Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 189 Employee Shares

Employee holdings, there are many people who have heard compared to the position system. After all, there are many ways to share stocks, and everyone will have more or less.

However, Meng Qian gave the employee to the employee holding plan, or let everyone look bright, because the business virtual stocks are not only fresh and still in the groping period.

Virtual stocks are essential, many things are actually the edge of the law, saying that it does not understand, this is why it is nearly 20 years, there is no operational standard and operational standard for virtual stocks, different The company's gameplay has a difference, although more people only know what Huawei is playing.

Therefore, the company has a lot of operating space when playing virtual stocks, but the premise is that you have to have a hard relationship with the official, and many things to go to the business and other departments are critical.

Ok, now the wind group will not be dead, basically in the government's existence of the green light.

The wind group is destined to have a difference, after all, the situation of everyone is not too, Huawei has already made employees who have held their employees before playing virtual stocks. From the earliest one yuan, he still played virtual stocks To consider the problem of conversion.

And Huawei's earliest reason for the employee shareholding plan is internal financing. However, the wind group is now in fact, it is not necessary to have internal financing, mainly in order to motivate employees, in this way, to give others a sense of security.

Another big difference is that the wind group has the existence of Sony this shareholder, and the subsequent wind group is likely to be better in global competition, and it is likely to have an equity transaction, so he can't be like Huawei. Nearly 99% of shares are given to employees.

"Everyone clarifies one thing, this employee holdings are only for Great wind, and the Optics Technology is not within the scope of the public."

There are too many shareholders in Shanghai, and Meng Qian also went to consult their opinions. They did not need this incentive, and Shanghai Optics Technology has now been supported by the state, which represents some extent of the country. Rest assured, Meng Qian will not spend too much about this.

Of course, the maintenance of the Great Strong and the Great Wind Entertainment Employee Holdings must get Sony's consent, and there is no opinion in Sony. When Meng Qian decided to do this, it means that Meng Qian did not plan to go public, Sony took The shares of a non-listed company, if you want to sell, if he still sells to Meng Qian according to the law.

I can only look at the valuation but I can't get the practical benefits. Anyway, the benefits of cooperation have already got it. He naturally doesn't have to go to difficult Meng Qian.

Since Meng Qian intends to play virtual stocks, then quickly on the virtual stock, Sony can also see the real income.

"According to the final decision, Great wind creative and strong wind entertainment will be operated separately, each will set up employee holding union." Meng Qian turned PPT to the next page, "The pricing of virtual stocks is based on net assets based algorithm Let's take a look at the formula, and future share price changes will be calculated based on net assets. "

Then Meng Qian introduced to everyone what the virtual stock is, after all, in Huawei employee holdings, it is known to be familiar with the world, it does not know this thing.

The virtual stock is simple to say that the company is internal to the company in accordance with certain pricing standards. The company's asset split is divided into the number of stocks. If the employees who have the eligible to buy, they will make money, and they will lose money. .

As for how much stock to employees, it is of course the company's speaking, the company can directly give employees directly close to 99%, or only 9%, anyway, or that sentence, virtual stocks on the foundation framework? Playing, as long as you have a review of the industry and commerce.

As for Meng Qian, he didn't say this time, because the next page of PPT is to talk about it.

"I have learned that everyone is very grateful to the company's shares." Meng Qian smiled and said, the people below laughed, "You guys, you will know from me, since you are interested in this Let's take a look at how to take this.

There are two ways to obtain the company's shares, the first is the company's gift, the second is to buy.

Let's talk about the gift, the company's employees who meet certain conditions will give the shares, such as these few such, work every three years, no major mistakes, employees with 6 or more, have achieved major achievements in the company Employees, employees who have received major awards, etc.

As for buying, according to employee rating, working age, and performance will have corresponding quantity purchases every year, the employee of the employee is less than one year and the employees below level 5 have no purchaser.

Of course, if you have major contributions or have a major award, the company will give you a certain share of shares in addition to your certain shares.

Then let's take a look at the number and price of the company's shares. "

PPT is turned to the next page, the top is another discussion, "Great wind entertainment, 200 million shares, 30 yuan per share, more than 90 million shares, 30 yuan per share."

The internal market value of the virtual stock is not low, but the employee has nothing to oppose, because if the wind creative and big wind entertainment really take it on, everyone believes that there may be more than this market value.

Anyway, the company announced the stock price calculation method, and this method is calculated based on net assets. This thing will be open every year, so everyone is relieved.

However, when Meng Qian turned to the next page PPT, many people had an idea, because the next page PPT is a current number of shares that employees can get.

According to this table, most of the company now can't get the shares, at least for a while, but even if you do it for a while, you can't get it.

I really want to take more, only one way, that is, doing it in the company, and I have to do a score.

This is also what Meng Qian does not talk about how many shares to employees, and now this thousand people, even 2% are digested.

It's good to have a conscience, I think about Meng Qian, after all, there is a saying, these are all benefits outside the salary, of course, I have to give old employees and the employees with grades.

In fact, everyone can understand that all the welfare today is to talents. If it is not a talent, these welfare will have no relationship with himself. A rating seems to have given everyone a broader promotion channel, but it is true It is also better in screening, if you are doing a five-year or P4 in the company, do you still think about it?

Unlike traditional enterprises, you can do it for 5 years or grassroots, you can also say that so many grassroots are not me.

In addition, Meng Qian also saw some details limitations. For example, after the employee left, the company is going to buy these shares, the repurchase price is the average price of the departure date from the date of purchase, that is, if the company has developed very good Stock stocks have been rising, and the price is losing the employee.

There is also one-third of the most real-world shares of employees, and the shares who buy hands or the company want to thoroughly become at least three years.

But no matter what, all the welfare today is really attractive. The wind group has been good, the company has developed rapidly, and the employees can see hope. At this time, so many benefits can be left. Talent.

However, Meng Qian is an entrepreneur, it is impossible to give the employee benefits, naturally, it is necessary to get something from the employee. For example, the company began to employees, when he gave everyone good welfare After that, he finally turned around, "Finally, let's talk about a bonus punishment system."

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