Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 187 Company Management System

On January 6, 2002, it was a day of the Great Breene Group, which is also a large-scale event that the Great Breeze Group is held at the group company as a head.

This year's annual meeting is a hotel in the suburbs, this hotel is not particularly luxurious in Hangzhou, but its benefits have two places that can undertake thousands of people.

This year's annual meeting came, there were more than a thousand people.

From the beginning of the year, recruiting has always been the weight of the company. Now the light is 11 people, and the total number of employees has exceeded 260 employees. The total number of people in Great Work is more than 390 people. When the microelectron bought it, the employees were originally more than a hundred people. Now they will now come to 200 people, plus Meng Qian invited a few shareholders to represent 230 people.

Plus this agent annual meeting and the company's annual meeting, the national agent representatives have been 160, with a total number of more than 1,000 people.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, everyone is already in the hotel, like last year, as a summary and planning before eating.

There are also some employees overseas, find the hotel in the corresponding country, and participate in remote video.

Meng Qiao took the stage with a ready-made manuscript, and the warm applause immediately sounded.

I have made a quiet gesture, Meng Qian seems to have a good mood today, "It's all self-owned people, I don't have to be so polite, everyone sees this thick one in my hand, I just saw an eye There are a total of 168 pages, I am trying to get it in three hours. "

Meng Qian smiled and put this in the table, first picked up the top ones, "We will have a goal last year, we have to do 10 billion performance in 2001, everyone thinks we have achieved no ? "

"It is definitely realized!" Several old employees shouted very well.

"Yes, we not only achieve it, but also greatly realized." Meng Qian did not sell Guan Chi, directly gave data: 2.5 billion.

Then I have seen some data, such as sales distribution ratio, game proportional to 52%, photolithography machines for 20%, and more than 17%, commercial software accounts for 9%, and other than 2%.

Among them, overseas sales account for 57%, and the Gaotai has contributed the largest, accounting for 29%.

Then, the sales of each produced, "God Biography" is naturally the largest than the biggest. However, the second light moment is a relatively special existence. Although the sales are large, the net profit is low, and the purchase factory has spent 500 million, plus research and development, at least so far, the lighting machine is still Didn't create a positive income to the company.

There are still some expenditures, which is more expensive in the year, and Meng Qian has passed it over.

After reading all the data, Meng Qian concluded, "In general, 2001 is a very successful year, we have a satisfactory answer, but I have more and more discovered in recent time. The company's growth, I seem to see the feeling of the kind of hard work.

Is our past a year? Why did I see lax and self-contained on everyone? "

Meng Qian's knock made everyone in a silence. He deliberately paused for a while, "I thought for a long time until I realized that as the company's boss, any of the issues of the company is my problem, so I Start looking for answers from itself.

Finally, I found that the company's current types may not be suitable for the increasingly growing status quo, so in the new year, the company system will have a huge adjustment, including management, including salary, including welfare, and we have made a huge adjustment. . "

Meng Qian said, the content of the screen changes, a line of words: Great Wind Group Corporation Management System (2002 Edition).

"The new version of the company's management system is very long. Tomorrow's personnel will send it to everyone's hand. I will give you a simple to everyone today. Pick some key points to tell you, let's take a look at the attendance system. It looks at it, such as common late problems, under the new system, each person has a late immunity within 2 hours every month, but it is necessary to provide a legitimate reason.

The second time, we will increase the so-called late punishment in your mouth, but all fines obtained by late retreating and other reasons will be deposited in additional benefit funds.

The so-called additional welfare fund is that this money will not be included in the company's original grouped welfare spending. When this money is to a certain degree, the personnel department will provide additional bustling or give you some benefits, this money It is definitely not confirmed by the company, so it is not bad to be late, and it is also contributed to the team. "

"Hahahaha." Many people in the Taiwan laughed.

"Re-see the administrative system, document management system, vehicle management system, after all the information, documents and materials of the company will have a fixed storage point, and if all people must return it, I don't want to see the company's things. The case where it is placed.

Also, the company will report all the work in our OA system in the company, and the emails sent through other channels can be regarded as invalid.

In addition, the company will have a requirement for personal image. You can look at it. For the inner position, such as technology, office, you just don't do it too much, but the right position, such as sales, public relations, front desk, need Maintain a spiritual image, as for the dressing, the company will unify purchase, the work is free for a year, the work is not a year, if it is not resigned, compensate to the company according to certain proportion.

As for the price, all the prices directly cooperated with the manufacturers, Sun Jie do things believe everyone knows how much relief.

The production management system on the Shanghai microelectrics basically continues the past, and slightly adds a little control, and then talk about things related to money.

Purchasing, reimbursement, has always been a big problem, I also listening to the finance and complaining many times, starting from the new year, the company has made a clear process and regulations for the details of the procurement and reimbursement, such as reimbursement, and later All the weekly shall not be reimbursed according to the scrapped, you don't develop habits of drag, you will cause a lot of trouble to finance. "

In the management system, a mistake in most companies will not combine the company's situation to make a brain-type system, after all, a lot of templates, which leads to most of the company's management system.

The management system of the Great Breeze Group is always around the company's corporate culture, including humanity, including heavy stamps, including high efficiency, so that the management system of the Great Breeze is necessary to make everyone feel the place, and it is indeed possible to give To everyone's pressure, more importantly, using the company's own technical level of management system combined with the management system, put all the workflow, icon, to enhance the company's office efficiency.

"Okay, I have to launch a little later." After the details of some details, the screen is fixed on a page PPT: Management accountability system, "With the company's growth, everyone makes mistakes Nature It is also upgraded, then one thing is wrong, who should be borne?

I have given a very simple example. The literary case wrote the wrong word leading to the publicity effect. Who do you think who is responsible? "

Everyone looked at each other, no one dared to answer.

Meng Qian filed a helpless expression, "This is a big problem in our company now, and everyone does not know how to be responsible for the mistake.

From today, we have to clarify this concept, in the wind group, all the first responsible person of all mistakes is a direct manager. In other words, today's copy is wrong, then the supervisor is the first responsible person. If Xiao Xiao is wrong today, then I am the first responsible person.

The second responsible person, nature is a mistake, but if the first responsible person has managers, it will take the joint responsibility system, simply, today's literacy error, I also need to be responsible, but I am not the first responsible person. I may be the fifth sixth responsible person, but I can't be exempted, the specific responsibility details everyone will see the rules we have developed.

Another point is that for the joint operation project, I don't want to see the phenomenon of kicking, and I will take a joint responsibility system. "

Many companies basically have no accountability system, causing the company to have a problem, I don't know how to be done and the emergence of various kicks.

Meng Qian's idea is clear, the manager must be the first responsible person, too many companies are too kind to managers, so many people want to be lazy, I don't have to engage in basic work for the purpose of leading. .

But the manager has more wages, and if the promotion is more relaxed, this is obviously unreasonable, then what do you take such a high salary?

When the leader is responsible, don't say anything I can't manage every behavior of everyone, then don't take higher salary, enjoy higher wages and benefits, nature to bear More responsibility, you have done a few grassroots work, let you have a job, don't let you drink tea.

If you don't have this awareness, at least you don't need such a manager in Meng Qian, because the army bears is one.

As for the joint responsibility of the joint project, it is also to enhance the company's team awareness. Since everyone is doing a project, then take responsibility, there is no hundred percent of the system, but the system must be clear, it will never be vague, this is the same as the law. Many laws have problems, but in fact, there is no possibility of perfect laws for use in all situations.

And in order to avoid some special cases, Meng Qian also prepared a thing to the employee. "On the problem of vital, the last thing is the complaint system. If there is indeed a special situation, it is believed that the company's punishment is unreasonable, you can file a complaint , The company will implement special incidents special cutting system. "

"Hey." Many people's consciousness, or the sentence, the system of the wind group is to be severely treated, and the employee's natural acceptance is very high.

"Well, next, tell you more interested, about everyone's salary, promotion channel and welfare guarantee.

The first thing to say to everyone is: We will implement the rank system from the new year. "


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