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Although I only look at the online comments, many Chinese people seem to work overtime, and I have a deep evil for any wolf culture, but Meng Qian has always believed that if the wind group does not have a died of death, what is a great company, the future The sanctions that the Great Breeze Group I have to face will only be more than Huawei, do not work hard, and what deals should be taken.

Even if the Nothing Huaxia people look up, Jobs is also the master of the employee. Whether it is his own or Apple's employees in the media, Jobs is crushing to employees, and Jobs is still very bad.

Meng Qian's only approved criticism of efforts is limited to efforts to return, but the salary treatment and welfare guarantees of the wind group are sufficient to shut this.

Meng Qian began to turn down the PPT, and went to the next few pages to write 99 reward systems and 99 penalties. These awards and punishment systems wrote very fine, big to work performance, small to the mess, including the previous The content that has already been mentioned is integrated, such as late back.

At the same time, the company clarifies the penalty level, including warnings, remembers, remembering, downgrading, dismiss, leaving viewing, opening, etc. And clarified the punishment method corresponding to each penalty.

When the employees are still reading, Meng Qian is open, "As far as I know, the company seems to have many people in the mixed class salary?"

Many people have, because this phenomenon is actually happening. In 2002, this will give the overtakes of Huaxia enterprises, and many people know that the wind group has to make a small brain to earn this money. That is, it is clear that work can be done in working hours but deliberately dragging, and earn some overtime pays at night.

"In fact, I have already known this." Meng Qian smiled in the stage, but smiled at many people who had done this in the world, "I have never mentioned before, and I have been thinking about everyone. It is not easy for work, as long as it is not particularly serious, it's just like this.

However, the new year has a lot of new goals. You need to invest more energy and efforts. In the current company's efficiency, it may affect the company's overall development speed, so the past has passed, But from now on, the company will take a certain way to eliminate this behavior, you can understand it? "

Many people nodded, this is the wrong thing, and the company should work now, of course, nothing.

Meng Qian continued to keep smiling, "In order to better eliminate this phenomenon, the company will first match some auxiliary measures, such as computer monitoring systems."

There is a small moving in the following, companies engage in computer monitoring is a very common thing. In this way, employees don't dare to use the company's computer to do some messy things in the work hours, this is invisible for employees. It is a pressure.

It is noted that some of the people have some depression, Meng Qian does not take care of them, "But similar to these things is only auxiliary, in order to further protect everyone's work efficiency, we will start using the KPI assessment system."

The following movements are bigger, KPI, how many dwellings on the heads of the workplace. But the original intention of KPI is indeed good. Its theoretical foundation is the second eight law, and a 20% of the work is the most important, so put the attention in the 20% most important work, but the future generations It is completely completely complete, purely for assessment.

"In order to develop a relatively scientific KPI assessment indicator, we will take the way, direct leaders, collaboration departments, and the company's target four-party comprehensive considerations, to streamline the most reasonable assessment content and quantitative indicators.

In the future, each employee's KPI will become an important representation of the company and will be included in everyone's salary system, future rating, promotion, and the awards, will hook with KPI. "

Meng Qian said this, gave you a few pages about KPI introduction.

A reasonable benefit of KPI is that he can grasp the core work of the employee and quantify it, so that this kind of behavior of malicious overtime is meaningless.

Or after example, quantification of KPI, asked him to write five press releases during working hours, then he can get overtime salary, but his KPI is deductible, because you are not working in working hours. Complete work.

With the overtime after the KPI, it will be more purposeful, that is, excess tasks, such as this month's work indicators are excessive, then overtime is normal, and this overtaken is foreseeable.

If a person often completes the task, it is the ability to have problems. In the Great Breeze Group, this person will have to face downgrades, deign, and even the resignation.

Some relatively relatively usually more troublesome, this will be a bit less beautiful, because Meng Qian's current attitude is very obvious, the wind group will gradually eliminate, highly efficient, and I am afraid that you have not made anything wrong, you can't It will also face it.

The rich wages and welfare of the wind group is a person who has the ability to have an attitude, no ability or no attitude, is difficult to stay at the wind group.

From the staff of the employee, it is seen that everyone understands their goals. Meng Qian will no longer continue to start. After all, it is an annual meeting. This kind of thing is not well launched, mainly for everyone a warning, indicating an attitude If you touch the fish, you can take your own points yourself after the year.

"Okay, time turned around to four." Meng Qian looked at a watch, everyone resting for ten minutes, come back to tell you the development goals of our next year.

After ten minutes, when everyone is sitting, Meng Qian returns to the stage again. "Before mentioning next year's goals, there must be one thing to say first, let's take a look at the Organizational Architecture of Great Wind.

Great wind code, general manager is me, below the development center, business center, operation center and training center, the head of the operating center is the head of Xiao Chi, the head of the development center is the responsibility of Ding, Ding, the career center People temporarily vacancies, training centers are not large because they have just started scale, and the person in charge is temporarily served as me. "

Ding Ming has just been airborne last week, although his empty has opened some people's thoughts, but after seeing Ding Mingyuan's qualifications, everyone is still in an effort.

"Why should I first take the organizational architecture of Great Wind." PPT turned to the next page, "Because since the beginning, the Daruto Creation will set up a new majority, the R & D center.

Let's take a look at the company's positioning, Great Fengchuang R & D center, responsible for the R & D project proposed by the company and all approvals of R & D projects.

The biggest difference between the R & D Center and the Development Center is that the aggressive value of the aging and commercial, the development center has immediate commercial value, but the R & D center's project vision will be more long, and do not necessarily have instant commercial value.

As you can see that the employees of the R & D center can apply for the company, as long as the company approval, will allocate.

The significance of the R & D center is that it is a strong root base for the long-term development of the wind group and long-term competitiveness. However, the R & D center is a burn money department. We have not much money last year, so it is not suitable for the establishment of R & D centers, now the company We will formally set up the R & D center.

As for the 2002 R & D requirements, our budget is 1 billion! "

"Hizzard" is immediately immersed, this year's total profit is not 1 billion, which will naturally lead to everyone next year.

Meng Qian made a gesture to let everyone talk about, "It is indeed, we will invest huge fees in R & D, and I can tell you that the high investment in R & D will become the normal style, and even the wind group And development just need.

Therefore, in order to protect the smooth development of our R & D center, the company needs to continue to improve the ability to make money. In 2002, under the premise of regard to the illuminating machine, I gave you the sales target to everyone: 10 billion! "


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