Meng Qian took Gu Junhui to the Personnel Department. Of course, this is Meng Qian's attitude. Gu Junhui can inform Meng Qian in his way, but obviously Gu Junhui is very happy.

At this time, Gu Junhui has not been realized, and I don't know how to go to the residue of the Slag of the Slag for a few years. He has seen the strength and attitude of this company in Daruto, and in his opinion, this company It is a person who is lacking now, so he has its own very real consideration.

Once the big wind entertainment is really big, you don't have to say that yourself in the industry, even if you fail, it seems that this is a very good practice opportunity, how it is cost-effective.

In fact, his most valuable characteristics in Meng Qian is the power of Meng Qian. No one is willing to give money to the following people, 99% of the world will be unwilling to pay for the boss, can meet It is a dream of a lot of operations that is a lot of operation.

The last fixed post of Gu Junhui is the director of the card operation. Meng Qian naturally impossible to give him similar to the general manager, want to be a general manager, at least for a few years.

The first job after Gu Junhui's lastment is to fight with Wanti with Meng Qian.

Officially became a strong wind and entertainment, Gu Junhui accelerated with the movement of team members, January 12, Steam entered the second country of Asia, Singapore.

Steam's first day performance in Singapore is not so colorful, only less than 20,000 online volume, but it is also enough to hit Kyushu, Jiuzhou has two thousands, after all, there are few small people in Singapore, this will only 400 Most people.

When Friends were not optimistic about Kyushu, the first batch of soft texts prepared by Gu Junhui began to spread. Under Gu Junhui's guidance, the company's copy has prepared hundreds of soft text and hundreds of press releases, spread through different channels. Most of China and some of the foreign media platforms.

The title of this propaganda is the update of the Kyushu platform. It is a month after the platform is on the line. It will enter the first update. It is just a New Year. I have released some new year activities, fix some small bugs, and it's really A new year's new year event update.

However, in the literary case, Gu Junhui kept the first one of Kyushu in the Kyushu, such as the prefix of the Kyushu platform, will inevitably have the world's first four words.

Of course, such a copy of the copy does not make the loyal players of Steam games to Jiuzhou. One aspect of this propaganda is because Kyushu is still not well-known, but Steam's expansion is very fast, using soft text, Jiuzhou is just borrowing The fire of Steam has made an overseas propaganda.

On the other hand, the psychological paving and market paving are, this is like a movie in the later generation to be promoted in advance, because persistent propaganda can make more people to see that the market will respond to catalytic users. If a movie suddenly made a publicity before the release, I can think about the effect, there is money that the money is worse than buying some ribs.

In this publicity, a very important expectation that Great wind entertainment is transmitted to players is that there will be several new mysterious games on the platform.

Just just publicity, the player is obviously not to buy, not to say that the new game is definitely a neon country, that is, what is fun to make domestic games.

But the next three days, the big wind entertainment continues to be an article on a mysterious new game, the first thing is to continuously release the poster.

In 2002, this will have no popularity, no matter whether domestic or foreign countries, China will watch TV and watch TV foregas.

The poster does not propagate the specific game content, just some characters, but this is more propaganda, because only highlight the game role and character screen, you can make the picture extreme.

As I once thought about the game interface, I can't do it. Now I just make a poster publicity. You can let go of your talents like this.

Combining the high wind entertainment in neon resources, hired several neon comic master fencing, this round of publicity is naturally a feet of players.

The second round of promotion is an internal test propaganda. The number of games invited three batches of people to participate in internal tests, including game industry practitioners, and a batch of game testists and some senior game players in the year.

As for comment, the praise bad review is not important. The normal people who are brain will not go to black games in the case of being invited. This kind of thing is a marketing strategy, but in 2002, no one played like this. Therefore, players have become interested in unimbing the new games that will appear.

At this time, the third round of strategy begins, that is, Kyushu launched a preheating activity against new games.

Through a period of publicity, the player also knows that this new game that is going out is not a big wind. As for the game, there is no one or two big wind entertainment games, this is not known, anyway, most of it is certainly Not big wind entertainment, just in the Kyushu platform.

The preheating activities are also working with the game, including appointment and courtesy, sign-in collar, first day gift, game lottery, etc. have been played, but in this event, the special fresh gameplay. Gifts include the general coupons of the Kyushu platform. These common coupons can not only be used to buy games, but also to buy "God Biography" and "Battle of the Great God", and even buy a card, this is very attractive People.

On January 17th, Steam entered more Asian countries, Kyushu games and battle platforms almost no one, but the new game's preheating interface visits were higher than one day.

Meng Qian and Gu Junhui want the effect, it is basically realized.

On the morning of January 18th, Kyushu updated, the new game will take a batch of models, the first day, the game library has 50 games, of which 47 come from neon, only three from Huaxia, and there are two tour.

In the two tour, one is an easy "Westward Journey", there is also one, from the giant network.

Meng Qian also learned that the Shi Yuzhu, who saw the profit of "God", had already secretly developed games, before at the alumni association, more words, for the game, only the game, only the old fritters If you say, you will compete with Meng Qian, deliberately.

This also let Meng Qian suspect that this senior life is in an interview that the game is not reliable for the game for girlfriend. Obviously, this world he is rushing to the high profit of the game.

And very interesting is that the name of the game is called "Journey".

When it comes to this matter, naturally I can't mention the afternoon, because the Ministry of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Meng Qian saw the almost all of the interconnects in this era.

And that afternoon, Meng Qiao was a protagonist, because everything loses money, only to make a game, let everyone see the dawn.

Everyone's eyes have fallen on the game. Some people start layout as early as Shi Yuzhu. Some people have started layout. Some people prepare layout. Some people consider the layout, but this market, obviously attracts many people.

And everyone's idea followed by Meng Qian from the later generations, some wonderful sparks produced ...

The last domestic game from January 18 is a martial arts style strategic game from Jinshan, named "Roundr".

On January 19, Sina and Inter-express bus launched two games in the Spring and Autumn Warring States themes and the three national themes, named "Subsidic Baijia" and "Three Kingdoms Legend", a real-time strategy, a tour.

On January 20th, Sohu and Lianzhong games launched two games in Xianxia themes and Feng Shen Bang, namely "Happy Tour" and "Feng Shentai", which are also a real-time strategy, a tour.

Of course, there are several unknown game companies in this three days released several games, and these game companies should not exist in that, this world has seen the success of "God".

With the domestic game, I unope my mysterious veil, and there was a voice, that is, there is no first perspective shooting game game.

Until January 21, a game called "Jedi Survival" appeared above the Kyushu platform. This "Jedi survive" did not survive the Jedi to survive, and the picture was even more than.

But compare "half-life", this Jedi survive has built a more rich map and gameplay, and the classic gameplay of later "Jedi survival".

And although this "Jedi Survival" is not so good, it does not lose to "half-life". It is also the same 3D game engine. Although it is authorized from abroad, it is very developed. I also see team capabilities.

Plus "Jedi Survival" has invested the largest game promotion fee, and the first day of the line got more than 100,000 users, set a record of domestic stand-alone games.

The developer of this game is a penguin for more than a year.

Penguin once said that they did plagiarize, but they can plagiarize better than original, this is why they really succeed.

In this world, some uncomfortable penguins that have been treated by the hymthal hammer in instant messaging have changed the direction.

Even if the trajectory is changed, the world will know sooner to have a horror in China, that is, the people call ninja, flag wood card goose ...

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