Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 191 Year-end Award

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"In order to achieve a sales goal of 10 billion, the basic tasks of everyone will be as follows."

Meng Qian said, PPT turned to the next page, wrote above:

Game Development Department: Complete 3D Game Engine Development.

Instant Communication Development Department: Complete mobile hymths ecological development.

Business Software Development Department: Complete database development.

Industrial Software Development Department: Complete EAD software set development.

Application Division: Complete browser development development.

Mobile Communication Development Department: override OFDM technology.

Sales Indicators: 5 billion game sales indicators, 300 million, commercial software sales target, 1.1 billion industrial software sales target, 500 million application software sales targets.


Most of the employees couldn't help but frowned, because Meng Qian's requirements were significantly high, such as being a 3D game engine in foreign countries, Meng Qian had to pay more than a year, such as OFDM just a little progress, Meng Qian has to overcome it within a year.

However, no one has made significance, because Meng Qian has been reminding everyone today, then, everyone's pressure will get more and more, this is the pressure, this is the price of high wages and high benefits.

Don't stay in the wind group in the end, the next time you can consider it.

"Does anyone have doubts?" Meng Qian asked, no one talked, "Well, I mentioned a thing before, that is the internal award.

The internal award will be implemented tonight, gradually improved in the future, in the dinner for a while, we will announce this year's internal awards and winners and rewards.

I don't say much, I look forward to reading the performance next year, now 4:47, everyone takes a break, 5 o'clock all night official start. "

"Hey!" Meng Qian went down the stage in the fierce applause.

Five o'clock, the agent is all admitted to the age, and I have prepared a start dance. Now the company is more, and there is a talented person. Various performances are very full.

After the performance of Fu Yiyi and others, the theme of today's annual meeting: the fire of the stars can be in the original.

Shortly after the start of the dinner, Meng Qian began to see each table. He first went to the side of the side. Sitting on this table is the oldest staff of the company, "Wei Peng Tian, ​​I heard that you have changed a big house?"

"Cough, before the house moved in a couple, every night, I can't stand it." Wei Peng Tian is inelexible.

"Meng You listen to him." Song Zhen Luo was white. "This little child looked at the hard disk forgetting the sound, and the result was alarm, he didn't live there."

"I remember that I didn't give you so exciting theme ..."

Meng Qi shoted a smile, causing everyone to laugh, he laughed in the middle of the wine with his heart, "I didn't have nonsense in front of you," I am very happy, that is you One didn't go. "

Everyone will smile, Si Yulan suddenly touched Meng Qian's cup, "I don't think too much in design, if others can't think, I can't do it alone."

Everyone looked at the astro, Song Zhen Luo also touched Meng Qian's cup, "I will give you a game engine next year, I can't figure it out, I will put Wei Peng Tianqi!"

"Mom a chicken, what?" Wei Peng Tian said Song Zhen Luo, and then touched Meng Qian's cup. "But the saying of Luo Dog is no problem, there is me, next year game engine You are coming out. "

On the side, I seem to have hesitated. Holding a cup and touched the cup. "We will never drag the legs here."

"Okay." Meng Qian saw that everyone would like to express, and stopped, "I know that you want to be responsible, then this is the case, you can't get it next year, all give me a year."

Meng Qian's grabbed is a circle, and I touched the cup after touching the cup.

Then go to the table of Liang Zhiguo, etc., seeing everyone drinking drinks, Meng Qian can't ask, "How many teachers don't drink?"

"It's hard to get together today, in the evening, we plan to discuss the next step of the momentary moment, just don't drink, so as not to happen." After several people, Liang Zhiguo explained.

Meng Qiao smiled, "The annual meeting is a rest, why should the job are urgently? Come, the teachers will replace the wine."

Liang Zhiko stopped Meng Qian to take the hand, "I really don't drink, this time we all our units come, this is to discuss the work, wait for the immersion", we have made it. Give you with you! "

Meng Qian did not pay attention to a small book in front of several teachers. Although this kind of contending attitude made Meng Qianfort I can't fully understand, Meng Qian understood them, "Well, those teachers drink Drink, I did it. "

After respecting the wine, Meng Qian asked, "For several teachers, the newsletter of the speculation started at the beginning of the year, why didn't the teacher know?"

"Because this will encounter some changes in the domestic communication industry." Ding Mingyuan a pair of tables.

"Can Ding said in detail?"

"We have your own 3G standard, do you know?"

"I know."

Ding Ming nodded, "Since spending a thought, I will have a thought, I naturally hope to promote my standard, at least in China.

However, foreign countries also want to promote their standards to our Huaxia. Originally, there is already a promotion strategy in December. "

"December?" Meng Qian's consciousness recalled the news that I have seen in December 2001, suddenly realized what, "We entered the WTO?"

"Yes." Ding Ming said with a very helpless tone. The communication industry is also impacted.

In particular, the country has clarified 4G research and development, this matter, others are not very happy to see. "

"It turns out." Meng Qian suddenly realized, "The Communications General will not be able to open it?"

"It's still going to open, it is delayed, this will be chaotic."

Meng Qian nodded, intended to see the situation later, it is really not to visit the company you want to visit.

After leaving this table of Liang Zhi, Meng Qian's table is respectful, and more than a hundred tables, his table has not fallen.

The atmosphere of the entire annual meeting is very good, eight o'clock, the host report, "Next, Meng Gong prepared a gift to everyone, let us applause."

By a certain alcohol, this applause is more fierce, Meng Qian is half-minute applause slowly, "In fact, everyone knows what I am going to do, right?"

"Year-end Award!" Some drunk, this will have already released itself.

Meng Qian naturally does not have this performance of the employee, the annual meeting, I was going to be happy. How many years ended? "

"Ten million!"

Many people in the following shouted, Meng Qian made everyone guess after a while, slowly retreated a few steps, and suddenly withdrew the red cloth on the stage.

When the red is falling, almost everyone has stunned a few seconds, and then he heard the lying trough.

No one thought, behind the stage tonight, it is actually a cash wall ...

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"Look, talk about life, find yourself

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