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Almost all employees are , this year, everyone has no concept on the position system.

Meng Qian gave you a basic introduction, "Traditional enterprises promoted channels, nothing more than grassroots employees to the supervisor, supervisor to manager, manager to Director, Director to Deputy Chief, Deputy Constant, General Manager, some small companies may The supervisor is not, even the Director is not.

Such traditional promotion mode has a very real problem that the number of grassroots employees must be much larger than the management, like the current configuration of our wind group, a supervisor should manage 10 to 15 people, which means every ten people work together. For three or five years, no matter how good everyone, only one person can be leaders, others may be very excellent, but if the company has only one position now, these people still have to work on the grassroots position.

The most terrible thing is that if this supervisor does not come to the next year, what should the people below? The only thing to get is constant processing, but the position is in that, there will always be a corresponding position salary ceiling.

And there is a very real problem that the company selection management posts, priority is a person's management capabilities, many times the personal ability of this person is not necessarily very good.

However, some people with strong technical capabilities lack management capabilities, maybe they can't become managers in their lives, what should they do?

In order to solve these problems, the rank system is born, and our wind group will take the salary model of the seipulation and post. "

Meng Qian's side, PPT turned to the next page, "We conducted three classifications of the company, including development, operation, production, etc., including sales, after-sales, etc. Gang S, including personnel, administration, finance, etc.

Each classification is divided into 14 levels. We use technical post P as an example, we divided into such a level of P1-P14.

Different levels can be obtained from different salary standards and benefits, and this level of evaluation standards and posts are the criteria differences in having a more comprehensive rating rules, unlike choice of management post, will inevitably consider management capabilities.

Let's see this rating standard table. "

Meng Qian let everyone look at it once again, "We can see that the factors involved in the post include academic points, work ability, working attitude, historical business capacity, daily behavior, additional points, this Some scores are objective, such as diploma.

There are also slightly subjective, such as attitude, daily behaviors, but these scores are not completely subjective, combining everyone's daily performance, such as attendance. These scores will have a ratio committee to comment, and the rating committee will be established after the year. For any employees who need rating, at least two people need to participate than his high school. P7 rating must have at least one company executive involvement, and the rating of P10 must have me to participate, more details. "

"Meng Da, what is this additional part?" Song Zhen Luo Luo said in the process of lifting the head.

"Ask, the next page, the next page is that the attachment, the old employees know that I have always advocated the company's employee is a high-quality talent of comprehensive development. This additional points, professional points, there are also behaviors, some of the company There is also an inner part.

For example, the programmer participates in some programming competitions outside, such as the designer takes the draw in the illustration, and there are some appendages, and there are some behaviors, such as participating in public welfare, such as seeing righteousness.

Oh, here I said, I said, I saw the elderly of the wind group to see the old man, and encountered the first time alarm. The second time contact the company, do not take care of what is the basics of the Great Wind Group The guideline is not to reconcile. The company's legal department will just arrive at the end, no matter whether it will win, all costs will be borne by the company.

But doing a good job, if you don't swim, see if others fall in the river, don't jump, you remember that you will not take your own mireback, our ordinary people don't need great To that, unless I arrived against the enemy. "

"!!" It's another applause.

"Just mentioned the additional points outside the company, and the additional points in the company, that is some honors, including the company, including the gains to be held next year, including some companies within the next year, this thing I put it behind a piece of content and said, please say that there is any problem with this level system? "

"This rating is our own application? When can I apply?" Si Yuli suddenly asked, he looked very interested in this system.

"Yes, this year, we will raise all people according to the current situation. Everyone has written a request after the year, and after the March 1, I have an opportunity to apply for it, I feel that I can promote it. People apply for OA system, once a year. "

"Is this rating to hook with wage benefits?" Li Fei asked a little "idiot" problem.

"Nonsense, what do you do?" Meng Qian smiled and responded. "Every level has a corresponding wage range, such as P5 is two thousand to four thousand, P6 is 4,000 to six thousand, P7 is six thousand to eight Thousands, with this type, welfare is also gradually improved. "

The following discussion is getting more and more enthusiastic, and it is very interested in seeing many people, because this approach is equal to anyone asks to work hard, you can see the hope of continuously paying in this company, and how to improve is also clear. Unlike a lot of companies, employees do not know when they rise, and don't know how much the next increase will rise.

Take a payable of the boss's mood, you can't give employee security.

And after the rank system, some people who have been managed, they don't have to think about how to lead, relying on technology and experience rising levels is also a good way out.

Finally, I confirmed that everyone didn't have any problems, Meng Qian screamed at the scene, "I have already mentioned the issue of welfare, then I will talk to you.

On the basis of the original welfare, the company has added a welfare fund called the fund. What protection does people do? House, marriage, child education, medical care, pension, these are guaranteed, and it is also the just need for us. "

In 2002, this will not just need to have a lot of people in Huaxia people.

"I want to get the guarantee, I need money, but many times we work hard to make money, may not be able to deal with some of life.

Maybe we just graduated soon, we have to face marriage, facing the house, just a job may only have two years, or even two years, the pressure of life is coming, we are also working hard, but the salary is enough to support these What is the pressure?

Maybe we are hard to make these caves, the child is coming again, maybe we have a middle-aged, and there is a problem, maybe our life has indeed earned a lot of money, but after the old, I lost the ability to make money. What is the income of the past is not enough to support us to die? "

Meng Qian paused for a while, and many people showed a feeling of the same expression. To be honest, for ordinary people, which generation is not easy, and the problems encountered are similar, but everyone seems to have a low price. The income is also low, and everyone is getting earlier in this year.

"The wind group is not a relaxed company, overtime is very serious, the pressure is very large, and more importantly, we have many challenges, so I have always considering what I can do for everyone.

In addition to relatively high salary, starting from the new year, I hope that the company can give you more guarantees, this security fund will be extracted from the company's profits, mainly two major roles.

The first is to provide interest-loans for the company, such as housing loans, more people may not have the ability to buy a house in just a few years, but the company can help you, since each month from your company The induction fee is deducted and does not charge any interest.

Of course, there will be certain constraints, such as working age, employees at least more than one year, can apply, such as different levels of loans can be applied, and after obtaining interest loans, there must be within a certain period of life, need to resign, need Returns the company's cost and pays a certain interest. "

Meng Qian said is relatively vague. After all, it is not necessary for some things. He is not necessary in this case. For example, P1 to P4 loans will be difficult. If you want to loary, take the money It can't be taken in a few years.

However, the company is willing to give employees, this kind of welfare is to bind talents, and the employees are clear, this is an extra welfare outside the salary, and the company gives us whites.

"In addition to providing some interest-loans, this security fund is more direct welfare is to increase the protection, such as medical, employees really have a big disease, can apply for medical loans, but at the same time, we will also purchase according to employees Additional major illness insurance, this welfare is completely extra.

In addition, we will provide education funds and pension funds for employees of different sections, and this foundation is constantly improving with the improvement of working age and rankings. You can look at our computational standards, if an employee can graduate from the wind group Work to retire, then he will get a huge retirement fee after he retires.

The biggest advantage of this pension and education fund is that he is up-regulated according to the price of prices, and we have got the salary of the hand may depreciate, but this education fund and the pension fund who are prepared will never depreciate. He will calculate this factor in prices.

Of course, some people will say, if the big wind group is closed, everyone can be extracted at any time, if you feel that the company is not too strong, you can put the money, but will not have extraction. Many.

As for if it is really hard, I will try to give everyone enough allocation, but I really have come to the step, and some things I hope everyone can understand. "

The sounds below are getting bigger and bigger, and the normal employees of the brain certainly will not take care of those things behind the company, or that sentence, these benefits are extraordinary, salary is not giving everyone.

And everyone is now discussing, these welfare temptation is very large, because these welfare is indeed surrounding people just need to start.

With these benefits, you can buy a house, children's education, sick treatment, and nursing, nothing more than binding yourself in the company and thinking to climb higher levels.

However, the company's treatment is not bad, binding is bound, the only problem of the wind group is the only problem is that the work is high, and the work is fast, but the people who really want to make money, they understand that they have returned this. reason.

It was an ordinary person, and I wanted to work easily and want to make big money. I thought it was very beautiful.

Looking at the employees' direction of welfare, Meng Qian continued to add code, "Don't worry about it, there is still a big trick."

All people talking to the mouth, and the eyes are full of expectation. Meng Qian.

"From 2002, the company will implement employee holdings."


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