Gu continues."

"In addition to the first, there is also a very important thing in operation, called establish standards, I have learned in this time, now there is already this thing in the game industry, but there is no real authority standard, big wind Since it is already doing a game platform, why not grab this standard to provide the right. "

"How to say?"

"The quality of the game is difficult to define. How is it? More players are playing games? If in the past, perhaps, now, the era has changed, on the one hand, the game is increasing Seriously, one side is that the proportion of operational ingredients in game sales is getting higher and higher, and it is now a game data to become a market.

So a game is good, it is not fun. Simply observe the number of players is unreasonable. It is not reasonable to refer to the player ratings. In fact, this problem has appeared on Jiuzhou. Many people will spend money to hire people, and some people will Deliberately smash.

And when the game is more and more, the player does not have this kind of intention to try so many games, they choose their favorite game, they need some recommendations, some suggestions, this time, it is important to create an industry standard.

It is better than our travel, a three-level attractions and a five-level attractions. In the same situation, more people must be more willing to go to the five A level attractions.

Similarly, if the game has the authority score, divided into a star to five-star, and when the player gradually recognizes this authority, the five-star game will naturally be favored by more players, and this standard is based on our hands, can't It is completely unfair, but in a certain extent, it is absolutely controlled by us. "

"You can say that Mr. Gu said, there is an authority that makes players convinced."

"Meng Yong is not very familiar with neon game manufacturers. If you find Sony and Nintendo, these two games come to create such an authority? They should be very interested.

If Meng is afraid to be treated by Sony and Nintendo, you can also create such a standard through the downstream public opinion, nothing more than a time cycle. "

Meng Qian wants to think, not on this issue, "Mr. Gu continues."

"Take the first, take the standard, and then you will define it."

"Production definition?"

Among the three major marketing classics of the world, there is something called the world's largest marketing scam, which is diamond, and the manufacturer successfully created the diamond into luxury. "

"I know this thing." Meng Qian should have, "But can the game be played?"

"Why can't you? All produce can be redefined, is the game really just game? As long as we cut deep to dig, you can find more meaningful definitions, and there are a lot."

Meng Qian is conscious, "such as?"


Meng Qian's eyes moved, so he thought for a while, "It's really a good meaning, but the big wind entertainment has also developed for two years. Now I will talk about youth, and it will not be rushing?"

Gu Junhui smiled, "Of course, I can't play the youth card now, but if we want to bind the game and youth, then we have to do a lot of things to do around this theme, what is your youth? Friendly, blood, stay up all night Even love harvesting through the game.

This is youth, I heard that we will build a competitive competition immediately. When these themes can be infiltrated, remember not to do Baba to be a match, if you do it, the game event does not have any attractive. "

Meng Qian has a further recognition of Gu Junhui, "What suggests?"

"Let's talk about more strategic things, Great wind entertainment now does not have much operational strategy in the real sense, such as the page design of the Kyushu platform is too lacking, just simple to Good look.

Intel has done a very simple little thing, but don't be praised as the pen of the god of the marketing industry. "

Meng Qian shook his head and showed Gu Junhui to give an answer.

"Lamp and other lights."

Meng Qian Zhiwei, "I thought I thought I would like to think of Intel."

"Yes, big wind entertainment is now lacking these strategic things, including slogans, including posters, including music, and lack of operational purposes."

Meng Qian is really thought about it. "" The emergence of Steam these two days makes Kyushu not optimistic, this matter should be known. "

"of course."

"That's in this case, Mr. Gu thinks what can we do?"

"According to my understanding, our game is not too much than they, mainly players habits, Omi's competitive games have become a habit of players, it is difficult to change, especially in the premise of we have no advantage.

In this case, we can try to change everyone's habits. In the year, Nestle used a way to let neon people who like to drink tea began to drink coffee, that is, creating coffee beans, let neon people like to eat more easily acceptable. Coffee beans, so I like to drink coffee.

We can also use similar methods, first through some activities and propaganda on the Kyushu platform, let users understand the game without having to play games and constantly create attractions, and finally cooperate with the event and other strategies, step by step. Change the player's habits. "

Meng Qian is looking at the eyes and then lifting his eyes on Gu Junhui again. "What if we have a game advantage?"

Meng Qian suddenly asked Gu Junhui for a few seconds, then some did not understand, "If there is a game advantage, it is not simpler."

Listening to Shuhui, Meng Qian took a document to him from the side, "You look at this."

After reading a few eyes, Gu Junhui's eyes gradually changed. "I didn't expect that Meng Gong actually left such a hand ..."

"Mr. Gu, if I arrange you to fight with Vangi, do you have a grip?"

Gu Junhui means a deep smile, "I am not sure, but I am very interested."

The two smiles, Meng Qian got up, "Go, sign the contract."


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