Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 193 enters the Western Market

In this case, Zhang Shuxin naturally no longer says, she chooses to believe in Meng Qian, and I don't know why, she suddenly looks forward to the fire of this stars.

Zhang Shu Xinben is a relatively long-term person, so some extent she has some resonance with Meng Qian, but she has no rebirth, but there is always a feeling. In the next few years, the development of the technology industry is likely to enter. A turning point. At this time, changing the domestic air and the environment becomes particularly important.

After the phone is hung, Zhang Shuxin can't help but smile. "If you can't get it, you will be cautious, you will look forward to it ..."

On February 9th, the staff of the Great Breeners began to go home, and the most important Spring Festival for the Chinese people immediately, even if the employees left in the company, they also sang lazy, this is China's normal The year ago work status.

On this day, a message came to the wind.

"Meng Gong, Blizzard, the statement, World of Warcraft, officially opened the global game event, the first event will be placed in the Gao Li country." Gu Junhui came to Meng Qian's office with the news that had just been determined.

"Talk about your thoughts." Meng Qian won't let go of any chance to test Gu Junhui, after all, he is still in the test.

"In recent days, the Kyushu fighting platform has also raised in the domestic users, but also begins in the entire Asian region. At least from data, the way User's ability to make breakthroughs is present in the way. This is our advantage.

The advantages of Blizzard are also obvious, that is, the user founded for so many years. They choose this time to open the event, just to grab the influence of more users through the event activities in front of us. Go side, because our current user base is not as good as they.

More importantly, they have global users, they can be a global event, we now only have Asian users, we can only do Asian events on the score. "

Meng Qian's little bit, "We all predict that the attraction of the event may not be limited, now the blizzard grabbed our front, we are not easy to establish a little advantage, there is no, what do you have? Is the way? "

"The way is actually very clear, just accelerate our game and platform global promotion speed, nothing more than use, I have talked with Xiao a few days ago, he seems to start in the layout of our company very early. Another production? "


"Then I can only see if I can borrow Xiao, I'm doing it." Gu Junhui seems to be inadvertently, but the eyes are staring at Meng Qian, I want to see something from Meng Qian's expression.

Meng Qian knows that Gu Junhui's idea, always maintaining a peaceful smile, "Then this matter will be given to you."

It is necessary to work if you want to work, and Meng Qian can be discontinued.

Gu Junhui hesitated for a while, or put some problems in his heart, then went out to find Xiao Bo.

"Xiao Da."

"Gu total." Xiao Bo, who is dealing with documents, got heaven with Gu Junhui, "What?"

"Do you not file a hymth in the past few days, I want to know the specific online time."

"This is, the day after tomorrow."

"The day after tomorrow?" Gu Junhui has some accidents, "The day is not a big year thirty?"

Xiao Bao is laughing, "Yes, it is going to go to the New Year's Eve. Do you have anything to advise?"

"Xiao always said, this, this is the same, the blizzard began to engage in global events, our games and platforms have not entered Omei, I want to see if I can pass the platform to the market. "

"Of course, there is no problem, but in the country, we have done it to be caught up by them, and there will even be a little ambulance. As for the other side of Europe, most of them are all the allies of rice, so. .. "

"I understand this, I will have some other deployments outside of the letter." Gu Junhui made a expression I know, "In the business competition, there is no country that is more unfold than the rice in Miki."

The two smiled and found a meeting room.

At 6 o'clock in the morning of February 11, it was also a big year, and the road of fireworks and firecrackers were seen everywhere. Sometimes it really felt that because pollution and dangerous problems do not let the New Year's smoke, it is unfortunately, it is said to be later There are manufacturers in research and development of safety-free fireworks, if they really have, the reversal is great.

At the same time, Oimi, which is more than a dozen hours later than Huaxia, a station officially entered the Western market after reviewing.

Hyacin wants to enter the Western market, it is not very difficult. As a social delivery, just enter, they will not be too difficult, and the review is quite loose, this is like jection into the West.

But it is difficult, you can't do it, once you got it in Western fire, especially in rice, don't think about it.

As Meng Qian is the same as the trick, the reason is the reason is the national security.

Have to say that the national defense level of the rice is really poor, and it will threaten their country's safety.

In this case, why the hymn is dragged so long before entering the West, in fact, the difficulties encountered by the company are interoperable. The review of social stations into every single country is not difficult. It is difficult to achieve interoperability, because different countries have different audit criteria, which is very troublesome.

Especially in Huaxia, face and twitter come to China, because foreign media is too large, and foreign media have been smearing Huaxia, MSN can come, the key is just a chat tool. Tool.

But the current hybrid is not only just a chat tool so simple, but if you don't have interoperability, then the value of the globalization problem will be greatly reduced.

To this end, Meng Qian has a long-term communication with the domestic relevant audit department. In the end, considering the main control of the output in the hands of the Chinese business, and Meng Qian's global competition is also attractive, domestic The relevant departmental leaders finally borders agreed, but it also made a clear requirement, such as the self-trial standard of the platform.

Meng Qian is indeed limited restrictions on the platform's self-trial, such as pornography, and strictly forbidden to smear.

The strict platform tube is naturally a disadvantage in global competition. When it is easy to engage in the platform, it is easy to attract people, so it is necessary to grab the speed and improve users as soon as possible. The viscosity, there is really a large scale platform, and the user can use two.

It is similar to the truth that the tweet is in the same way.

The hand enters the Western market, and the college students are used as a breakthrough. In this paragraph, Xiao Bao is mainly caring for four things. The first is to build a server in the West. The second is to collect all the information information of all universities in Western universities. The third is to integrate Western media resources and set up offices from all over the country. The fourth is to prepare for publicity.

At 6 o'clock in the morning, Yanjing time, the mainstream station in Western countries is the advertisement of hyconsiveness, the main three concepts, friends, self-show, global college competition.

The first person attracted in the West, naturally the Chinese student studying overseas, the wind is in the domestic and even Asian fire for a while, and many Chinese students in the West, I have known but also know, This hyperin is finally here, and everyone will naturally go to register a account to see what is.

In addition to overseas Chinese students, more foreign students have gradually appeared curiosity, after all, the hymths are still successful in Asia, this time the propaganda of some daily winds of Asian students. Letter use are integrated into it.

There are many cultural differences in East and West, but some daily daily daily are most similar.

Some people who have made friends, participate in activities, talk about love, self-show, and some of the university competitions, there is always a point that will hit the hearts of Western college students.

Hyacinth, this gradually entered the West, and this time, the hyacinth has made a certain adjustment and updated globally.


Sometimes some, Microsoft MSN Division, Kevin is repeatedly reviewing a PPT: MSN's 2001 summary and 2002 prospects, from Kevin's expression, his mood is not bad.

MSN's old opponent, ICQ of MSN has lost more than 50% of users last year, and ICQ failure in Asia seems to affect their market in Western market, MSN takes advantage of 15% of the market. The share, at the same time, MSN has improved 30% of market share in Asia.

Although I can't do it, I'm also in Kemin, and the hymths also have no way. From Asia's data, the hymn is different from MSN, and many users are used in both production, but MSN has already It has established high-end images in Asia. Kevin believes that more people will definitely pursue high-end instead of pursue low-end.

Plus last year, this year, this year, you can apply for an allocation with the company. When you start, you will do it again, and then join more cards, and even Kevin feels particularly smart, he thinks A magistrate, the department will make a social software, directly to the style of the style.

As for this year's year-end award, there is no unexpected turn, the more I want to be more happy.

Kevin can't help but sing.

"Boss ..." is then at this time, a familiar voice broke into Kevin's office.

I don't know why, I looked at the expression of the assistant. Kevin has a long-awaiting discouragement, "What happened?"

"Handicon, Hyper ..."

Keevin consciously took the file from the assistant, "??? .... !!! ....?!?!"


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