Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 192 of Star's fire can poke the original

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\ (Book name \). + \ {Finish silk road M.Xssilu. \} Can / to quickly find you in this site / book!

A cash wall does give people a wonderful visual impact, money, always has a charm that will not stop.

This year, Meng Qian prepared a total of 16 million year-end awards, but this year's year-end award is slightly different from last year. Last year, I can send a million year-end awards, the key is to have more game teams.

In 2001, there were more than 800 wages in Huaxia. The Hangzhou is not 1000, and the technical personnel of Great Fengchuang will be slightly higher than the average salary. It is generally between 1500 and 2000, and the horizontal can reach 3,000.

Great wind curse made a 1 millionth year-end award last year because many of the game team got a +8 year-end award, which is the year-end award of 8 months.

After all, the game is the main revenue of Great wind. The next year's penguin game team has also passed the news. However, the company earned in the last year, I can't give the penguin 60 months, I also gave 8 Month, many developers have a year-end award harvest more about 20,000.

2001 game earning more, the year-end award of the game team naturally continues to increase, for the biggest old staff contributing to the old staff, Meng Qian directly gave the year-end award for 12 months this year, of which the most popular four people , Song Zhen Luo, Siyouhang, Fu Yi and Li Fei, Meng Qian gave 15 month-end awards.

This year's year-end award and last year's difference is that the most money last year is the game development team, but this year's money is not a game development team, but Shanghai Micro, Industrial Software Development Department, system development Twenty employees who have achieved significant technical breakthroughs in the Department of Communication Development Department.

The most money this year is the most in the optical lens area to solve the discozoic lens problem, Wei Yongxin is actually Wang Daxi's student. The breakthrough of this é spherical lens problem is not é Yongxin a person's credits, but in this breakthrough The two core key people are proposed in the two cores, respectively, Wang Daxi and Wei Yongxin.

Wang Daxi stratetted that he is definitely not need to reward, and after the momentary machine project, Wang Daxi will continue to return to education, after all, his age has been placed, but Wei Yongxin will continue to struggle in front This reward should give him.

Wei Yongxin's new year-end award was 100,000. At the same time, Wei Yongxin received a big wind and creative technology breakthrough award, a prize of 200,000.

The audience vibrates, 300,000 in 2001, and the casual will be worth more than 10,000 years later. A Shanghai microelectronics, 2 million from the cash pool.

Although the illuminating machine did not make money but took more than the game development department, but the people in the game development did not have any opinions. Those who made people's researchers were really not what they can do. The pay behind people is not everyone. Can ratio.

This night, 25 awards plus everyone's year-end award, the wind group sent 16 million soft sister money to the hand of more than 10,000 employees.

The annual meeting ended successfully, but the influence of the annual meeting has just begun ...

The next morning.

A bunch of people in a bus stop next to Hangcheng, a bunch of people are being discussing a few newspapers.

"This company is also too embarrassed, and the year-end award has been 16 million."

"You don't say, the wall that is piled up with money is Duplex."

"Do a game, you can make money, you will go to the game later, the children go to play games, this country is over."

"Friends, do you have any news again?"

"Just, you haven't seen the news? Half the year-end award gives it to the technical person? What kind of micro-technology in Shanghai, what kind of lightning machine, is 5 million!"

"These few hundreds of thousands of, are the postdoctors of Yan Da Qinghua, and these people must make money, the country is finished!"

"Say, although I have no diploma, but I have been very admiring those scientists, we now engage in modernization, thanks to these scientists, they make more money to the sky."

"What is the illuminating machine?"

"It seems to be the core piece."

"What is the chip?"

"Chip ... It seems to be a high-tech thing, and the invention invented."

"Can our country also engage in high technology?"

"How do you talk this person? How can we do high technology?"

"It's really, I heard that I am ready to carry people, and our national high technology is more."

"Miki can do it, we can get it late, and it is better than they!"



Later, in a park, several middle-aged women were surrounded by the old people in the park. "Teacher Zhu, what is this big wind group, the salary is so high?"

"This company is entertainment and technology."

"Entertainment? When the star? No wonder the salary is so high."

"Not a star, not a matter, their employee wages are mainly because they are engaged in technology."

"What technology?"

"It is programmers, designers, engineers, etc.

"So, is it very good if the child learns these major?"

"The Great Breeze Group can only be counted, these major is not good now, but these two years seem to be proclaimed in the computer industry and industrial industries."

"Then choose these majors, it is estimated to eat in four years?"

"Maybe it is a trend, but you better understand more."

"I am going to work in this company, three thousand wages a month, I have a hundred thousand year-end awards!"

"Really, what do you do?"

"I am a programmer, I remember that he seems to say, I will make money in the future."


In the afternoon, all major portals were everywhere about the news about the 16 million year-end prizes of the Great Breeze Group, and a comment under a relative news was several thousand.

"The wind group is really a wealthy."

"The programmer is the real money of the mother, but it is a two years, otherwise it will go to school."

"Reading is really useful, you watch the big wind groups, the money is much more money, it is real material, which grandson shouts reading unused, really, I don't study hard, I can't study others!"

"How can I read it useless, I'm a person who doesn't want to read a book, I caught some low-education high-end, I will not stop the fermentation. Pakistan may not let the world feel bused, go see the most powerful Internet companies, Basically, study abroad from Miki University. "

"The current children learn to develop in high-tech fields will not be wrong. The country is supporting, and companies are also supporting, whether it is for their personal development or the overall development of the country."

In the evening, online related comments are getting more and more warm, Meng Qian, who is sitting in the office, suddenly received a new phone call.

"boss Zhang?"

"Meng, are you not afraid of provoke anger?" Zhang Shuxin's new tone of the phone sounded worried and blamed.

Meng Qian returned with the clouds of clouds, "domestic business habits are used to crushing, but if there is no guarantee, the payment is extremely unfair, why do you want to work, and to engage in research, Technology, it is better to go out to do a little business, don't you earn more, isn't it?

Not anyone can give up life for scientific research, that kind of person is only a very small number. Even if you move out to the country, most people have no feelings.

For the people, income, money, these are the most real, others are virtual. "

Zhang Shuxin's new complicated road, "I certainly understand your ideas, but also support your approach, but you also know how domestic companies have developed habit, and the calculation of artificial cost has become an environment, you suddenly give The employee is so good such as good welfare, in other people's opinion, are you thinking about it?

You suddenly pull high costs, you will inevitably, someone will target you. "

"So I found Bai Yongxiang to help, let him put it on the net on my post." Meng Qian jokened, and suddenly screaming, "But think about it, what is the labor cost of Huaxia?" Those who are easy to replace, I have to endure, I don't have more people, this is not what I can intervene and change, but it is still a rare talent, but the company has a cheap labor thinking to deal with these people. Isn't it right?

In the past few years, the state has provided many policies to enter the science and technology field for private enterprises. Is the company will not be slight about talents? "

"You don't don't want to go positive to influence this market. I will attract more talents to enter this market. I still have the sentence, I have no opinion on your practice, but I have some things you know that you can't change it. , The timing is not arriving, understand? You now do this practice is tantamount to the car. "

Meng Qian's consciousness smiled because he can feel that Zhang Shu Xin is really concerned with him, but it is very serious. There is no complete break of the market rules. I created a lot of effort and encouraged the air of scientific research. In the short term, it seems that the company has paid more, but long-term development, more companies must earn.

I am not awkward, I don't want to go to the car, my original intention is very simple. As I said yesterday, I hope that the wind group is a fire that can poke the original stars, only ... "

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